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Messages - WarriorMoo

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What a shame!
We've taken this matter and turned it against one another. I am sincerely sick of how this is being handled.
I am ashamed of myself and of this issue.

As an IT veteran, and someone who has experienced things like this on several other forums, the way this was announced and the way is just making us bitter.
I know what happens as a result. It scars the community.
I am disgusted by this and ashamed of myself and of this.

Please, can't we handle this in a more peaceful manner?

News Archives / Re: Not somthing I'd normally post Updated 18:00BST
« on: June 04, 2013, 10:59:31 pm »
Kudos for Luzxia.
And really, all in all I don't like how this is going. We have a lot of young members on this site, and with how the general reaction is I'd say this is just going to be another incident to add to the list, on both FeralHeart and Arokai.

It is bringing this into a big community, and really with some of the issues we already have had it just...
I won't say anymore about the matter. I think though, that this should be locked until we have some further information.

News Archives / Re: Not somthing I'd normally post Updated 18:00BST
« on: June 04, 2013, 07:42:56 pm »
Honestly, I don't know what to believe.
In all truth I lost faith in Arokai's completion over a year ago,
so naturally I still don't believe it will be completed even if the real Super has (Or will,) return.

But I'm not gonna rant on about that that, and I generally prefer to stay out of these sort of things.
But I've seen a few instances on other communities that I was once a member of,
where staff accounts would be hacked all heck would break loose over if they are the genuine staff member anymore,
or someone who has enough knowledge or skills to hack into their account and mess around for some amusement.

Now, if this is the real Super who has really come back after so long, then my pardon to her and to her welcome back.
However, if this is just another hacker, then that means that this attention brought to the public is probably the attention they like. FeralHeart is a big community, and this could just end up as some big....ah, scandal seems too big of a word to use, but along that line.

Now I have noticed how the Arokai board has been revamped, and it seems as if "Onowl" has been generally active in the past month.
But I think personally for me, I think an explanation as to why Super was inactive for so long and left the Arokai board in the dark about the game's status would be nice.
We all have lives, jobs, and things to attend to, but would it be too much to ask for? (Unless it goes along the lines of personal matters, which I choose to respect and back off of.)

So there's my opinion. I'm not gonna be looking at this for too long, it could be the real Super, but for all we know we could just be giving the attention that this possible hacker wants.

Forum Games / Re: Give the person above you a nickname
« on: May 30, 2013, 11:57:29 pm »
As in Death the Kid.
Get it? Haha,

Art Gallery /
« on: May 30, 2013, 08:30:55 pm »

Erin Hunter, how disappointing!
Conveying such poor and untrue knowledge about foxes to children like the wolves in the North American population!
I mean, sure wolves /have/ killed people, but we're talking back in the ancient times of Europe.
But to say such untrue things about the nature of foxes! Foxes! into a series and having people believe it!
That's disgraceful. What a shame, Warriors series.

That aside,
This truly is sad.
I love foxes, they're probably my favorite kind of wild canine out there.
And animals like Arctic and Fennec you see Arctic Foxes roaming around in warm, temperate forests where these feral cats live? No sir!

As an experienced roleplayer I must say...

Forum Games / Re: Rate the Signature
« on: March 28, 2013, 08:13:09 pm »
All deh 2s

Art Gallery /
« on: March 24, 2013, 11:51:14 pm »
Aww, thank you Suragaha ^^
Sorry I haven't gotten your request done yet, I've been busy and my laptop (Which I was using to work on it,) Has been acting up terribly D:

Art Gallery /
« on: March 24, 2013, 02:00:59 pm »

My thanks to you. ^^

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