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Messages - NuclearParadox

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Game Discussion / Re: Evil Characters?
« on: May 14, 2011, 03:56:32 am »
I'm going to be brutally honest and say most of them are laughable, mostly because they're generally along the lines of "I AM FIREDEATH. I CAN KILL YOU IN ONE SHOT. DO NOT MAKE ME MAD. RRRR." or "DONT SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT. I AM A DEMON AND WILL KILL YOU. GET OUT." and finally "MY PARENTS DIED IN A FIRE AND MY PACK HAS DED. SO I GOT ANGRY AND NOW I'M EVIL DON'T TOUCH ME OR YOU WILL DIE."

I don't think I've seen any decent evil characters at all O_o aside from my friend's and mine. (And when I say decent I mean not what I mentioned above).

...Yes.  This.  Right here.

Game Discussion / Re: Evil Characters?
« on: May 14, 2011, 03:28:45 am »
Because so-called "evil" characters are generally thought to be dark, mysterious, powerful beings that everyone should tremble in fear and awe of.  They're one of many cliches here in the FH community 8P

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Some ideas....
« on: May 10, 2011, 12:41:28 am »
1- Eh, I'm not too fond of this idea, myself.  It sounds too much like WQ, and the random fainting sounds like it'd be a hassle.  I mean, we still get people logging in and whining about not knowing how to move.  Imagine how many people would start panicking because their character suddenly fell over.  Plus, it'd probably be a pain to code into the game, anyway.

2- You can kind of already make your wolf/lion look more "masculine" or "feminine" via manes, tufts, etc.  Plus, not everyone plays a lion.  Some people like to make other felines, like leopards or panthers, where the males don't have manes.

3- All this has already been suggested :P  As of now, no one's really sure if it'll happen or not.  I think the tail flicking and such is likely to happen, though that's just my personal opinion.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Future contest ideas
« on: May 10, 2011, 12:35:42 am »
Oooh, what about something like a "design your own markings" contest?  The winner could have their markings added to the game.  Entries would probably be drawn out, at least the way I'm envisioning it.

Game Discussion / Re: Rant about idiots thread
« on: May 06, 2011, 07:41:45 pm »
Can you guys answer the following for me

1- Is it okay to have threads around basically calling certain groups of people idiots ?

2- Do you feel having threads like these around are hurting people and giving people a reason to cause drama? or. Do you feel this is a good way for people to express there opinions and get stuff out their chest ?

This seems to be turning into an "Anonymous Bashing" thread.

1- Yes.  Because people are idiots.  Now, if people were naming groups (i.e. "Such-and-such pack is the worst!  They're all morons!"), then yes, that would be a problem and probably cause drama.  But most of the people are coming here and just ranting about how idiotic a lot of the FH community acts in-game.  I mean, think about this.  Which is more likely to have their character "buttswing" over yours: A college graduate with a physics degree, or some thirteen year-old who gets all F's in school?  Granted, this may be clumping "idiocy" and "immaturity" together, but the two often go hand-in-hand.  In short, people act like they have no brains, and the victims come here to complain about it.  While it may not change much, at least it helps people get things off their chest.  Oh, and on a side note, I am completely aware that there are some very mature/smart thirteen year-olds here  :D

2- No.  Again, this is because no one is being specifically mentioned.  If the people being ranted about here actually came on the forums and read the rules, I doubt this thread would exist.  So, between the two scenarios you presented, this thread represents the latter.  As I said before, people are just venting, trying to get all these frustrations off their chest.  Think about the thread closing-- we might get a lot of people blowing up at others in-game because they couldn't get all their frustrations out and sympathize with others who had encountered in-game idiots as well.  No, it's definitely better to have this thread here.

As for that "anonymous bashing" comment, maybe it is, maybe it isn't.  You know that thing they say, that when you're angry at someone, you should just write a letter to them saying everything you feel, and then throw it away?  In a sense, that's what this thread is for some people.  Writing anonymous letters to people who have irritated them (usually knowingly), but not actually confronting them about it and getting into a big fight.

