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Messages - Viinca

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Characters / Viinca's Characters (Roleplay) [ ! Image Heavy + Videos ! ]
« on: September 08, 2012, 02:50:52 am »

Videos / Re: Sir_Anathema's "Non Omnis Moriar"
« on: September 07, 2012, 10:12:59 pm »

I've done that too when regretting pressing that fatal lil' button xD

Watched it again and still as moved as the first time. I really can't get over how original the video is, really amazing. Already the song is just sooo gorgeous, soothing and peaceful but also so much louder and powerful towards the middle-end, and your filming and editing followed the song's style perfectly. You can't watch this video and be left unmoved or even unchanged; it's got a meaning that touches everyone in FH, and only FH. Perfection reached :)

Whoah! thank you. :D

Feedback is of superlative importance to me, and feedback as positive as this always manages to make me smile - it's things like that which acts as one of the primary impetuses for me to create - and while the creative process is fun in itself, creating something which receives no feedback is not much fun at all. :(

Again, thank you so much - and thank you to anyone else whom I've inadvertently missed. I'm glad people like it, and perchance I'll make another sometime. :3

That's what us artists, editors etc want most of all xD Pleasure from creating and pleasure from positive feedback, and it's clear you got both! Oh, thanks Decessei, I'll listen to that song with the link, I really love it.

Videos / Re: Sir_Anathema's "Non Omnis Moriar"
« on: September 06, 2012, 07:07:57 pm »
Great video... I have never, and probably never deleted a character... more than remaking them.

I've done that too when regretting pressing that fatal lil' button xD

Watched it again and still as moved as the first time. I really can't get over how original the video is, really amazing. Already the song is just sooo gorgeous, soothing and peaceful but also so much louder and powerful towards the middle-end, and your filming and editing followed the song's style perfectly. You can't watch this video and be left unmoved or even unchanged; it's got a meaning that touches everyone in FH, and only FH. Perfection reached :)

Videos / Re: Viinca's Music Video Entry, 'Abre Tu Mente'.
« on: September 02, 2012, 08:54:13 pm »
This was the 3rd video I randomly ended up watching, and I must say, after watching every video, this is my favourite! The song that you chose is perfect - it's upbeat, positive, a great message, and even makes you smile. The video shows just what FeralHeart (and even life xD) should be about. If everyone was like this one little cheetah, (<--I think?) the world would be happy and glorious. Even if the world was a community like FeralHeart, we would all be living and agreeing.

I think that this video represents FeralHeart perfectly, and I will definetly be voting for it.

Yes, cheetah, though I may have cheated with the markings a bit.. xD And thank you so, so much, honestly this comment made me grin like a fool, that was so sweet of you. The message I tried to give the video, you clearly got, which is the editor's main goal~ I can't thank you enough for the lovely comment, and I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

- Rextextured My_Rocks objects to look like the Default Rock. [I can't do it myself. D8 I don't know how.]

It's quite easy to change the textures of any object. Read this to learn how,    
Textures 101 For Dummys by Nynth.

Anyway.. Here you go, this is what I could find.

Dens, rocks, trees, etc.

Thierry has another den, made with branches.

link here

Desert rocks, exotic trees and plants

Slycan's rock den

As for the African village, you could put anything. By Tetsu, this and more:

Zaephyr's stuff, and more links there:

Glave's stuff:

And finally Muser has made some wonderful objects too.

What I find most users doing nowadays in the plains, and something I prefer out of both choices, is picking a precise character that would be used for mapless and often short-term roleplays, used over and over again until a story is built, as it would be in a long-term roleplay. Long-term roleplays have the advantage, as Cloudly said, of developing a unique plot and more precisely a story for your character, but these are hard to find.. I find, at least. But I've seen and know so many who stick to one or two characters and let them hop in various prides, packs, clans, whatever, then when the group is no longer interesting/is disbanded, the character moves along, and again, and again. So a story is slowly made around these trips and bonds are usually built and strengthened after some time, ie meeting old acquaintances, etc.

It's a lot more freedom, you never know what to expect. I suppose this is a long-term roleplay, for you, based around short-term roleplays in the plains?

Finished Maps / Re: Race map [FH 1.13]
« on: August 30, 2012, 05:25:02 pm »
The race was soo much fun! Come on floofs, join the next race, get the map now! :)

Aaaw! So adorable, the colours used are lovely, really, realy cute <33 You did her perfectly!!! -nuzzlez- Love it, thanks!

Wow, amazing artwork you have there! If you're still doing these I'd love to request ^^ This is my characters, a female cheetah:

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