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Messages - Oakfrost

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Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: {Hunted} | Coyote RP | Open
« on: April 03, 2014, 11:09:00 pm »
[[ @JimMoriarty: Thanks for accepting!
@OreoHeroz: I don't mind having Torshe accompanying Sven, he'd be glad about the company c:

This will be edited into a post. If not, I will post as soon as possible. ]]

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: {Hunted} | Coyote RP | Open
« on: April 02, 2014, 07:08:06 pm »

"It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light"

Name:  Sven

Age:  6 Years

Gender:  Male

Personality:  Generally social, Sven isn't shy and may just stop by for a small chat. In a past experience of solitude, it began to grow on him and began to make him yearn for company. Though, he is wary when it comes to those who seek personal space and will not bother them unless its a life threatening situation. He keeps an open mind but is still ever-so cautious in sticky situations. He can become hostile to those who suggest unnecessary violence and disturb the innocent. Likewise, Sven will always rush in to help those in need of help or be the first to volunteer. His many years of living in the swamp provided him with good strategies and tactics when dealing with the dangers of the swamp.

History:  Sven is the younger bunch of the original coyotes who arrived at the swamps some time ago, driven by hunger and the threats of humans. His own mother had 'disappeared' in the wake of terror when the humans began running them out of the land they once populated. He was taken under the care of another female coyote with pups nearing his age and raised him like her own. Sven was barley out of puphood before his tiny soft paws that were once used to dry grass and thick leaves had been dampened by the moist banks and sloshy muds of the swamp. At first it had been difficult to adjust to the somewhat foreign terrain, but in time he and those who looked after him adapted. The change in prey had been most challenging of all as well as the fear of the scaled creatures of the muck.

As time passed and Sven reached his maturity, he strayed away from his adopted family and began to live on his own. In solitude he built upon survival strategies that came about and grew into an independent phase. He became selfish and territorial to others of his kind to neared him, sending them off with spitting threats. It wasn't until he met one particular female that his heart melted away the ice barriers that had enclosed it. Her name was Ara, and had swept the young Sven off his feet from the moment he met. Like Sven, she had grown up in the swamp, but had been on her own since the very beginning and was keen on teaching him a few things. Ara taught him how to see a whole new side of life. He had been heartbroken the moment she was struck down by poachers.

Now, though it was several years ago, he continues on mourning her death in silence. Mostly desperate from a loss of companionship, he developed a friendly side and enjoys social nature. Sven is always wiling to lend a helping paw or even let those who are unfamiliar to the lands come to him seeking helpful advice.

Accompanied by:  He is currently wandering on his own, but this is open for anyone who wishes to accompany him.

Extra:  Lives inside a small sheltered space under the crevice of two rocks.

Characters / Re: ? Oakfrost ?
« on: March 31, 2014, 02:18:04 am »
Yes I see, I could predict it took you awhile to make your bio.
Now, you just earned a floof for your effort and for your kindness to show your bio to the public.
Thank you ^^

D'aww. Reading your comment makes me smile. Thank you for the floof!

Yay, I'm glad! Good to know he's loved ;3


Characters / Re: ? Oakfrost ?
« on: March 30, 2014, 01:47:48 pm »
Lovely character!
I completely adore it. <3 !
I <3 the bio, it's brilliant. ^.^

Thank you for such kind words! I appreciate it!
Ah yes, the bio. It took me awhile to construct, but I'm glad you like it :3

Characters / Re: ? Oakfrost ?
« on: March 29, 2014, 02:03:44 pm »
Just a little bump c:
Side Note: Oak's homeland map (Erendale Forest) will be released soon! I've been working on it for a while, so I'm super excited to see what others think of it.

[[ @SoaringAway: Aria is accepted! Welcome, welcome! Jump in whenever you'd like c:

Sorry for the delayed post everyone. I've been sick and caught up with school. I'm not expecting this roleplay to be a fast paced one, but rather a slower and more detailed one. I've heard of people using a posting order to help manage activity, so if anyone thinks that would help let me know. Also for anyone else who is thinking of joining, we are currently seeking male characters. ]]

(Forrest left; Wyatt right)
?  F O R R E S T  &  W Y A T T  C O L E M A N  ?