In terms of the title change, I honestly couldn't care less  :D  Venting is venting.

Game Discussion / Re: Rant about idiots thread
« on: May 05, 2011, 01:40:05 am »
Everything you said there is right on target. xD

I try, I try <3

As for the small disagreement above me, I'm just bashing the FH community in general :D  Though I will say that the people I complain about are generally not newbies.  Everything I mention comes from personal experience, usually with people I know, who are not new to the game.  I don't get the feeling that your statement was directed towards me, but I'm just clearing things up :B  Though you must understand, people do have a right to vent about the FH community's flaws, and it's better that it's directed at a general mass rather than specific people.  Kyu and Twi have already covered anything I'd say, really, so...yeah.  Off to pretend I'm falcon punching people named "Death" in the game.

Game Discussion / Re: Rant about idiots thread
« on: May 04, 2011, 12:29:44 am »
/creeps back into thread
What time is it?  Thaaaaat's right, time for Paradox's rants, version two point oh, again in convenient list format!  Hopefully it won't be seven paragraphs this time.  I'm aiming for eight.

So, this is something I actually just saw a few minutes ago, and really, it drives me crazy.  Now, I have no problem with people being couples.  Good for them.  What bugs me is when they just constantly fawn over each other, and completely ignore everyone else.  Now, I don't know about the rest of you, but I hate having to read "affectionately licks her cheek", "I love you more than anything in the world", etc. in between my conversations about video games, books, whatever.  If I could turn it off, I would, but this tends to happen within group chat, where all my friends are talking.  Did I mention this section has another, twice as annoying tier to itself?  When one of the lovebirds leaves, the other moans and groans about it.  "Misses his mate", "Sighs and stares at empty space", etc. (Paradox, why do you only ever provide two examples?  I don't know.  You'll get three next time, random bystander.) are both common and irritating.  So please, if you're going to be all lovey-dovey before breaking up within a few weeks, please just do it in whisper.

Oooh, boy.  Okay, so these are the people that, at the very slightest hint of any kind of conflict, immediately start repeating "Guys, don't fight."  Alright, look.  A little debate is healthy in any community.  It's better to get your feelings vented and reach a solution rather than shutting up and letting things simmer.  Granted, I'm not saying people should let others just "fight it out" all the time; things can get out of hand, at which point, yes, you should probably being trying to play the peacemaker.  But, really, this shouldn't be happening:
Player1: Wow, Portal 2 is awesome!  I just finished co-op with a friend!
Player2: I hate that game.
Player1: Oh, why is that?
Player2: It's confusing.
Player1: Well, it gets better if you play it a little.
Player3: Guys, don't fight.
But you get the point.
I hope?

Copyrighted Characters
Alright, I know I said I wouldn't turn this into a rant in my last obnoxiously long post of venting.  BUT LOOKS LIKE I LIED.  Honestly, this has bugged me since the very first day I logged into FH.  The point of the game is to make your own character and roleplay with them, yet I'm seeing hundreds of characters from Naruto, Ouran Highschool Host Club, Hetalia, etc. (THREE EXAMPLES).  And the point of these characters?  Well, I've read through some of the posts these "fan-rpers" make (as they often roleplay in local), and when you get down to it, really, it's just fanfiction.  People rping they favorite ships, or pairing their own OCs (original characters) with the canon ones.  If you're gonna do that, just go to a forum or write some fanfiction of your own!  Honestly, is it necessary to make those characters as a feline or canine and rp that way?  To me, it just seems like even more work that you need to go through.

Miserable Martyrs who Mope and Moan, Much to our Melancholy
P1: Hey, guys!  I just finished this book!
P2: Oh, cool!
P3: How was the ending?
P1: Well, first, I gotta say I was really happy with how it went with Bob and Lucy.
P4: No one cares.
P1: Something wrong?
P4: No.
P1: O...kay.  So, anyway, I was so happy that Steve finally died!
P4: *sighs*
P1: Really, Player 4, what's wrong?
P4: None of your business.
P1: ....So, Jill just kind of vanished, which was confusing.
P4: Just shut up.
P1: Seriously, Player 4, what is it?

