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Messages - morallydefunct

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Game Discussion / Re: MOD Sightings And Over Reactions
« on: April 20, 2013, 09:03:29 am »
And you know what's just as bad? I have heard people say things about some of the people that hang around the mods. I've heard some people say things like "Those guys who cuddle up with the mods is a big suck ups" or "mod pets" (like teacher's pets) No they aren't! They are just FRIENDS!!!

That's funny! Well, in my opinion. Seriously, that's a little rude. xD People saying that. I don't see exactly why people are called 'mod pets' or such, because mods/admins have the same worth and value as us, but they just have a job. (And some.. 'special' controls with that job. xD)  I actually thought that at ONE, what did I say, ONE, time.

Forum Games / Re: How well known are you on FeralHeart? ---
« on: April 20, 2013, 08:51:19 am »
10/10. I see you a lot.

Introduction / Re: Hello there.
« on: April 20, 2013, 08:49:36 am »
Hey, kid! Welcome to Feralheart, follow the rules and make sure to check out some other cool things like Mods/Creations.  <--- Aug22 (Custom Markings. Credit to the creator of them.)  (Ringo and Delay's Item Pack. Credit to them.)

You don't have to download them, but a lot of people have this and it prevents the questions like, "Can you see my items?" or "Why are you all white?". Thanks and welcome!

Forum Discussion / Re: Hardest Thing About the Forum?
« on: April 13, 2013, 03:36:17 am »
The hardest thing on the forum for me?
Kid, there's a million things I got to face.
Let's just start off with me and my thoughts. Really, I'm not always full of ideas, and my posts I want to make a witty as possible without showing it. It's hard to think of a good post that are worded clearly and fun to read at the same time. Another thing of the forums, is getting your status up. Really, if you want to get it up, you have to post a million times a day. xD That doesn't fit in my schedule. I don't think nuzzles are hard, you just have to pretend it's not there, and if you make your posts great.

Forum Games / Re: How well known are you on FeralHeart? ---
« on: April 13, 2013, 03:28:09 am »

Forum Games / Re: How well known are you on FeralHeart? ---
« on: April 13, 2013, 02:06:58 am »

Game Discussion / Re: MOD Sightings And Over Reactions
« on: April 11, 2013, 01:55:06 am »
Yes, Rustys. Apparently, I don't think you've seen a user still over-react when they see a mod. But, this is what I assume.

Game Discussion / Re: MOD Sightings And Over Reactions
« on: April 10, 2013, 11:25:38 pm »
"I grovel at your feet, sir!"
What? No.
I never liked those kinds of people, I always disliked them and I feel if people don't 'worship' ones with commands to boot them off of Feralheart, then the Moderators/Admins will ban them for not groveling at their feet. I have a lot of respect towards the moderators and admins, but I just don't want to be friends with them.
"The mighty red text! It comes to haunt you!" That's what people scream and yell out when the red text appears in the chat if General is speaking about religion, beliefs, etc. I don't go overboard with seeing the mods/admins, as I don't /need/ to because I know they're just regular people with a job, handling Feralheart.
Why? Why do people do this? "Oh Red!!" "WOLFFFFFOOOOX!!" "DELAYDELAY" Seriously? I don't get why it is necessary for some to show so much honor to these people. Yes, they help manage Feralheart, but we're all the same. We're no different than each other. Same body systems. Same species. (Human) Same organs. Same flesh.
I've started to believe people only do this to show their appreciation to these people, because they run FH. I appreciate the moderators and admins as well, but not like some. Some just do it because they want to try and befriend them. Obviously, caps doesn't win the love of friends.
The reactions can be funny, they're funny until someone is kicked for continuing the discussion on boasting how Mods and Admins are cool and they rule and are like the kings and queens. Pfft. Yeah, right. Some users act like they're dictators, if you don't respect them, they ban you, or in a dictator-ruled scene, get your arm chopped off.

I'm not going to read all comments. xD Noooo...
I don't /hate/ warriors, I just happen to dislike how they roleplay. Apprentices, 'warriors, queens? Yeah. Sometimes it's not the warrior that makes me blow a fuse, it clans themselves. Clans well known around Flourite. (You know.)
Now, what everyone seems to assume is warriors are the only ones that powerplay... They're not the only ones! If you haven't seen other kinds of roleplays powerplay, then I deem you braindead. Yep. Honestly, not all warriors are powerplaying, but I just don't like the customs they follow. I have warriors myself, and sometimes, I break the 'warrior cat code' or something like that..

Now, I don't take things so literally like some people and require or 'devote' themselves to sticking by the WC books. Guess how many I've read? One. One... and I know somewhat of the WC RP.
Everyone is always like, "Ehh... the only reason we hate them is because they 'powerplay'." Uh, not all of them.
"Oohh.. they are so annoying." Your proof? I don't see them annoying.
"They've dominated Flourite... and lag the map with their battles." B-- Actually, I agree with that one. Mainly because I've made a topic of evil clans and battles. That's another reason I'm not fond of them. Attempting to make drama by making alliances with other clans and making 'wars'.

People run around saying WC has 'taken' over FP, and there isn't a day someone complains about not finding a wolf or lion RP. Now, I disagree with the topic a little. 'Everyone'? Oh ho ho, no. Not everyone is negative against Warriors if they're so popular and happen to be 'taking' over FP with their numbers. Honestly, I don't care if they're taking over, just means to keep an eye out for a roleplay that satisfies me.

Forum Games / Re: Rate the Signature
« on: April 08, 2013, 03:12:08 am »

It's funny and I like the lady in the background that turns around is all like: O.O

It's a guy who purposely falls and breaks milk gallons as a prank. xD It was on the news

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