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Messages - dawnfeather1012

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   Your stuff is like, incredibly amazing! @-@ Hope you don't mind me using it ^-^. All credit goes straight to you cause you has uber awesome floofycreativeness.

   Haha, but really, amazing job; you've got a great thing goin! (:

Introduction / I'm Back and Hey Again! :D
« on: July 21, 2012, 03:56:04 am »
   So I can't say I'm new here, but I will gladly say that I'm back after about a year and a half of being away. Got my own laptop now, so if anything happens, well I can just fix it myself instead of letting my parents say I can't be on here anymore. c: Anywho, I'm glad of the changes that have been made, they're completely awesome. And this time around, I'm hard at work on getting better at making maps for you guys. Plus, its bajillions of fun! ^-^

   I'm very bubbly and friendly so just feel free to talk to me anytime you want. I LURVE talking *-*.

   Also, my characters that I'm frequently on are Rivena, Raylen, and Kazli. So if you ever see them running around, it may be me xD I'll happily say hello if you say it first c;

   I used to RP like dumploads years ago, I don't do it much now, but I will here and there when I feel up for it. I mostly enjoy watching it now, occasionally throwing in a line to help keep it going lol.

   But ya know how it is, I will definitely enjoy the new faces and old faces I meet! <3

?~Silversun Valley/River~?
-Haven't completely decided on the name yet. Lemme know whatcha think guys! River or Valley? Or neither? xD

   So here's my latest project. I made the map a lot bigger than my Pridelands one so I have a good bit of work to do still.
Its more of a high altitude region, filled with fir trees, a few oaks, rocks, shrubs, mountains of course, and a beautiful ginormous waterfall! There are also a good many deep valleys. It may be more suited for those with wolf characters. But I will try to find a way to make it more lion friendly! ^-^

   This map will be big enough for about 4-5 wolf packs. (Prides if mountainous lions decide they want this map too ;p)

   If you have any suggestions, comments, or advice to give me on what I should add to the map, please feel free to do so. I accept all kinds of constructive feedback.

                                 ~Thanks, Dawnie


The Waterfall:

Mountains in the Distance(the side I'm working on currently):

Mountains with a cave and Oak tree in the middle of them:

Le Oak Tree:

View of the Waterfall/Mountains in the distance:

Deep Valley with a tad bit of water in it:


So now I've added a few of Jayfeather and Ouuka's meshes(which are like the best things EVER created btw, and you guys are da BOMB *-* and I thank you very much for having the links out there :D). And I've also edited the grass color with my lovely Paint.Net. Which is very handy. (: Let me know what ya think!


Waterfall with cute little blue flower ^-^:

Waterfall with new terrain:

Birches and shrubs added with the Firs(looks grand with new terrain):

Finished Maps / First Map: Pridelands! :)
« on: July 19, 2012, 09:04:45 am »
So this is my very first map I've uploaded and really finished. It's nowhere near as beautiful as some of the other user's maps are, but I will try to work on more maps and get better at using the map maker.

Originally I had not planned on making a "Lion King" themed map. I just kinda found my brain wandering into the childhood section of itself since I had grown up with the amazing Disney movie. haha :3 I'm VERY proud of my Pride Rock by the way. It turned out to be the best thing on the map lol. This is available for download, or should be. Guess we'll find out. If you do not have WinRAR, I would suggest getting it to unzip the files. It's free no worries.

Link here:

This map includes The Pridelands and a small piece of the Outlands. This map can hold two prides, a few rogues, hyenas, etc. It may be semi small, but with how it is created, it can have a small pride in the Outlands and a pride in the Pridelands.
(Will make a bigger map next time now that I know how to do it).

The map includes: Pride Rock with den, a cave in the small mountains near Pride Rock, a sunning rock, dens in the Outlands, and of course the giant Rafiki Tree where you enter and leave. haha (: The river is stopped up by rocks, therefore leaving the Outlands dry.

1. Respect one another.
2. No foul language.
3. No god-moding during RP.
4. Have fun, and don't take anything too serious, it does happen to just be a game after all.
5. Follow the usual FH rules please.
                                     ~Thanks, Dawnie



Pride Rock:

View of Pride Rock from the cave in the mountains:

Pride Rock at night:

The night time sky:

Closer view of Pride Rock:

Split between the Outlands and Pridelands:

Cave in the mountains:

The sunning plateau:

The River:

Standing on Pride Rock with view of Rafiki's Tree:

Another shot of Pride Rock:

Sunset on Pride Rock:

Sunset in the Outlands:

Sunset in the Pridelands:

Rafiki Tree up close and personal haha:

Raining at Night:

Leaving / Not Able To Play Anymore D:
« on: July 05, 2011, 12:19:46 pm »
This isn't a help topic, but I just figured I'd be nice enough to let everyone know that I won't be able to play Feralheart any longer. What's worse about it, is the fact I just started three days ago. :( I got a virus on my computer and it was from there... I don't really know what happened, my virus protection was on and updated. D: Nobody else seems to have had the problem and have been here since Impressive Title soooo yeah. It really sucks and I'm highly upset cause I'd been given the time to fall in love with this game and then ended up having to uninstall it. :( I'm sure nobody else will have this issue so I'm in no way encouraging anyone to uninstall the game. :) I loveeeee it, in fact it's the best game I've played in a while that wasn't like World of Warcraft and such. And I made so many friends here already so it hurts kinda bad.. But just so everyone knows, I won't be on any longer. Thanks for the little bit of time you've given me though :) I really savored the moment. <3

By the way: ya'll have a really GREAT thing going here ^^ keep up the good work, ya'll have a wonderful staff. :)

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