If that made no sense to you, my dear reader, let me expand on the subject.  My particular rant here would be about those "dark, tortured" souls that I see so often.  I briefly mentioned them in my last rant, I believe.  Anyway, I'm going into a little more detail this time.  You see, these anguished individuals sigh and mope around, and then get offended when you try to help them.  This happens enough IRL, and isn't exactly pleasant, but some people can't hide their emotions.  But in this case, the person is typing out the emotion, and then claiming there's nothing to be concerned about.  If you're gonna act like a whiny little kid, expect us to ask your reason for whining, and don't act all shocked when we don't believe you after you claim there's nothing wrong.

Now these people...I never really understood them.  They're the ones who don't even ask if you'd like to be their "parent."  Usually, you'll be in a group, temporary or long-term, just chatting or whatever.  Suddenly, one of the cubs/pups of the group says "Brb" and vanishes for a few minutes.  Naturally, you think nothing of it.  When they return, however, you can't help but notice that they look uncannily like your character.  Perhaps you make some kind of joking comment about it.  After all, best not to jump to conclusions.  But then the person comes and sits by you, and says "Like father, like son :D"
Since when are you my child?
Honestly, I just don't get it, but when this does occur, it sets my teeth on edge.  In my opinion, randomly making your character a clone of mine, then claiming they're "related" borders on copycatting.  Not to mention that my character has an entire history, none of which contained sex lulvirgin which you shall not be randomly interfering with.  I haven't seen this for a while (maybe because I haven't rped on FH in a while), but I figured I may as well put it here.

Well, I think that's it for now.  Hopefully I won't have to edit this with yet another paragraph like last time xD;;  This is Paradox, punching the next wolf named "Dark" (or some variety of it) she sees.  See you in the game~!

Double posts are not fun things, are they?
Just an update for you guys.  As you can see, we've got a banner now.  The code is on the front page x)  TAE is most certainly not dead, I've just been busy with things for a couple days.  We're going to be having an activity check sometimes soon, so more updates on that later.  I'll keep you all posted~
Also, now that I've posted my little screenshot tutorial, I'll be expecting those headshots soon.  If you are honest-to-goodness, completely unable to take one, I'll do it for you.  Just let me know x)

Game Discussion / Re: Rant about idiots thread
« on: April 21, 2011, 09:17:17 pm »
Oh, boy, a venting thread!  Just what I needed 8D  I see mate/parent begging has already been thoroughly tackled, so I'll hold off on that particular subject, even though it bothers me.  Here are my rants in a convenient little list.

The Angst
Oh, dear God, the angst.  Everywhere I go, there's always someone whining about how miserable they are.  "Sorrowful howls", as mentioned before, are common, people sitting away from their group and refusing to speak.  Hell, the one time I mentioned that I was feeling a bit down and sorry for not saying much to some friends I was talking to in local, I'm immediately met with "You couldn't possibly feel as badly as me/there is no way you can possibly comprehend the deep, dark pit of anguish that I have been thrown into and am thus informing you about via my pitch black wolf that cries tears of blood."  More or less.  Anyway, upon having someone DARE challenge their deep, dark, soul-wrenching self-pity sadness, these people generally become defensive and resort to insults.  It's a sorry sight to behold.

Like angst, it wasn't like seeing these took me by surprise at any rate.  But I never expected cliches (or angst, I guess) to be so...rampant?  Seriously, how many wolves named "Fate", "Agony", "Angel", etc. do we really need?  Come on, people, be a little more original!  Mess around with different words and letters to make up some really cool name!  Use colors besides black and white, and for the love of God, the only eye color is not red!  I guess my pet peeve of constantly seeing canon characters could go here, but as stated before, that's just a pet peeve.  I doubt many other people care about people playing characters that aren't their own 8P

