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Messages - WolfBrother

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Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: Life is Tough|You may Post!|
« on: September 02, 2013, 12:37:18 am »

Name: Declan Clark
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Crime(s): Declan has only committed one crime that people don't know of, he 'raped' a female once. Though, he has broke into stores and robbed people. Not much, but, it's against the law.
Scars: He has a medium size scar down his back.
Family: Marie Clark (Mother) Dan Clark (Father) and Annie Clark (Sister)
Crush: None
Relationships: His girlfriend was shot a few years ago and he hasn't had another relationship since then. Annie and his sibling relationship isn't as strong as it once was before all this, most of the time he gets tired of her. 
Other: Nothing I can think of.

((OMG she's SO cute and small, Rayne. I'mma come over later tonight and bring Zuko! :) ))

Dean Martin

As Ana and Dean sat upon the porch Emma came over and apologised for the passing of Dawn. "Thank you." Dean nodded before Emma walked off to her whereabouts. Moments later Delia, Eliza and some new face come outside, when Delia mentioned that they were departing now he looked towards the new face. Wondering who the hell he was. By his posture and the way he dressed Dean knew he was apart of the military in some way, but, the Marksman decided to keep his trap shut as he scowled the man. "Bye, Eliza." Dean smiled as Eliza said her goodbyes, then he came to realize Delia stopped in front of him. When Delia explained the basics of why she was departing, he gave her a strange look, as in saying. "If that's what you think, then so be it." The she kissed him, at first he was caught off guard, he didn't want this to be the end. Before he knew it she was gone.

Dean turned to look at Ana who tried to comfort him, he just shrugged. "If you say so." After he finished his sentence Ana pulled Dean to his feet saying that she wanted to show him something. 'What could you possibly show me?' He thought. When they reached the backyard Ana let go of his hand and smiled before hopping onto a swing. Dean just laughed and shook his head, "This is what you wanted to show me?" He smiled. "You know, you can be one of the biggest kid I've ever seen." He laughed before placing his behind on the swing next to Ana's. They swung slightly in silence for a few before he decided to speak, "You know, this is probably the most peaceful day we have had in a long time. Even before the riots began." Dean admitted as he kicked his legs back and forth like a little kid.

As the two went on taking a trip down memory lane, Dean's mind was somewhere else, he kept going from thinking about his feelings for Ana, to Alice, then to Delia. Thinking about Dawn, and just thinking about how Dean and Ana would get in so much trouble with the cops in their neighborhood. Since, they both grew up on the streets and right next to each other, you'd always see them together. That's why most people thought they would make one of the cutest couples, but, Dean had his type and Ana had his. Though, he had been there once or twice in his lifetime, it just never lasted as long as he wanted, most of the time he though Ana just did it to do it, out of boredom. He never expected anything more than that though. Ana-Lucia was always a though nut to crack.

No worries, and I just usually skim through my posts if they're long. If you misplace a letter I'm sure people can figure out what you meant... ^^


Dean Martin

At the crack of Dawn, Dean woke up and went outside, being careful shnot to wake anyone. He walked acrossed the street underneath a willow tree and started to dig, this was where he was going to bury Dawn. Once he finished a few hours later he went back to the house and picked her up along with her teddy bear. As he lowered her into her grave he felt emotionless, then he laid the teddy bear down in it as well. When he finally finished covering her grave back up her found sticks and made a cross where her head lies. And stacking a few rocks as well.

Moments later Ana-Lucia walked over to hi and put her arm on his shoulder, "Rest in peace." He mimicked Ana. After a moment of silence they walked back to the house and sat on the porch. "Not hungry." Dean implored as Ana mentioned breakfast will be done soon. He just sat there and stared at Dawn's grave in the distance. All he could think about was killing the President and getting this -Removed by Moderator- done and over with. He was tired of losing everyone he loved and cared for. He was sick of it! First his father practically beat his mother into a grave, then he overdosed on drugs a few years later. Then Alice was taken away from him by patrollers on the first nights of the riots., now Dawn. If he lost Ana-Lucia, Dean would just commit suicide to get it over with. He couldn't lose her, and he'd do anything to protect her now.

Both accepted. I'll add y'all to the roster as soon as I get everything up and running! :)


Dean Martin

Dean laid on the bed staring at the ceiling, tomorrow all he had planned was Dawn's funeral. He never thought of the day he had to bury his own sister, a small girl who was just starting out in life, one who was so fragile and new. He blamed the President for her death, if he didn't start this whole mess of things, things would be how the used to. He would've been able to bring Dawn to a doctor where they had all the right supplies that could treat here. Hell, maybe she wouldn't even of been sick. Dean forced his eyes closed for a second as he tried to just stop thinking about everything, tomorrow, the world, reality, everything. He just wanted to shut his brain off and just stop. But, it isn't that easy.

 Dean was exhausted, he has been off and on for the last few days now. He couldn't help his self, Dean got up and walked into Dawn's room. As he kneeled down beside her bed he whispered. "How's it like up there? Is it beautiful? It probably is." Dean lowered his head, "Listen, I want you to know, I'm going to kill those -Removed by moderator-. They did this, if it wasn't for them..." Dean's voice started to soften. "Have you met mum? And I bet Ranger is up there with you now, Y'all having a good time?" He smiled. "I love you..." He kissed her forehead once more and walked out the room back to his own.

