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Messages - Tawny

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Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Some random FH ideas
« on: February 17, 2011, 06:08:05 pm »
The head tilt and tail flick ideas I like a lot, a tail wag for dogs would be awesome too. I think it'd look adorable, especially with the curly tail that they have.

The howl and roar thing has been mentioned a lot and it's something that I'd love to see in game. When I manage to jump up a mountain or get to the top of the temple of dreams, it's the first thing I'd like to do to announce my victory. xD

I don't think adding whole new meshes would be a very good idea, but I'm all for greater customization!
Not that FH doesn't already have a wide variety of it, but features of more subspecies would be a happy medium without having to create a whole new animal.

Sort of like they do with hyenas, tigers, foxes and whatnot already.

Discussion Board / Re: Kingdom Hearts FANS... Have you seen this?
« on: February 16, 2011, 12:27:36 am »

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Some concerns about the game....
« on: February 09, 2011, 03:09:07 pm »
Tasha's idea makes me happy, I've seen that tactic used on other sides.
An optional filter that can be toggled on and off by the user. A happy medium between people who want a filter and those who don't. =w=

Characters / Re: `Marionettes -
« on: February 09, 2011, 03:04:19 pm »
Why thank you. It's been a while since I typed anything detailed up so I'm glad that it seems to be coming across well to people. x3

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Gimme a break! - "Pause" the chatbox? :B
« on: February 08, 2011, 09:55:10 pm »
Agreed! Whenever I click away to go and check on something, Skype or being called away from the laptop,  not only do I have to scroll through a hoard of 'has arrived' and 'has left' messages, but every time someone posts... hgfjdsnkbfhjksa. D:

It makes me want to smash something and in the end I just have to ask if I've missed anything.

Game Discussion / Re: OpenGL vs DirectX
« on: February 08, 2011, 09:34:05 pm »
DirectX, it seems to run a lot smoother with less lag on my laptop. =w=

Characters / `Marionettes - // & fan characters ;
« on: February 08, 2011, 08:19:12 pm »

Introduction / Re: Oh hello!
« on: February 08, 2011, 06:55:27 pm »
Welcome, Grypwolf, Aero, whichever you want to be called by.
I'm sure you'll fit right in here. ^^

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Remove the Width/Height/Length consrtaints.
« on: February 08, 2011, 06:45:32 pm »
This is a very good idea, it's the same with a cheetah character of mine. Because they have pretty long legs I could only emulate this by cranking the weight down and the height up, but the width moved with it.

I've heard of possibilities of different ears and tails that may be added to the game, so I'm sure many other options to further customization will be added eventually as well. :3

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