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Messages - Alpha Sky

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5
Hahahaha XD good one :P sorry for the person that aint read but that was funny

when is the server supposed to go online again?
00:00am midnight tonight

I can't wait to get on Feral-Heart  :D , I've been waiting to get on & hopefully I'll get the chance to like actually play this time... Instead of those Login Issues  >:(
make sure ur up on the patches i think the latest is 29th of dec version v1.13 but we all have been having the same problam but also been able to get in to the game?

From the biggining every wrong minded person or troller i blocked them so maybe i will be running out of them soon lol :P and nice meeting you too Goshe and everyone else that helped me with my questions through the week  :)


Tommorow FeralHeart is back! Yay! Anyway is there any animals besides wolfs and lions/cats on FeralHeart? Because on one screenshot the header shows Zebras!
No just lions and wolfs the zebra's someone made meshes to add diffrent pray to your own map i dont know how but i do know there's only wolfs and lions but your imagenation can make other animals like i have dragons and a croc XD

Why is the Game surver offline?
read the important notice.

From the biggining every wrong minded person or troller i blocked them so maybe i will be running out of them soon lol :P and nice meeting you too Goshe and everyone else that helped me with my questions through the week  :)

Can't wait for FH to be back  ;D  These 7 days have been so boring  :-\ Oh an i can try the new things i downloaded for my charas i forgot about them till now lol :D thats if they work for me :P am also hoping the wrong minded people have the message and start changing there ways but i guess they wont... >:( but if i come across you and ur been wrong il block u and i hope everyone elese do the same so the mods can look it up why they have so many bans to there name lets stick togther and get rid of these people  ;D

Site/Forum Help / Re: Account Help: SOLVED XD
« on: January 28, 2012, 12:57:41 pm »
cool picture lol and thanks for your help :)

Game Help / Re: Skys Rim anyone?
« on: January 28, 2012, 12:56:32 pm »
i have never been there yet lol XD

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