((It's fine, we all have typos ^^))

Dean Martin

Dean hid his smile when he witnessed Eliza getting excited, and the fact that Delia agreed to stay, even if it was for a little while longer. When Dean bent down to shake her hand, he smiled. "Nice to meet you, Eliza." He said in a calm voice.And he smiled inside when he saw Eliza run off to go play, the only thing he could think about was Dawn. When Delia handed the guns over to Ana he kept his head low, looking pass Delia's smile. His eyes followed Delia as she walked off, "I don't like the fact about them leaving." Dean admitted to Ana once Delia was out of hearing. He didn't want to lose one of the few people he actually cared about in this -Removed by moderator- up world now.

When Ana-Lucia started to argue and tell him it isn't his decision Dean turned around and faced the woods. "Yeah, I know." he snapped. "How are two girls going to survive on their own out here? Huh?" Dean was growing frustrated, though he tried to calm himself down. He kept picturing himself walking down the street and finding Delia's body with bullet holes in her chest. Dean quickly shook that thought out of his head. Moments later a bunch of kids, and Delia walk back over to them and crowd around Ana asking if they could keep the puppy they found. "A puppy?" He mouthed. What the hell was a puppy doing here? Where did it come from? Dean walked off and let Ana deal with the situation, she was their leader so it was up to her.

As he walked through the doors into the living room Dotty offered him  a slice of bread but h denied it politely and headed up stairs. As he passed Dawn's room he paused and stood in the doorway. She still layed there, lifeless, on the bed."Rest in peace." Dean spoke silently before shutting the door. He didn't want anyone to wander in here, like the kids. When he came across the room he had been in before he quickly shut the door and lied on the bed. Maybe he'd wake up and this would all just be a dream?

((Sweet post  :) ))

Dean Martin

Dean's rage calmed, somehow just talking to Ana made him calm down and relax. Of course he wasn't over his sister's passing, but, he knew with Ana by his side he can get through it.

After Delia came up to them and told them what was happening and her planning on leaving, Dean looked to the ground clenching his teeth. He didn't want her to leave, but, once he saw the little girl who was hiding behind her he knew it was her daughter. Damn, she reminded him of Dawn and how she would do that when she was frightened. "No one was killed because of you." Dean mumbled through his teeth as he had a staring eye contest with the ground. He tried to keep from making eye contact with her as he licked his lips. "People die. That's life." He spat. "We're born. We live. We die." For some odd reason Dean couldn't keep his trap shut, tonight had just been a stressful night for the poor guy, and Delia leaving wasn't helping. But, he managed to calm himself, he knew she was doing it for her daughter... "Be safe." He said as he glanced at the little girl then back at the ground.


Dean Martin

Dean was still frozen when the light was switched on, then he heard Delia's voice, but he didn't even flinch. The tears disappeared from his eyes as he stared out the window, he was broken. All he felt right now was rage, Dean clinched his hands in fists to where his knuckles were white. You could see the veins in his arms stand out, next thing you knew there was a loud banging sound as his fist collided into the wall. When he pulled his hand out his knuckles were bleeding, not much, just a little. Dean rushed out of his room and went downstairs and opened the front door leaving the house. Only to be followed by Ana-Lucia. As she called for him he continued to walk and headed for the backyard. As Ana caught up to him she grabbed his arm asking where he was going, "Nowhere, just need some fresh air." He said in a surprisingly calm tone. "It looks like it's about to rain, again." Dean smelled the air, it felt heavy outside. You could barely see the stars through the thick grey clouds that traveled across the midnight sky.

"You remember when we went camping in the weather?" Dean asked as he looked into the woods behind the house. "Just me and you. We'd go and hunt down food, find water, and a place to sleep..." Dean continued. "I used to have the biggest crush on you." He couldn't help but smirk at his statement. Though, it was true, Dean used to like Ana when they were teens, but, once he met Alice and fell for her. His feelings for Ana faded away. After a few moments of silence Dean laughed at Ana-Lucia's statement. "What?" Dean laughed. "She's not into me." Dean smiled. "Girls like her don't go for dicks like me." He admitted. 

((I was getting sad when I was writing Dean's post.))

((I'mma change the color to maroon, the cyan was hurting my eyes...^^))

Dean Martin

When Delia came to Dean and told him she was bringing Ben to go with her on a supply run he gave her an uncertain look, "Ben? Are you sure? ... Okay, be safe." Dean watched as she walked out the room and headed off to her destination before walking back over to Dawn, who was playing with her bear. Dean hadn't slept since he got here, he was just afraid, could you blame him? "Have you even named him...or her yet?" Dean joked as he motioned to her bear. "Why not? You've had him for 10 years now." He laughed. A few moments of silence passed before Dawn started to speak more, she started to ask questions about their mother who she had never met. "You have her eyes." Dean smiled before continuing, dodging the bad stuff "Well, you certainly have her personality," He continued, "Stubborn, when can make anyone's day brighter." Dean smirked, "Let's see, at night she would go and sit on the back balcony and read stories. She'd...Cook the best spaghetti." For a moment Dean hesitated, and as if he tried to remember his mother. Then he smiled at Dawn, "She was beautiful..." His voice started to lower as he held back tears. "Do you remember when you were, I'd say about 6, you put on that show for the entire neighborhood. You got up on the bench and started to sing in your care bear pajamas?" Dean quickly changed the subject by bringing up the good memories him and Dawn shared. "Yeah, I got up there and started to shake my butt off.." He smiled.

