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Messages - Tanglemask

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Addie & Trip

Perking his ears, Trip listened in, noting that they were moving. Flicking his tail over Addie's face, he started back. It didn't take them long to return to the pack, coming along side to be with leader. Addie decided to change her direction, following after Sledge with a smile. "Hey! Wait up!" She called out, trying catch up with other. "Need any help?"

Addie & Trip

It was quiet out where they were, not to far from the pack so Trip could still hear the chatter, but at a good distance to keep practice safe. He flicked his ears, craning his head to listen. Some kind of argument had happened. Looks like they'll have to be extra careful when leaving the pack for a bit. "Alright! Stances," Trip barked, turning around to face the younger canine. His front bowed a bit, allowing his behind to be raised, tail wagging in anticipation. Addie followed suit, but her tail was more stiff. She flicked her tongue over her mouth.

"Whenever you're ready," Addie pounced, barreling at the other, who stepped aside with grace, causing her to stumble. She quickly turned around, but Trip already was over her, forcing her to the ground. A chuckle came from him before stepping off.
"You're a jerk,"

Addie & Trip

"Come on Trip!" There was a long, drawled out whine that came from the smaller canine as she hurried behind her mentor, "It's too early for training," She complained, pouting a bit to try and change the other's mind. For the past week straight they had been training vigorously, for no apparent reason. Sure, she'd probably need it later on, but for now Addie wasn't the fighting dog. She would have been perfectly fine in taking the job of pup-sitting. But that wasn't possible seeing as there were no pups to watch over. So this was the next best thing. It wasn't that bad, at least she had Trip training her. He had been with her for years and separation was a scary thought.

"It's never too early for training,"
His response was yipped happily as he trotted on with his head high. He was definitely having too much fun. Like always. "Now hurry up," Trip flicked his tail at her before picking up the pace. If they got started early, they would be able to get back to pack.

(Thanks :D)

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: |Abandoned|Open & Accepting|
« on: February 01, 2014, 02:52:00 am »

Toby Clement

Rubbing his hands over his forearms roughly, Toby tried to get the chill out of his body, huddling in on himself as he made his way down the street. He hated the colder weather and his skinnier body couldn't handle it at times. By the looks of it, he wasn't the only one who wasn't faring well. His attention was drawn on Alix and with his head bowed, he shuffled over to her. Looks like they lost another one. Breathing into his hands, he looked over to her. A sudden yawn came from him and he quickly turned away, hands blocking his mouth in an attempt to not be rude. He had been awake for the past 2 hours, so since 4 to now the younger member of the street family wasn't all there.

"Ya gonna be okay there Ali?" He asked, turning back to her once more. Normally, he harsh temper would cause him to be a jerk to her, but at the moment she was mourning. Toby had some self control. "It is just one less man ta feed," Or not. He dug into his pocket, pulling out a few singles he had stolen from someone the night before. They were held out for her. He could fend for himself,



Name: Addie
Gender: Female
Age: 2 years
Dog Breed: English Shepherd
Rank: Apprentice under Trip
Crush: Open
Personality: A rambunctious canine whose eager to learn and is
quite the optimistic despite current situations.

      Name: Trip
Gender: Male
Age: 4 years
Dog Breed: All-American
Rank: Warrior

Community Activities Hub / Re: Youtube channel fun! Any ideas?
« on: February 01, 2014, 02:05:09 am »
If you do any FH videos I so wanna watch them. I love seeing how people make their own videos. Music videos, when done good, are awesome from the community. I enjoy watching them. So I'll try and remember to check out your channel once in a blue moon to see if you posted any stuff ;3 Good luck on it.

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: |Abandoned|Open & Accepting|
« on: February 01, 2014, 12:00:00 am »

Videos / Re: Tangle's Camera Movements
« on: January 28, 2014, 10:10:06 pm »
Oooh. I really like the scenery ones. These are great! Keep it up, keep updating because I can't wait to see the others! +Floof
The Scenery ones are my favorite. I'm hoping to make more of those types. I'll be sure to keep everyone updated.

I'm definitely lovin' these so far, especially the "Reveal" one. Never seen that around yet, ey? Can't wait to see the finish of this! <3

Oh yeah... one last question... ;u; what song did you use for this video? Heh...

I thought it was something different. It's hard to do a 'reveal' without a smooth, precise movement. Otherwise its choppy.

And the song is The Formula of Fear by Hybrid ;D

Videos / Tangle's Camera Movements
« on: January 28, 2014, 06:58:47 pm »
Guys! I did a thing.

While messing around, like always, I discovered how the Camera Movements work and thus, this was born.

Here is the preview for the ones currently made. I plan on doing more, which is why I won't release any codes yet. But for now, its progress. I do have to fix a few, name them better, and just get an over all better work for it.

Other than that, what do you think? Any suggestions, tips? If you want a tutorial I may be able to make one. No promises.

I'm shooting to have about 15-20 total. I currently have 11. So yeah ;3

Game Discussion / Re: Giving out personal information?!
« on: January 22, 2014, 01:11:36 pm »
I usually never give out too much personal info because I get all panicky and freak out. Unless I really know the person, like I know my friend who I met through FH, really well (we have known each other for more than 2 years) I don't give out much.

The most I give out is my chosen name (because my real name is very uncommon and the chosen one is because I'm transgendered) my age, gender. I explained what I like and hobbies/dreamjob. And that I go to school. Which narrows that down a lot -sarcasm-

But I never give out addresses, phone numbers, state. Skype is for only those who I really trust. Like Soaringaway, JD, Calliph, Kasai, and  The-Blue-Bowtie-Of-Awesome are the only ones who have my skype. We talk all the time anyways and I trust them.

I've put a picture up on tumblr, but that was me in costume dressed as Loki lol. I say that I'm on the East Coast of the US. And then it's nothing really else. Only Blue knows my real name. But we always refer to each other as Blue and Tangle.

I'm trying to think of what else people would give info about. Pets. I talk about my pets all the time cuz they're my babies. Uhm... I talk about my bro but I never use his name. Like yesterday to get him out of my room I had to throw a box of m&ms out the door. It worked. But other than that I don't really give out tooo personal info. Least I don't think thats really too personal.

I do think that kids need to be monitored online. Or at least constantly be told not to give out personal information. I've always been a nervous child and my parents shoved it down my throat about it so I've never really given out info. I always get scared about it. The internet isn't safe and even FH isn't, I'm not gonna lie. You never have any idea whose on the other end and I think people need to be reminded of that. Sex offenders, murderers, psychopaths. Extreme cases but who knows. You don't and that's the thing. It's a subject that needs to be talked more about. Some kids just pass if off, do their thing. But you really do have to be careful what you do on the internet. And parents need to take responsibility too. It's their job to watch their kid. I mean, once your 17-18 I think you should know what you should and shouldn't be doing. But its the age of technology so people are going to be on the internet. There are going to be things that you have to know your child is or isn't doing. Especially if youre 10, 11, 12. Vulnerable. It is so easy to be manipulated if you are naive and gullible. You say 'gullible is on the ceiling' and you look up, chances are you should be safe and conscious on the internet. Just saying.

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