The morning light barely filtered through the blood red curtains that hung over the dormitory's windows. The room was large, and fairly square in shape with thick stone walls that were decorated with Ares House banners, weapon plaques, and a few taxidermy heads. A single marble fireplace stood in the distance, its dying embers crackled in the place of occasional silence. About ten dark oak four-poster beds with dark silken crimson sheets were pushed against the walls in an organized fashion. Only six of the ten were occupied. And even though the furniture in the room was in proper place, there was no hiding the fact that clothes were tossed around and empty beer cans lay crumbled on the floor. Some of the plaques on the wall were tilted along with a boar head on the wall that had been dressed in a tie and a pair of shades. No one in the room awoke from their slumber until a feminine voice came hollering at the other side of the large chamber door that separate the men's dormitory from the common room.

"Wake up, you lazy hogs!" The wakeup call belonged to Bridgette, one of the four daughters of Ares. She was commonly referred to as 'The Big Girl', known for her height and impressive strength. She wasn't considered attractive by most of the young men of the camp, though it never seemed to bother her. She was proud of who she was, and like many Ares children, nothing would stand in their way or they'd burn right through it. "Or I"ll march in there and give you a real challenge!" Bridgette was the oldest member of Ares House at 29, and therefor felt some sort of responsibility for the rest of the House members.

It was Keegan who awoke in the room, the second oldest of the House. He sported the same tall and muscular qualities as most of the Ares House children, while his hair was a reddish-brown and his eyes a stormy blue. He practically leaped from his bed at the sound of Bridgette, a scowl settling in on his face. "Shut it will yah! Ain't a soul in this room who wants to hear your voice this early!" Keegan and Bridgette commonly bickered over things, as they both wanted to present themselves as the head members of the House. But by birth, Bridgette already won that fight. It was mainly in the process of decision making when Keegan would interfere. A reply escaped the woman behind the door, though it was too quiet and slightly muffled for an annoyed Keegan to hear so he ignored her remarks and went about awaking the rest of the dormitory. "Alright! Up with all of you!" As he passed the other young men snoring away, he started pulling away their covers and throwing pillows at their direction.

Eventually he got to the last two beds, who were across from each other and closest to the fireplace. "Don't make me repeat myself, Colemans," he said stopping in the walkway between the two beds. Forrest and Wyatt lay still and awake but they both kept their eyes shut. Frowning, Keegan cleared his throat and steadily walked over to the fireplace. He reached for one of the fire pokers at the edge of the fire and raised his arm to lightly jab one of the twins to wake them up. As he prepared to strike, a hand tightly coiled around his wrist. Surprised, he turned to meet the brown-eyed gaze of Forrest who had a smirk spread across his lips. "I wouldn't if I were you," he said adjusting his grasp on the other male's wrist. "I hear he's got a bad temper." They held each others gaze for a few seconds before Keegan opened his mouth to reply but changed his mind and pulled his arm away from the younger male's grasp. "'A bad temper'? Really?" Wyatt spoke up from his bed, where he was now sitting up on its edge. "As my other half, I was really expecting you to be better with threats." He rose from the crimson-covered bed and opened the draws underneath the bed which revealed several shirts and other clothing. Some folded, and others who were just shoved inside. Keegan rolled his eyes at the twin figures before hurrying away and yelling at some other guy to clean up the litter in the dorm before the staff arrived for inspections. As Keegan moved on he took his time to stop by the windows and pull back the curtains to let the soft light pour in. "I guess I'm just one huge disappointment," muttered Forrest sarcastically while following the same motion as his brother in gathering the clothes he would change into.

Soon enough, the twins had freshened up and participated in the huge effort to clear away the trash in the boy's dormitory of Ares House. In Wyatt's choice of apparel he had gone with a thin gray hooded shirt, denim shorts, and dark gray low-top sneakers. Forrest decided to wear a sky blue shirt rimmed with white, dark jeans, and black combat boots. Nonetheless, the entire Ares House exited their quarters and started making their way to the dinning hall, which was a little ways over from House common rooms. The Ares House had a tendency to travel in groups. Most of the House members strayed away from the group to talk to some of the other demigods who hung out around the House quarters. The well tended to grass in the area was slick with morning dew as the twins made their way towards the Fort's courtyard. Upon reaching it, they shouted greetings to a few of those who waved to them from across the stone and marble carved opening. A couple of satyrs watered the potted plants while Aphrodite demigods sat on the benches and gossiped amongst each other. As usual, they twirled strands of their hair with their fingers and commented on who had on what or how so and so did who know's what. Aphrodite House was the center for gossip and current affairs within the Fort. Somehow no secret managed to slip by them.

