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Messages - Saige

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Presets & Markings / Re: Radasus's presets
« on: April 08, 2011, 11:47:52 am »
Great preset. /downloads

This map is amazing <3 I could hang out in it all day. :D

:D Your welcome
I'm glad your so excited to do the chameleon xD They are so cute <3

That is a amazing owl!
I'm gonna give you something different :3

Character Name: Saakhit
Character Gender: male
Character Species: Chameleon
Profile (l/r), Front, 3/4s (l,r): Um... *looks confused* R?
Emotion/Expression/Action: Sticking out tongue with funny look on face, while on a branch.
Other: lominz, limonz
Code: [Select],r:21,s:0 Just any normal chameleon but if you color him I would love it if he was red or orange.

If you want to you can add my fursona, Saige to the drawing. Im making the chameleon her new pet/friend xP
Although, I dont care if you do or not. If you decide to add her just ask and I will give you a reference.

Species / Re: Gliders
« on: April 07, 2011, 01:45:43 pm »
Maximum ride ^^ A good series xD

D'awww. I love it! Thank you! *runs off to color it*

Wow, you draw fast :D

Colored :D

Thanks again <3

Character references that you want in the scene: Ice (http://oi56BannedImageSite/35kq247.jpg) and Snow (http://oi54BannedImageSite/sgmhl4.jpg)  
And the Scene itself: Ice wrapped around Snow his eyes open while Snow is asleep. Looking protective.
And Location: In a small snowy den, with pine trees.
Any dialouge you want in the scene: "I love you" "Promise me you will never leave me"

Thanks <3 I love your art. :D

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement /
« on: April 06, 2011, 06:04:13 pm »
You spelled Silenzio's name wrong...
and also I have a new picture for him. *will upload in a second*

Sorry about how small it is, Ill put up a bigger one later. :\

Commissions, Trades, & Requests / Re: Request from drifter -OPEN-
« on: April 04, 2011, 11:44:14 pm »
Have to say. Still lovin' your artwork <3

Same here <3 I am a bit of a stalker of this topic. I always look forward to seeing what new art you have finished.  :3

Presets & Markings / Re: Aya's Presets (1)
« on: April 03, 2011, 02:14:19 pm »
That's really good. I love the colors :3.                                                                                                                  

Oh, and, don't you play WEO? I reconize your name, avatar, and signature.

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