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Messages - ArashiAndAme

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*picture coming, I think I might make a preset..*
Name: Atakaa
Gender: Female
Age: 1 1/2 years
Parents: Giza & Jasari
Mate: none
Offspring: none
Personality: Caring and loving, she is always keeping watch over her pack mates. Most of the time she is talkative and friendly towards others, but dont let that fool you, she has a sassy and snappy side to her that may show up at the oddest of times. Protective of her pack she will defend them with what ever means nessasary. She is careful around new dogs, and likes to learn their personality before showing her own. Loving to eat and sleep she tends to get a bit grumpy when times are tough, but none the less she will try her hardest to keep the pack healthy and happy.
Ingame Username / Forum Username: Arashiandame
Desired Rank: Medic ~Salami~
RP Sample (We are a literate RP group! At least four complete sentences!): A shudder of rain flew at the outer cavern walls, trees swayed beneath the heavy droplets that crashed into them. A small clan of wild dogs laid hidden deep with in the cave away from the harsh storm brewing outside, meanwhile a young female raced into the cave her pelt sobbing wet from the downpoor. A quick shake sent water flying and splating on everyone near her, they grumbled slightly and resettled."Did you get everything?" a voice spoke up, the female looked up and a pile of herbs were in between her maw. "Almost, some of them had already been washed away before I could gather them up" she sighed and sat down after placing the herbs down by her paws "After drying in the sun, I had hoped to have these all nice and crispy. To bad the weather has other ideas" she murmered. "Atakaa.." called a smaller female near by, her left eye was swollen shut and a large gash was above her brow. "Oh right, sorry Mitai Ill get on to your wound".  

hmmmm I may join..

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: Heritage of the forest
« on: August 04, 2012, 06:15:41 pm »
-le bump-

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Heritage of the forest
« on: July 24, 2012, 10:26:37 pm »
         The sudden chill of the night sent shivers down your spine as you entered the forest. The dense pine trees coverd the sky hidding you from the blizzard, your breath came out from your maw in big puffs of air. The very tip of your nose seemed to go numb from the cold, while your fur had ice already starting to form atop your back. Suddenly you notice a small burrow up not to far ahead of you. With the last bit of energy you have left, you race towards the hole almost diving inside it. The shelter overtop your head is a relief after your long journey, while space is limited it will do for the night


Hi! And welcome to my roleplay! This is for anyone and everyone to join and have fun! We are open for any realistic animals wanting to join and have a nice non-game realated roleplay. You can come in and leave as you wish, but do tell us ahead of time so that way your not leaving everyone lost and unaware of your disapearence ^^

1. No godd-modding, simple and to the point. Just dont do it
2. No mary sue's or gary sues of any sort please
3. there are no powers, this is a realistic roleplay thankyou
4.When talking out of character use some type of brackets or symbols ex: (( { - * ~ <<
5.have fun!!

Scenery/ Location

Basically this takes place in a forest somewhere high in the moutains away from humans and other things.


~Last Roleplay~


Wanna join?
Code: [Select]
{Picture? not needed}
Character name:
Character description {only needed if no picture}
Extra info:
Roleplay sample: {not needed}

alright but at what time exactly are we meeting?


Gender: female
Age: 2 1/2 years
Breed:Arctic fox
Appearance: Pure white fur, with deep amber eyes and a long fluffy tail. Her body is smaller in stature compared to most.
Personality: Quiet at first meeting, she tends to prefer to understand your personality before she shows hers. An excellent huntress, which is understandable because she would need to be to keep up with her appetite. She doesnt like to fight head on but she wouldnt give up a chance to prove herself right in a arguement. Stubborn and a bit sassy when she wants to be, she is quite a handful.And yet Loyal and trusting, never letting a friend feel the slightest bit lonely.
History:Ophera's family were nomads from the begining, so she picked this attribute up. Leaving her family at the peak of her first year she has traveled far to find her own "sanctuary"
Extra: Ophera is small for her age, and doesnt like to be treated like a kit, she will try to prove that she can do anything you can do. And She will give you a ear full if you think otherwise. *Also for now I would like for her to be a loner and eventually choose to stay with a specific group.* ^^



The sudden call from his alpha awoke Aldrick from his slumber, blinking his eyes he glanced upward to see Shadow standing up on a large rock. A large yawn escaped from the males maw before he could stop it as he listened to the announcement. "Tonight is the night.." the words flowed into his ears. Once the meeting was over, Aldrick arose from his little burrow that he had created in the snow hours eariler, leaning down he stretched his limbs and tried to shake the stiffness from his cold body. His gaze drifted towards two pups that rolled around on the hard snow, shaking his head he mumbled "rambunctious as always." Not that he was upset with he pups for fooling around, it was expected of them, but more of a jealous feeling that they had so much energy even in the harshest of climates.

(I have got to figure out how to make that picture smaller o3o))

Thankyou for accepting me in your pack :D I have been looking for a good literate roleplay for some time  now!

Also technically since your character is a omega right now you wouldnt be my mate 'yet' maybe they could grow to like each other lol? but dont worry, if you dont wanna be mates thats okay. Partnership is fine by me ^^


Forum name:Arashiandame
Name: Aldrick
Gender: Male
Age: 3 years
Personality: Alrick has a complicated personality, He is very hot tempered and will snap at anyone who makes him angery. And yet he has these soft times were he is gental, but not for long. Alrick is loyal to his pack and will defend them even if they are in the wrong, he listens to his alpha even when he is in a middle of his temper tandrums. He doesnt believe on picking on the weak and helpless, its another thing if your perfectly able to fight then its fair game in his mind. He speaks his mind not knowing that some words may effect others differently then himself, so he may come off as a bit rude at first. Liking to sleep and laze around he will get grumpy if he is awoken for a 'dumb reason' in his mind, and wont spare you a secound to forget it either.
History: Adlrick used to be a nomad for many seasons, leavng his family pack with the words of "its to crowded" he ventured out to find a pack to call home. After traveling for a while he grew tired of being alone, with no friends to relay on if something happened. So to fix this problem of his, he sniffed out a pack ,meeting shadow and his pack.
Rank: Delta? Beta? Either is fine :/

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