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Messages - Cloudandis

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Presets & Markings / Re: ~Starting in on Presets~
« on: October 19, 2012, 01:22:18 pm »

((oh well XD I'll keep watch on the thread.))

((well we could restart it? I mean since we're posting it's typically not dead XD))

Finished Maps / Re: Animal Testing Facility (Complete [TRAILER!]
« on: October 19, 2012, 06:43:29 am »
Lovely map!

Yeah XD short lives awesomeness XD))

((Jeebus this thing died. XD))

Characters / Re: RE: A Second Glance...
« on: October 18, 2012, 09:17:16 pm »
Thank you! Anyhow, here's my main character. WARNING: EXTREMELY UNREALISTIC.

-Name: Cloudandis Bloodgear

-Age: 2 1/2 years ((15-17 year old human))

-Height: 32 to 45 inches ((5'1 human))

-Family/Important people in his/her life: She was the only of her litter. Her mother murdered her father, and drowned in Still Silver lake. Now It's called "Still Blood lake".

-Inventory: She generally has sharp healthy canines, large claws, and sometimes a pouch that carries a set of throwing knives. She also has an array of smoke bombs she can use, which can contain tear gas or sleeping gas. Or just normal powder.

-Weakness: Her weakness is her own insanity. She tends to act erratic in tense situations and will murder anyone near her-tending to rip off their limbs. It doesn't matter if they're a friend or foe.
-Personal Bio:
Cloudandis originally lived in the Ohu pack with her mother and father, when she was a pup. But things didn't always go right. The parents were fighting over custody rights for some strange reasons, and life seemed to be turning sour. One minute she could be playing with one, then next minute she could be hiding in the brush to get away from their fighting. She didn't understand why they fought, and just wanted to cuddle up to her mother and father. For a while it calmed down, and everything seemed to be getting a little better. But one night Soloren and Lorek snapped, having enough of each other. After murdering the father, Soloren took her pup and ran like a maniac. She knew the rest of the pack would smell the blood. However, as they passed by Still Silver lake, she tripped on a root sticking out of the ground. Dropping her pup in the mud, she tumbled down into the lake. As she tried to swim up, not noticing the weeds and other plants now tangling themselves in her tail, her sudden push caused a recoil. She was slammed back into the rocks and knocked unconscious, hanging there. Cloudandis could only watch as blood began to fill the lake, turning it int what is now known as "Still Blood Lake". A strange wolf found her out by the lake and took her into Snow Pack, a pack farther out of the woods and into a much colder climate. She moved up the ranks over time, and became the beta of the pack. However, there was anew war she- and the pack- had to fight. Normady, the shade king, had corrupted the land and slaughtered the wolves from neighboring packs. So virtually,they were the only wolf pack within the forest area. Many battles came and went, but eventually Cloudandis broke herself away from her pack. The fact was, during a hunting mission, and upon killing a shade, she'd tripped and slipped into its body, those eyes still glowing. Her pack mates mistook her for an actual shade and left her there. Being caught by a shade scout, she was taken to the campus under the impression of being a grunt; one of the lower soldiers in the shade command. She'd listened to Normady's plan to slaughter her pack with disgust, but as she'd spoken up about other matters, she was caught. Her flew her up to his citedel and they'd talked for a while. many of the things there looked man made, yet.... they weren't. Even the couched and rugs. He'd let her sleep on one of the couches and in the morning flew her back. What surprised her was that she hadn't been killed. Her pack mates were suspicious of her whereabouts. Usually being an emotionless creature, it was unusual to even see a thoughtful look on the Beta's face. She couldn't explain what had happened to them, or they would think she was a traitor. Ever since, she'd left the pack to watch over and protect them no matter what they would think of her. As for Normady, she isn't sure of what she can do. But she will not rest until she is assured of her pack's safety. For now she is trying to gain allies in order to join the fight against the Shade King, take back the land of the frost, and end Normady's rule.
However, she understood just running up and facing the demon wouldn't be enough. She knew she would have to use anything she could to defeat him; and thus along her travels, if she could, she sought out trainers. She learned fighting styles ranging from dance styled combat to the ways of other dogs taught to fight off creatures in their areas.

