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Messages - Flashfire

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Frostpath held his injured limb up in surprise. The binding was tight,tighter than rosetail's dressing. But it wasnt uncomfortable, in fact. Frostpath stood up, and experimentaly put pressure on it. He winced slightly, it hurt, but it was more of a sting rather than a sharp shooting pain. He sat down again and looked at featherkit questioningly " how did you know what to do?" he questioned.

Game Polls / Re: Paw pads
« on: January 16, 2011, 04:10:12 am »
With some expressions yes

((guess who's back -derp face- I was working on an amv for frostpath and got sidetracked >.< ))

Frostpath's ear twitched, feeling something shift near him. He opened an eye, and with a small mew turned his head to look. He made a halfhearted smile " oh, hello featherkit.." he said sleepily, struggling to push himself into a sitting position, his injured forelimb put out at an odd, stiff angle.

Frostpath bit his tongue, holding back a yowl of pain. " th-thank you" Frostpath said, letting out an uncharachteristic whimper. He lay his head down in his nest, doing his best to keep his injured fore limb laying out, the poppy seeds were taking effect. He closed  his eyes reluctantly, slowly but he at last gave into the sweet resesses of sleep.

Art Gallery / Re: Some banners and Art
« on: January 12, 2011, 12:43:52 am »
It's alright kenta |D I havent been to school all week cuz of the weather and my exams arent up so i'm kinda stressed about that -should be studying-

Art Gallery / Re: Some banners and Art
« on: January 12, 2011, 12:18:50 am »
Sukimi knows that face all to well, it means gtfa from kenta XD

((his leg's broke, badly, the..bone is partially sticking through the skin >_<  we need rushes DX))
Frostpath winced, he was till licking his teeth from the feeling of the poppy seeds." n-not really" His leg still hurt, being the sharp bone slightly potruding through his fur. He lay his head down, eyes glazed with pain as he muttered " I'm such an idiot...running around in the snow."

Frostpath swayed slightly " Stepped in a rabbit hole..fell over...broke leg..." He grunts, his eyes half closed. " Snowfur....found me" He was barely able to speak. It's truly de ja vue.. he thought as it was exactly the same as his apprenticeship.

No apprentice isn;t...I auditioned for it with Featherpaw, just because on your post it says I wish I ahd an apprentice, I thought it'd be a nice surprise for your cat to suddenly get one!))

Frostpath hisses slightly and sits up strait, putting as little pressure on his injured limb as possible. However, sitting up strait is becoming a bit of a problem, as his eyes are heavy and he wants nothing more but to slip into tempting unconciousness. NO! he thinks to himself I have to stay awake, If i go to sleep now...I might not wake up..

((I thought Featherkit was gonna be the med apprentice. Lest he wants to be frostpath's?Frostpathooc: -looks hopeful for a moment then his face hardens-))

Frostpath averts his eyes " I was kinda chasing a rabbit" he lied. There was no way he was telling anyone that he had flew into a blind fury. " It got away, then I stepped in one of it's holes.." The part about him stepping in the rabbit hole was true for the most part..

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