Bad RPing
Yup, not illiteracy, just flat-out bad writing by anyone's standards.  Granted, I loathe illiteracy with a fiery passion that rivals the sun, but that's how some people rp, and I can't really force them to write any other way.  No, today we'll be looking at powerplaying, godmoding, inconsistency, Mary-Sues and the people I like to call Speshul Snowflakes.  More on that little name later, eh?
First of all, I'll lump powerplaying and godmoding together.  Seeing as it looks like people have already covered this, I'll try to keep it short and sweet.  Ripping off heads, dodging every attack (or just ignoring them), slicing necks open, it's all happened to us at least once.  It's everywhere, it's annoying, only idiots do it, and really, it just shouldn't be going on.  But, it is, and so I have to acknowledge it in my abnormally large rant here.
Now, inconsistency is something that really irritates me in FH, mostly in terms of a character's personality and/or history.  We've all heard the most cliche tragic past ever, right?  "So-and-so had their (usually female) heart broken, and now (s)he'll never love again."  You know someone once told me this, and then tried to get me to change my character's (flirty) personality?  It was kinda funny.  Anyway, back to the point.  I see these characters too often, but what bugs me is this: As soon as the rp starts, they immediately devote all their attention to the "coolest-looking" wolf/lion, and within a few minutes start to "fall in love" with them.  Haha, so much for that history, right?  Let's see how inconsistent the business side of my gun is, you hypocr-
MARY-SUES.  Has this been mentioned yet?  I don't know, I read a few posts, then skimmed the rest.  Anyway, I'm sure we're all familiar with "Miss Perfect."  You know, I've even seen a couple literate rpers with Mary-Sues.  I was disappointed in them 8C  So, anyway, this is the character that single-handedly brings down a stag large enough to feed the entire pack without getting a single scratch, who's always there just in time, etc.  I feel like this has been briefed already.  Or that someone will cover it much better than me, the one who's actually getting sick of writing this part, because this certain Paradox has already ranted about Mary-Sues so much that it's become tiring.
Last but not least, we have my "Speshul Snowflakes."  Oooh, where to begin!  These are those people who seem okay at first, usually.  They're nice enough, joke around with the group before starting the rp, maybe even literate!  And then the rp begins...and you realize just what a horrible mistake it was to allow this person to intrude.  Usually, when deciding ranks, the Snowflake will demand the leader position, or something close to it.  Even if they don't receive the rank, they will usually act as leader regardless.  The Snowflake also must always be "the only" of something.  Sometimes the rank will cover this, but other times they will demand that the group pay them special attention for something else, perhaps a history, disorder, etc.  Once I saw a Snowflake randomly gain "wings and glowing eyes", then proclaim that they had been outcast from society due to it.  If the Snowflake is denied the entire group's attention, at first they will try harder, perhaps trying to put themselves in danger.  If all attempts fail, however, they will most certainly leave in favor of a different group that is willing to give them the attention they feel they deserve.

Well, then, I think that pretty much covers most of what irritates me in FH.

EDIT: Aha, wait, I just thought of something else.
How could I have forgotten about this!?  Like angst and cliches, it's everywhere!  Now, when people sit around and say things like "Walks to water, stares at reflection" in local, that annoys me (did I mention I hate "action-rping"?  Type out your sentences, people, it makes you seem intelligent).  I can tolerate that sometimes, though.  It's when people try to excuse rude behavior with "Oh, that's the way my character acts."  Yeah, and I have a character who's hell-bent on destroying everything he judges to be "evil", but you don't find me going around and attacking random people.  IC is IC, and OOC is OOC.  I don't care if we're rping, and your character is a jerk.  Actually, I think characters who are jerks and kinda funny when written well.  But if I'm talking to you OOC, please don't respond IC.  It's irritating, and just makes you look downright idiotic.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: The Aristodemos Pride
« on: April 14, 2011, 12:34:44 am »

<Name> Alkaline
<Age> Adult
<Gender> Male
<Mate> N/A
<Children> N/A
<Position> Hunter
<Forum/In-Game Username> Paradox/NuclearParadox

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