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Messages - Galeforce

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Aatto blinked at the sudden intrusion of a male wolf, and narrowed his eyes slightly. "I'm pretty sure it's considered rude to be so close to a female and violating her personal space, don't you think? Especially for one so young." He said, the hair on the back of his neck bristled some. He watched the brute closely, looking him over and tried to notice every detail of him, observing the stranger in case he came here for trouble, so that Aatto would be prepared. "Who are you anyway?"

((Ah, so short DX Sorry guys, bit of a writer's block.))

At the sound of her reply to being a human girl, his eyes widened in astonishment. She doesn't know? He thought to himself. He frowned slightly, for it did seem that the female did know what he was, but then how could she not know? He hesitated, unsure on how to answer her, or weither or not to tell her. He leaned back against the wall, staying silent for a long time, thinking.

Finally he spoke. "Well it does seem like you know what I am." He said, avoiding the word as well. "Though, it's funny, I sort of mistook you for a wolf." He said with a sly smile. He will play along for now...try to get her mind around the idea of being a wolf, instead of blurting out that she was. "Your senses and agility sure do seem like that of a makes since how you feel a bit a-kin to us, don't you think?"

((@Shadow: Alright, the pic looks awesome X3
@Mat: The post seems fine to me XD))

He raised his eyebrows down at the female. She was offering him some of the sausage? Well that was nice of her. He smiled then jumped down, landing softly on the ground and straightened up, looking at her as the chain on the manacle on his wrist jingled a bit. "No thank you, it's your meal, you've earned it." He tilted his head. "Though I have to wonder...what's your type doing around here?"

He was completely oblivious to the fact that the female didn't know she was a wolf, but it was clear to him that she was. The scent, her speed, everything pointed to it. He did not understand why a wolf would hang out around a human habitat instead of the wild where they belong, to be free and away from rules and laws that imprisoned them. His silver-blue eyes was looking her over curiously. She was young and a bit small, so it made since why she was so fast, and he thought she'd be a pretty good hunter.

((Wahoo! ^_^ Thank you, I'll go ahead and do my first post for this rp X3))

Aatto roamed the city with his silver-blue eyes scanning his surroundings. He fit perfectly in the crowd in his human form, wearing a long-sleeve-buttoned blue-white shirt with the sleeves rolled up at the elbows, and wore blue jeans. His silver hair seemed to shine in the light, and his expression was calm as a scar ran over just above his right eye and down his cheek, and a scar poked out from his left sleeve and all the way down his fore arm and to the top of his hand. With these things and the fact that he had a manacle and chain around his right wrist...he ended up getting a lot of stares. Maybe he didn't fit in so well after all.

He ignored all the stares and continued on his way, gazing around the buildings and bystanders. Seems so boring here, he thought to himself, Everyone completely oblivious to others. He sighed, but then stopped when a shout met his ears suddenly, and glanced over in the direction it came from. A man seemed to be yelling at a girl that ran off with something in her hands. Aatto narrowed his eyes, clearly seeing passed the illusion. A wolf? He grinned.

He grew curious so followed in pursuit, making sure to stay clear of the dogs that were chasing after the brown wolf. He ran to the alley and leaped onto a garbage can and pounced at a pipe, grabbing hold of it and climbed up onto the roof. From there he lept from rooftop to rooftop, keeping up with the girl without being seen. When the dogs have long gone and the girl was eating her sausage happily, he sat on the ledge of the rooftop he was on and grinned down at her. "Pretty good, haven't seen such a fast runner before." He said to her.

((@Naru: That's fine XD and thank you X3 I really liked how my character turned out haha hope I get accepted))

((Cool, I would like to join X3 and I can have my character find your steak Naru if everyone is ok with that and I'm accepted. Ahem, here's my application!))

  (Anything red is actually silver color and he has a chain on his right front leg, and has silver-blue eyes. A deep scar runs right over his right eye and around it down to his cheek, and another huge scar on his left shoulder and all the way down his leg. He has other scars along his body as well.)
Name: Aatto
Gender: Male
Age: 2.4 yrs (18 years old in human form.)
Personality: Aatto is an adventurous wolf who grew in the wild on his own. He has no memory of his parents, though that's fine by him, for he always looks to the future and the bright side of things. He can be pretty mischievous at times, but has a huge heart, always kind to those around him. He is playful and wild, a very untameable being and will always do things on his own, refusing to be ordered around. He ventures on his own but does enjoy the company of others, and remains very calm under any situation.
History: Aatto always travelled on his own and has moved from city to city, and has always been alone. Sometimes at night on a full moon he sings to the skies with happy spirits. However, he was once captured by humans and taken to a secret hideout where they have done many illegal things to wildlife animals, not just wolves. There he has witness and endured unbearable tortures that have left his body weak, and has been both scarred mentally and physically. He had managed to escape from such a horrid place with a manacle and chain around his right foreleg, and though he has healed the memories still remained, hidden in the dark part of his conscious, never to be spoken of...

