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Messages - kate3628

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Game Discussion / Re: Pupkillers
« on: January 12, 2012, 04:43:31 am »
I kinda hate people who do that because they just come up and say "kills pup" sometimes they have nothing to do with the rp at all!

Forum Games / Re: The Gender Race
« on: January 12, 2012, 04:40:44 am »
Im a chick =D


Game Discussion / Re: Rant about idiots thread
« on: January 12, 2012, 04:37:43 am »
omg i really Really REALLY hate those people who will come up to you and say "Be my mate" or "be my mate or ill kill you"

Males who will come up and try to mate with your charie! One time a few friends and i were in a friend circle (laying on our backs) and this random dude came up and started doing it to me. i was all like "WHAT THE HECK!!!!!!!!!!!! STALKER!!!!!!"  

The mating circle, a bunch of females in a circle (or line) and wait to be mated.

Mate beggers, Those people who will beg for a mate or to be mated, i mean you can just get to know someone and then ask them.

Random murdering people, people who kill you right on the spot in an rp

no dodge-no miss, "Hits The female in the side (no miss)"

cyper bullies, people who are complete jerks to you for no reason

Thats all i can think of =P

Game Help / Re: Wing Presets?
« on: January 09, 2012, 12:07:45 am »
How do you find the wings in the preset floders though? like i cont find them at all!

Discussion Board / Re: I need help,its about my life.......='(
« on: November 30, 2011, 02:53:00 pm »
-pats charmander on back- Its ok. My parents maybe getting divored and.... I shouldn't say much more or my mom would kill me....

Anyways... I know how you feel about your pets... I would die without my Sweetie (my 11 yr old cat) She keeps me safe from ghosts (As of I think) and sometimes can be annoying.

I have gotten my mom and dad into some pretty brutal fights, not fist fights. If my parents were to get divorced, I would stay with my dad, no matter HOW much my mom tries to talk me out of it. I'm not saying she's a bad person, but the way she smiles... Every time I get into a agrument she ALWAYS smiles at me.... It's creepy...

Long story short I know how you feel..... It will be alright....
cool my kitty keeps meh safe from the ghosts 2! =D
but to be honest im gonna stay with my mommy, mainly because my dad lies to us, hes a yes man, and even befor they were married my dad cheated on my mom. then when they were married he maked out with my friends mom! iz very confused. but its a little better now there getting along (its almost christamas ya know lol)

ok im sorry i dont have the .zip files yet *My stupid reading teacher gave us HW over the weekand -___-) and so i just put the name as a .zip file Ex. Morning Vally---> Morning

sooo just basicly put the file as .zip and upload them, to media fire right?
yeah. and btw Akari lol your almost my characters size XD Im just a bit bigger.

Ok sure ill get right on that and put the linkies in the top post thing =)

only a bit younger

Name: Light
Species: T-Rex
Gender: Female
age: Teenwise
Siblings: Unkown
Parents: Unkown
Personallity: She is a stubborn, hard-headed T-Rex who is very trustworthy. She looks up to those stronger than her, and frequently trains in improve her strength and speed. But what she lacks in that she makes up for in good sense of smell and strong willpower.

KK your application is accepted! =D

sooo just basicly put the file as .zip and upload them, to media fire right?

Forum Games / Re: Slap Your Keyboard :D
« on: November 13, 2011, 03:55:21 am »
Hens Feed Turtles Goop

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