After following the North-West Walkway for a few minutes, the twins arrived at the Dining Hall. It was a huge structure carved purely from marble that had no doors or any enclosing formations. It was completely open and only provided a roof supported by large marble columns for protection of rainy days. Green ivy vines were swirled around the columns from the base up. At each column there were magical torches with flames that burned a searing blue. There were eight long wooden tables with benches dedicated to each house running vertically beside one another. At the front of the Hall, a large round fire pit was alive with fire. Behind the fire pit, there was a elevated area with a single table running horizontally dedicated to the staff. To the right of the staff table, a group of retired demigods sat and played the lyre for some music to fill the air. Already the Dining Hall was full of demigods prepared for the morning meal and announcements. Forrest and Wyatt hurried over towards the Ares table as the pit of their stomach began to cry out for food. A hint of golden flashed at the corner of Wyatt's eyes as the walked by the Apollo table, making him abruptly turn to see a familiar face. "Goldie Locks," he said grinning and slowing his pace just a bit. "See you in Track," said Forrest as he walked by and gave Jordan's shoulder a friendly squeeze. The two boys eventually reached their table and sat adjacent to each other. Golden plates had piles of food selections, as the twins took some pancakes, sausages, bacon, and eggs putting it onto their own smaller golden plate. From the selection of pitchers, Forrest poured orange juice into his goblet while Wyatt poured himself some water. It was as if the new wave of hunger that came over them brought out a strange feral side and they were soon devouring their food. Soon, they remembered, the staff would give the announcements when the Hall had filled up entirely.

[[ Apparel:

Bridgette and Keegan can be claimed if anyone desires them as a character. ]]

Ask Me / Re: ? Ask Oakfrost ?
« on: March 15, 2014, 04:37:25 pm »
` What type of Pokemon would yer main character (or fursona) be if she/he was one?
` The apocalypse started. What do ye' do?
` What's yer favorite genre in video games/movies/books/etc?

My Answer:

-  Xerneas.
-  I'd try and survive as long as I could. I'd probably hit the mountains.
-  Fantasy, without a doubt. The medieval-fantasy era by that. I'm a huge fan of things like Skyrim, Game of Thrones, etc.

? Do you prefer for an apocalypse or a plague to happen?
? Do you like odd numbers?
? Do you like to collect dead things? (Skulls, pelts, taxidermies, etc.)
? Do you have an odd hobby?
? If you could either breathe under water or fly, which would you pick and why?
? How do feet make you feel?

My Answer:

-  A plague. I'd rather there be a sickness than whole parts of the world destroyed. I feel like there would be more survivors if a plague were to happen.
-  I do. In fact, my birthday is an odd number.
-  No. At least not anymore. When I was younger I used to collect shark teeth (if that counts). My family owns a lodge/cabin which has a few wildlife taxidermies and antlers hanging about. But thats not my doing. Someone else in the family collected them.
-  Not sure, to be honest with you. If it was odd I would never really know because it wouldn't seem odd to me since it is my hobby, haha.
-  Definitely flying. I'd love to soar through clouds. Not only that but the ocean is one of the world's most mysterious places. I would not favor exploring its depths, even if I could breathe under water.
-  Feet are feet. They help us get around. We need them. That is simply all.

Ask Me / Re: ? Ask Oakfrost ?
« on: March 04, 2014, 10:25:41 pm »

1. Would you rather have your mouse die or your keyboard die?
2. Favorite food?
3. What is your desktop picture?
4. Do you enjoy eating nutella? o3o

My Answer:

-  The mouse. Though, I don't even have a mouse. I use a trackpad.
-  Definitely a hard question. I love so many foods that its impossible to just choose one. But I guess I'll say Fettuccine Alfredo with chicken is a favorite of mine.
-  Just the default Mac wallpaper. Boring, I know.
-  I've never had Nutella before. Just never had the time to try it I guess. So... Its probably going to be a 'no' since I've never eaten it before.

@Sherlolly  Jordan is accepted! Welcome! And its fine to have the twins as Jordan's friends ^^

Again, I shall have my post up soon. Either later tonight or tomorrow evening. I am aware that SereneHope cannot post because she is in the hospital, so whenever she is well and returns I will be more than willing to catch her up on however far we've gotten.

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