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Messages - Fallenleaf

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Game Discussion / Re: The Biggest and the Strongest
« on: August 26, 2014, 04:15:50 pm »
I really don't get why people go ahead and make perfect characters. What make characters interesting are their imperfections; it's what makes it fun to roleplay the character, what gives it life. A perfect character is a boring character. And most likely annoying for others.

(You also got me goin' with that macho thing god:
macho, macho man
I get to be a macho man)

Game Discussion / Re: They are everywhere...
« on: June 18, 2014, 01:21:53 am »
I have a story of my own. You see, my friend has this character that she connects often on. The character's name is Flightsong, and she has a mate called Flame, who can control fire.

Now, earlier this month, she sees this Flightsong with the exact same design, who claimed they had created their character before my friend did. I connected, and asked them about their life. They responded that they had a mate called Flame who could control fire, and that their character Flightsong had been left emotionally scarred by some event. The story was very similar to my friend's character.

My friend RPed her character all the way, building up her story through RP events. The Flame we know is RPed by someone, while the other stated that their mate was not RPed by anyone.

The person ran away and later came back to say: "sorry". They then logged off, with no further explaination.

I was watching some Warriors videos on Youtube, when I stumbled upon an IT video. I attempted to join, but the game couldn't be played anymore. An year later, I decided to search for a game like that. I don't exactly remember how I found FeralHeart, though. Perhaps in a IT servers list?

Anyway. I joined mostly because I wanted to play something new, where I could costumize my character; I had actually thought about how this kind of game woulkd be cool before learning about IT servers. Yup, that pretty much sums it up. c:

Forum Discussion / Re: Is FeralHeart your Secret?
« on: May 15, 2014, 11:30:39 am »
Is FeralHeart my secret? Mostly, yes. Only my boyfriend and bestfriend know what FH is, but my parents only know that it's the game that helped me improve my English skills. They don't need to know more.

Would I respond if someone called me by my fursona's name in real life?
Honestly, no one really know my Fursona's name anymore, for I rebooted my fursona to match it with my dA account. I would be hyped if someone shouted "Heulog!" or "Fallen!" in English, of course, because I am French Canadian deep in the Quebec province. Oh, if only. Someone calling me by one of these two names would surely be one of my FH friends, but of course, that would be too good to be true. c':

Game Discussion / Re: Naming your Characters
« on: March 05, 2014, 12:34:44 pm »
I usually name my characters upon their personality/color. I then translate the word to either Welsh, Latin, Hungarian or Greek.
ex: My character Kairos, which mood changes like the weather. Weather = Kairos in Greek.

For WC characters, it's a bit different. I didn't always stick to traditional WC names. For example, my characters Voidsoul and Soulshatter. Now I stick to more original and traditional names. I simply look at them and try to spot a possible prefix. It takes me some time. Sometimes I'm inspired by something. Well, most of the time. Everytime.
ex1: Nightcreek, name inspired when I searched on a WC names website, the suffix 'creek' came in.
ex2: Lindenkit, because I have a huge linden in my front yard, that's the only thing I could think about.

Sometimes, though, I name my characters after characters of movies/books/series. It's rare, though. BUT, under this rare case, I made a cat version of The Doctor, a cat version of Anna and a cat version of Elsa with different names though but
ex1: cat Elsa = Eira which means snow in Welsh
Ex2: cat Doctor = whatever it is, it's just doctor translated in Greek

Well, that's all. I've got nothin' else. -flees-

Game Discussion / Re: Opinion On Bullying On FeralHeart?
« on: February 13, 2014, 12:27:57 pm »
People who bully on FeralHeart do really often say that it's 'just a game'. No, it's not just a game. It's just a game when you're in single-player mode, get killed, then you rage. Now, it that previous situation, it is normal. But in MMORPGs like FeralHeart, where you choose what to say, if you say something that can hurt someone, if you harass that person to the point he/she cries, it IS cyberbullying.

If someone tells you to stop making rape jokes when they're here, just stop. Don't act like it's the end of the world and find reasons why you can do them. Someone said as a reason once "My friend was raped multiple times." Uhh, sorry, how does that make you feel like making rape jokes all the time? Plus, another reason to not continue making rape jokes when someone tells you to stop: that person might've been raped/know closely someone who has been raped and is very sensitive about this.

Yes, that happened to me before. Yes, I cried, I told my friends that I would never go on my main account again. All that because of people that think that because it's the Internet, nobody there has feelings. I cried, and seriously, I have no idea how one of my friends managed to calm me down.

Something like this had happened before, through e-mail. My long-time friend started insulting me, insensible of what I would feel. I cried a lot that time, thought about committing suicide. But playing FeralHeart and meeting my awesome buddies changed my mind.

Then, imagine you, who goes on FeralHeart to escape your sad little thoughts, then you get bullied on there? Sorry, but, just... No. I had never cried that much since the e-mail thing, which happened two and a half years ago.

I've got bullied on FH last month. I'm still scared of going on this account, I'm still scared of seeing people who bullied me that last month. I'm still scared of going in that one place of Fluorite Plains where I RP the most.

All that because of cyberbulliers who can't take their own acts seriously. "It's just a game.", no it's not. People are behind the screen, and you don't know who they are. Which is why you should be careful, because who knows if what you say lead that person to depression, anxiety, insecurity or suicide.

My job here is done.

Game Discussion / Re: Are you [beeping] serious!?
« on: January 28, 2014, 12:20:45 pm »
Those people are indeed very rude. First, what do they even know about item pack? The poor Hauntedkit could've simply had a different one. Second, there's many realistic colors that are other from grey, brown and white. No, the other colors are not ridiculous. Did he say that just because "they're not in the books"? What about Ravenpaw, who was mainly black, or Firestar, who was ginger. I don't see how their colors are ridiculous, plus, they were both important characters.

Now, they had no reason being so rude to you. Like you said, Hawk was a wolf, and he still told you to butt out because they were talking about a warrior cat. What you had said was very useful and applies to warrior cats. A person can have an unrealistic character but still be quite an enjoyable presence when you get to now him/her.

And what even told them that Hauntedkit didn't knew the whole WC drill. That person could've been in RPs before and wanted to make a less realistic character.

Art Gallery / Re: FallenStar's Art Gallery (Update 19/01/2014)
« on: January 19, 2014, 06:34:53 am »
-chases dust off of my gallery- shoo 8I

Bumpin' this up for an update.

Forum Discussion / Re: How long have you been a member?
« on: January 10, 2014, 11:47:57 pm »
I joined the 30th Semptember 2011. I had no idea it had been this long since I registered. I only started to be active about almost two years ago, though.

Game Discussion / Re: Rant: Warrior Names.
« on: January 10, 2014, 11:43:55 pm »
And now clearly one was named Bisonstomp.
I mean, how does a cat even know what a bison is?
What queen names there kit Bisonkit?
Dosen't even make scence either.
Be honest. ^O^

You forget the fact that there's bisons in North America. In that case, it would be perfectly understandable that someone would name their character like that.

What really bugs me is when people start using the names of canon characters. A leader doesn't bother me much, but I have seen people using to the warrior name of leaders from the books, even though they have nothing in common.

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