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Messages - Zarorah

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Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: The Labs (DNA/Gifted Roleplay Accepting)
« on: October 20, 2013, 02:13:03 am »
"Thank you." Nathaniel took the cup carefully, making sure not to burn neither his tongue nor his hands. He took a sip, allowing the little wisps of vapor to float from the liquid. He watched the guard start to sew May's wound shut. "Ow, how'd you get that?" He asked quietly, taking a few steps toward the cage.

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: The Labs (DNA/Gifted Roleplay Accepting)
« on: October 18, 2013, 09:39:20 pm »
"I'll only have some if there's any left over," Nathaniel shrugged, watching the others gather around. It was kind of cute, actually, how they all reacted; they acted as if they were children with candy dangled above their noses. He walked to the opposite side of the room, leaning against the wall.

[[Whoops, yup! You are :3]]

"Hm?" Alex leaned on the axe as he looked up at the Japanese girl. She was pretty, with crimson colored hair and silver eyes. "The wolves are attacking people...?" He muttered to himself, glancing off in the direction that the German girl had pointed. "Well, that's certainly not good. We shouldn't be out now. They could smell us." Quickly, he sunk the blade of the axe into the tree, mentally cursing himself for not thinking of that earlier. Then he bent down, wrapping his arms around the trunk, pulling it up. He began to drag it, mumbling assorted curses once he realized it wasn't really moving anywhere. Biting his lip, he did something he normally didn't. "Hey, uh, can someone grab the back end of this? I'm not really getting anywhere by myself."

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: The Labs (DNA/Gifted Roleplay Accepting)
« on: October 18, 2013, 03:58:13 am »
[[short ermahgerd]]

Nathaniel grimaced; she was good at stuff like this. Sighing, he stood, brushing his pants off. He forced a smile at Yumi. "Ah, tea is nice. I hope you enjoy." He nodded stiffly, stepping out of the way of the guard.

"I just wanted to make..." Alex sighed, turning toward the girl as she left. She wasn't listening to him, that much was obvious. Swinging the blade upwards, he dug into a decently sized tree around ten feet away. He'd take care of stripping the bark off once he got back to camp. "So, where're you from?" He asked the dark-haired man, not really expecting a response. This guy didn't really seem like one to stick around long; he'd probably be gone within ten minutes. However, it would probably be good to have allies of some sort in this game.

That was another thing that struck him as odd. If this was a game, there would be a medical crew, a camera crew, and directors scattered about. He hadn't seen any of those things since the helicopter ride to their base. They were oddly alone, like they'd been abandoned. After chopping for a few minutes, the tree fell, crashing to the snow-covered ground. Quickly, Alex set to work, cutting off small branches, saturated by the melted snow. Soon, the tree had become merely a trunk, with a few little branches coming off here and there. Now came the real test; did he set the axe down, possibly letting this other man sink it into his back? Or did he somehow manage to drag both back?

[[Accepted, Tariri. Demonic, Caucasian isn't a nationality. Just letting you know. Change that and you'll be accepted :u]]

Alex grimaced at the man who emerged from the thicket, cautiously lowering the blade. This guy absolutely reeked of cigarettes and seemed to be too cocky for his own good. He was prepared to act, though, if the other attempted to attack. Subconsciously, he stepped in front of the girl, making himself a sort-of shield.

"Look, I laughed at myself, internally, for the stream of stupid that just came from my mouth," he admitted, shaking his head. "Why aren't you at the cabins? It's probably safer there than out here." He tightened his grip on the handle of the axe as he stared at the man's unnaturally white teeth.

"Huh.. I bet we could get a fire going if we strip away th-" Alex froze, his gaze slicing over the thicket. Carefully, he raised the axe, gripping the handle tightly; so tightly, in fact, that his knuckles were quickly turning white. "Who's out there?!" He hissed lowly, inching forward slowly. If it was an animal, he didn't want to startle it away so quickly. If it was another human, he was prepared to at least injure. "If you have a brain in your skull, you're going to come out now. Otherwise, I may have to go axe murderer on you." He kept a stoic glare on his face, but deep down, he was cracking up.

Axe murderer? That was literally all you could come up with? He asked himself.

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: The Labs (DNA/Gifted Roleplay Accepting)
« on: October 16, 2013, 03:58:02 am »
"Indeed I do," Nathaniel replied, smirking back. "You're quite the feisty one, aren't you? I know I wouldn't want to be stuck in the same room as you, because I'd probably leave with more than a black eye, huh?"

[[Sure, :3]]

"Huh?" He stopped right before he crossed the treeline, keeping the axe on his shoulder. "If you want to, I guess." He shrugged, resting the blade on the ground. "I was just hoping to find a few dry trees out here. I doubt I will, though. This snow is a b*tch." Alex sighed, swinging the axe up to clear away some of the overgrowth.

[[Yay, another person! Accepted.]]

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