-The character fighting style(s):
Her main fighting style, is the Capoeira.
Capoeira is a Brazilian martial art that combines elements of dance and music. She trained with a human monk and his students for some time in order to be more than just a half breed, and enjoys the style greatly. ((and although music isn't usually playing in reality, she keeps track of it in her head.)) Along her travels, she also learned a special sheep dog technique from a shelty named Kain. The tactic is to run in circles around your enemy, dive in for a strike, run in circles again in the opposite way, and repeat.

-Anything else that I have missed that seems necessary:
Cloud is a wolf/fox hybrid. The wolf side comes from her mother.... which also explains why it didn't take long for Soloren to kill Shai. Soloren Amouri is cloudandis's mother, and Shai Valanche is her father. Also, she is very weak to the sound of metal. No, not the music, the actual tangible thing. She can't stand the sound and her ears are extremely sensitive. She also isn't very good at ranged combat and prefers to be close to her enemy in order to take them down. However, this is also a fatal flaw. Once locked in close combat with the enemy, she must not give them any chance to attack. If she leaves herself open for even a few slight seconds it can be costly.

Presets & Markings / Back in Business! Will Revamp old presets
« on: October 18, 2012, 09:03:46 pm »
I'm back from the dead... after two years!
Yo. Nice to meet all your lovely, new and old faces. I am an older member of FH and I plan to get back on track with my presets. As you can see, the quality of these has not aged well... thus, I plan to remedy that. For now, be content with older links. I'm getting to work on some.... interesting things.
I'm up for role play but expect me to be rusty.
I don't do requests. i do things on my own time.
And I will not ever leave forever. It jsut takes a while for this love + hate relationship to get back into the love section.

Preset 1: Sky Spiral

Preset 2: Lavi
I particularly enjoy this one because I added a scarf to it, and the nose is more detailed, as well as the fur. Still needs a bit of work though! The anime eyes don't show very well XD they just look like normal ones for now. I also tried to make the eye liner a bit more anime like, but.... eh. Oh well! XD

Halloween Special: Candy Corn!
This is getting interesting XD I know it's not a scary preset, but... it's based on a halloween candy XD They eyes are a little bloody, the character is blind, and she has three scars on both sides of her body.

Download Links:
All Four Presets:
((links up there are so you can view the preset on the map if someone else is wearing it.))

First 4 Pack Instructions:
1- Download the file.
2- My presets are stored currently in .rar files. this means you must have Winrar downloaded in order to download them. Don't worry, the program is free, and from the source I used, has no viruses. So just download winrar and use that to open it.
3- After downloading Winrar, right click the file and either click "Extract here" so that you can extract it in the current location and drag the folders into the "My_Presets" folder, or extract it into a safe place such as my documents.
4- After that, open the folder and drag the four preset folders into the C:/feralheart/my_presets folder and then go enjoy your game!

RECENT UPDATES:  New Sebastian Screenies coming soon!
Here's my newest Preset :D a completed one with wings and a detailed mane and fur. Enjoy! Male and female version up. Male versionw ithout eyeliner, female with eyeliner.


Ciel has been finished! Download links up!

Zip File Download:



Characters / Re: RE: A Second Glance...
« on: October 18, 2012, 01:07:54 am »
Thanks! ANd sorry for the late reply. XD Had something in my brain that needed to be checked :D

Hiro slunk around the other cages silently, licking her maw every now and then. She could hear the roaring crowd in Zuri and Karma's ring. Continuing to the side, she watched the spectators carefully. However, she had to remain close to the entrance. The lights in the arena were too bright for her to attempt to crawl into the stands. But, if the ring master came out, all of the audience was cut off from him by the railings of the ring. Thus, her only problems would be dog handlers. However, she also had to make sure it was the right man coming out. Fact was, she'd only seen the dog handlers. Never before had she seen the ring master. Then again, it would only be an added bonus if she could attack him and get away with it.

On another note, all Hiro had to do was attack whoever was leading the arena fight tonight. Her distraction would allow the other dogs to get out of the ring, run through the hallways with the cages, and somehow get to an exit. The exit and the humans were the only tricky parts of the plan- other than the dogs. If Zuri or karma attempted to play hero, all three of them would be in for it. And by it, she meant either death or punishment. The scar across her muzzle ached and she winced a bit at the reminder of losing a fight.

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