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: Digimon
« on: June 07, 2012, 03:22:09 am »
I know right? DX))

Growlmon smiled and wagged his tail lightly. He beamed at Kye and waved with his free claw. "Bye Kyemon!" Kye smiled and waved back to him. "Bye Growlmon, I'll see you soon! And be good!" Growlmon nodded. "Promise!" He smiled back at Eryes as he let her lead him. "You can teach me to turn back? Yay!"

It was obvious Growlmon was happy for the company and Kye smiled after them, then looked back down at Nimh who seemed to be passed out. He shook her lightly. "Nimh? Are you still awake?" If she didn't respond then he'd have to carry her towards the hospital.

((Now to wait for Okami. X3))

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: Digimon
« on: June 06, 2012, 03:27:35 am »
((So sorry! I've been so busy! I'll try to place posts more often!))

Kye was amazed to see the girl destroy the huge Digimon, and when she came over and suddenly spun him around he began growing dizzy and dazed, trying to talk but his voice was drowned out by her giggles of glee. When she left to attend Nimh, he stood there for a moment as the whole world spun around him, trying to gain his bearings. He then shook his head and looked over to Eryes and nodded. "Right, though she's not really a little girl..." He said with a slight smile, then went over and took Nimh's other hand and helped her up. Growlmon landed on the ground and the Hyper Wings faded(thanks for the name by the way Gal XD), then walked over and looked at FeralRenamon with a smile. "Thank you for your help."

He looked to Kye. "Kyemon, what about me?" He tilted his head, a worried look in his eyes. Kye looked him over. He had no idea how to turn Growlmon back to Guilmon, and his form was so...huge. "Uh..." He bit his lower lip. "Go back to the forest to your cave and hide, we can't let anyone see you, ok?"

Growlmon sunk in his head a little, not liking the idea to be by himself. "But Kyemon..." Kye sighed. "I know Growlmon, but we can't let anyone see you. Um..." He looked to Dobermon and FeralRenamon. "Can either of you two go with Growlmon? He doesn't like to be by himself...and we need to take Nimh to the hospital, so none of you can be seen. Well, except maybe Dobermon, since he looks like a dog."

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: Digimon
« on: May 22, 2012, 08:36:40 am »
Growlmon looked to FeralRenamon. "Thank you." He stood back to recover for a minute as FeralRenamon charged towards Greymon. Kye watched in amazement. "Whoa! So that's Digimodify...." He reached into his card case and pulled one out. It was a card with wings(forgot what they were called XD).

He stood up and took out his Digivice. "Digimodify!" He slid the card through the Digivice. Growlmon blinked as something grew behind him, and white wings formed from his back. Smoke flaring from his nostrils he took off into the sky and opened his jaws at Greymon. "Pyro Blaster!" The fire beam blew down on the other dino Digimon, making it roar out and back away, stunned. It was the perfect chance for FeralRenamon to attack.

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: Digimon
« on: May 18, 2012, 06:59:07 pm »
Kye glanced at FeralRenamon. "Really?" He smiled. "Thank you." He looked back as Growlmon placed his clawed feet on Greymon's chest and pushed it back, causing Greymon to fly back a little and hit the ground on it's back. Growlmon stood and roared at Greymon, then tongues of fire erupted passed his closed maw between his fangs. "Pyro Blaster!" He shouted then open his jaws to let out a fire-like beam at Greymon, causing it to roar in pain but then it sent out it's own fireball attack and it smacked right into Growlmon's left eye, making him cut off the attack and move his head away, his left eye shut from the pain and he backed away, growling. "Owwwe!"

Greymon was now back up and rammed right into Growlmon, making him almost fall over but he pushed back, his claws digging into the ground to help keep him from sliding. Growlmon's right claw began to glow. "Dragon Slash!" He slashed it across the side of Greymon's face, making it roar out and back up a little, where Growlmon quickly turned and smacked his tail against Greymon's chest, making it back up more and flinch in pain. Kye glanced back at the girl. "Digimodify? No...I don't have a blue card. Guilmon never Digivolved before, this is his first time ever." He glanced at Growlmon.

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