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Messages - evelynn

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Game Discussion / Re: Male vs. Female Characters
« on: January 16, 2012, 09:43:07 pm »
I'm a girl and half of my characters are male...Personally I tend to lean toward the male plight in an RP.
1. Guys fighting is more respected among Role Players because they expect a male to be a tougher opponent.
2. Males tend to have have less romantic interest built into plot lines- Yuck! Creepy!!!!!
3. Female characters are more acclimated to chatty or supporting roles in an RP.
4. Strong female characters are assumed to be hard and feminist (in an overbearing way) and I don't want to go there with it either.

     These rules can be broken, but from what I've seen, female characters tend to be portrayed in the above patterns in many Rp's that I've played in. Such portrayal is similar to what I've seen in the media, especially Tv and movies. Which makes sense because, Many players draw experience for their characters from the media, (note the many Kovu's running around). I like well balanced characters and they tend to be more easy to portray in a male. Also I have fun RPing a male character.... ^_^
:)                                              !!!PLEASE DON'T THINK I'M A FEMINIST OR WHATEVER!!! *Dies*

Game Discussion / Re: Male vs. Female Characters
« on: January 16, 2012, 09:42:18 pm »
Does that mean there is a higher percentage of females interested in the game or is a female character more connectable to Role Play audiences???

Game Discussion / Re: Viruses found on media Fire Safe Site???
« on: January 16, 2012, 09:40:27 pm »
Your welcome Rookie!

Game Discussion / Re: Rude people.
« on: January 16, 2012, 04:52:16 pm »
((no way to hurt, wasted comment. The only way ripps face off would work is if you Rp'd back. They are the ones who lose... So forget about it and move on. It's not worth them getting to you.))

Game Discussion / Re: Rude people.
« on: January 16, 2012, 04:23:16 pm »
I guess the big thing is to forgive and ignore them. One time I was on an island ON A PUBLIC MAP, and some horses came and harassed us  saying, "How do you like being circled now lion?" and just making fun of us and pretending to "pet" us and saying "here kitty kitty." I never chased or circled a horse player in my life! They just indiscriminately accused me of chasing them. I defend other horse/zebra/prey animals and tell other people harassing them to leave them alone! I just laughed and played along with it. Eventually they just left.I determined not to be mad at them, it wasn't worth it. LOL
It is so funny how other player will forget that there are people playing the game. I am not as horse, zebra, lion or a donkey! I am a human and people aren't always respectful but, I know that it isn't worth being angry over something so petty as *eats face off*, or *pets the pretty lion*.

Until Kovu adds an east face off button or makes it so players can kill me.... I will do this....

The pic says it all. In the meantime.... LETS find some good community. Private map Role Players are usually more respectful.....

Game Discussion / Re: Rude people.
« on: January 16, 2012, 04:00:58 am »
It is sad when people treat you like trash:personally I find that rudeness difficulty to ignore or forget. I found that people on games tend to be focused, which makes them crabby, typically toward two different groups of players, (other than N00BS) on Feral Heart, hyenas, (because people who play hyenas tend to be irritating), and rogue ppl.(AKA intruders). I don't treat people like that. Did you try forgiving them? Its not fun and you may never see retribution, but the players that act like that get rejected them selves, develop bad reputations and eventually disband their own RPs due to internal strife and rude behavior, which will come out even to their own friends. I try to leave Role-Play groups alone entirely, unless they are looking for positions. I tend to look for RP's that have a community/ open atmosphere (AP Valley RP, Etc.).

Game Discussion / Re: Your Opinion on Cross-gender RPers?
« on: January 16, 2012, 03:47:45 am »
I RP as a male or a female lion I just don't do the mating thing... TOTALLY UNNECESSARY!
It is play but people do get thier emotions wrapped up in their characters, and I have conversed with people who take their mate-dating thing seriously. Even to the point being personally upset when there RP Mate leaves.

Game Discussion / Re: Arokai vs FeralHeart?
« on: January 16, 2012, 03:39:25 am »
does arokai actually have private maps????

Game Discussion / Re: Pupkillers
« on: January 16, 2012, 03:03:53 am »
I knoiw its just RP....but that;s kinda weird. Remember they role play other things that are sick too...
       o~0* -DON"T ASK- o~0*

cool! will they have them on private maps too???

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