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Messages - Glave

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Request/Find Meshes / Re: Mesh Finding Help
« on: August 15, 2012, 04:20:16 am »
Now as for an Iris tree, could you maybe provide a picture of what your wanting? I am sure I could put one together for you if I knew what to go off of.

Meshes / Re: Glaves Textures and Converted Meshes {Hey! City Stuff!}
« on: August 14, 2012, 05:39:49 pm »
Not a problem DragonsPainter. I am glad I was able to get them all before the site started going crazy. I check back now and then but I have yet to see anything new. Anyway, enjoy them!

Meshes / Re: Glaves Textures and Converted Meshes {Hey! City Stuff!}
« on: August 14, 2012, 05:33:57 pm »
Make sure the .png and the .material files are in 'My_Objects' folder. Next, make sure that when you bring up the willow tree in your object maker that you click on the willow tree so its highlighted with a white box around it. Then you type in 'WillowLeaves' in the box. If you are making those checks and its not working then let me know. A screenshot will help me determine what the issue is.

Request/Find Meshes / Re: Mesh Finding Help
« on: August 12, 2012, 11:21:33 pm »
Look for Nowe's WoW meshes <is on the first page> Those packs have different bones, blue flowers.

Also, if you re-check the hammilton link you were given above, she had a lean-to in her meshes.

Meshes / Re: Glaves Textures and Converted Meshes {Hey! City Stuff!}
« on: August 12, 2012, 11:11:14 pm »
I re-loaded bloodstain. It now has two of the other bloodstains I had done for ingredient in there as well as a convenient object file. The other two bloodstains have a weird whiteness around them and I will have to load the pictures sometime <you can find them on my DA page though, see link in signature>

This should work better for everyone! Enjoy!

Meshes / Re: Glaves Textures and Converted Meshes {Hey! City Stuff!}
« on: August 11, 2012, 08:25:00 pm »
After checking my own copies of the files the material should be called 'bloodstain' <no capitols> Check and see if that works. If not, you may be missing the material file.

Meshes / Re: Glaves Textures and Converted Meshes {Hey! City Stuff!}
« on: August 11, 2012, 05:30:51 am »
How does it not work? I need more info. No texture?

@Sahale: No, I did not make the whirlpool particle using the watersplash. I Actually wrote up my own code for that. The watersplash code is very very different. As for weather, its very very tricky. I am still having lots of issues getting weather particles to act as I want them to and since most weather crashes other peoples computers from time to time I don't tend to do many weather particles. Do you mean that the weather particles you downloaded from me are not showing up?

@Lucky: Sorry, I can get those put up pretty soon actually. It was just a modification of the rain weather to make it a more localized "drip" particle. I have had internet access issues so I haven't been on as much to get these things done but I will try to remember to get that particle out, maybe bundle it with some others I have finished.

I often search for free images I can use in most of my particles. For the others, like the whirlpool, I created and edited the image in Photoshop. I also made the fog image in photoshop. As for the water splash that was a matter of altering the particle code itself to produce different colors.

Kaylee: Yes, it is possible. I will see about making a few different colored ones. It might take some time though.

HelloForNow: Perhaps if you provide an image of what its looking like, I might be able to help you further. A picture of the tab you entered it into and what it looks like in the Effects Maker would be very helpful.

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