"Or the time you ran around the apartment on Ranger's back, pretending he was your horse?" Dean stated, Ranger was their German Shepherd they had when Dean was in his teens, Dawn used to ride him all the time when she was small. "Yea, he was a good dog." As the two started to take a trip down memory lane, Dawn's eyes suddenly closed and the room fell silent. "Dawn.." Dean's voice was to a whisper, "Dawn! ... Dawn!" as his hearts started to race he called for Claudia. "Claudia!" A few seconds later Claudia ran into the room, "What's wrong?" Claudia asked as she ran to Dawn's side passing Dean. "I don't know, she was fine." Dean started to freak out. A few more seconds passed as Claudia listed for Dawn's heartbeat Ana-Lucia ran through the door. When she realised what was happening she ran to Dean, flinging her arms around him. Dean knew what was happening at this point, deep inside he already knew things were going to get worse. As Dean's eyes filled with tears he watched as Claudia gave CPR to Dawn and everyone else started to burst through the door along with a few other nurses.

10 Minutes passed before it was over, Claudia walked over to Dean and wrapped her arms around his neck, "I'm so, so sorry Dean." She whispered in his ears, her voice was shaky. One after another everyone went to hug him and told him "I'm sorry for you loss." When everyone left it was just Dean, Ana-Lucia, and Dawn's lifeless body in the small room. Ana walked back over to him and hugged him, her arms were wrapped around his neck and he patted her back as a tear rolled down his cheek. The room was silent as Dean walked over to Dawn and kissed her forehead, Dean held her teddy bear in his hands and placed it on her chest, laying her hands over it before pulling the covers over her head to where all you say was a figure underneath the sheets.

He walked out the room and headed back to the back bedroom where he was once before, leaving the light off the room was almost pitch black as he sat on the window seal and stared out it. It was night, August 17, 2013, the day his little sister, Dawn, passed. "Take care of her mom..." Dean implored softly, he felt guilty, part of him wanted something like this to happen, Dawn was in a better place, she didn't have to deal with -Removed by Moderator- anymore. The other part, he was destroyed, she was the only thing that kept him going, the only thing he truly loved anymore...

Dawn Maria Martin

"No, not yet. And, he's a boy!" Dawn smiled at Dean's question. "I don't know, he nameless." She smirked as she poked the bear's chest. After a few moments passed Dawn spoke, "Dean, what was mom like?" She asked looking into his blue eyes. "Really?" She smiled when he told her she had her eyes, "What else?" When Dean started to list things that Dawn had of her personality she couldn't help but laugh. "She sounds nice..." Dawn stated as Dean tried to think of more things to talk about. "Yeah! I was rockin it!" Dawn started to fill with excitement as Dean mentioned the show she put on for their neighborhood. "You were shaking your booty!" She smiled. As Dean described all the things Dawn used to do, she pictured them in her head.

"Ranger! I miss him, he was a good puppy." Dawn stated as Dean mentioned their old god they used to have before he passed. As soon as Dawn finished that statement, her eyes softly closed and she felt warm. Everything went black. In the far distance she could hear Dean call for her, but she was unable to speak or even move. What was happening? As Deans voice faded, she heard another voice, much closer though. It was a female, her voice was soft, calm, and warm. Seconds later a woman appeared, she had ling brown hair and big chocolate colored eyes like Dawns, right then Dawn just knew, it was her mother.As she reached out her hand Dawn grabbed it, instantly all of Dawn's emotions faded. She was now, legally dead.

R.I.P Dawn Maria Martin  :'(


Dean Martin

"You're welcome." Dea said softly as he held her once more. "Trust me, we'll find out where those bastards took her." Dean whispered, he didn't want Dawn hearing him using that type of language. "Alright, I'll wait here." Dean spoke before before Delia gave him a soft kiss and exited the room. When Delia disappeared he walked over to Dawn's bed. "Hey Pumpkin Belly," Dean smiled. When Dawn rolled over to face him, he sat in the chair and just smiled at her. To him she was fragile as a glass vase, but, he knew she was growing up and he soon would have to let her go through the training with the Trainees. "How you feeling? Need anything?" Dean offered, Dawn's eyes were chocolate brown and she had stars in them.

Dawn Marie Martin

Dawn still held tight onto her teddy bear, and once Dean walked over to her bedside she rolled over and looked at him. Dawn couldn't help but smile when Dean used her nickname he used to always call her. "I'm good." She spoke softly before reaching out and grabbing his hand. Her fever has gone down a bit must she was still warm and shivering.

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