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Messages - Windance

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Game Help / Re: Collisions not working in Map Maker.
« on: February 07, 2012, 03:27:16 am »
I know that the box ones can be odd at times...but does this happen on meshes created by the game? Like, if you upload in object maker an already existing object like one of the trees, does it do the same thing when you test it?

Game Help / Re: Map issue.
« on: February 07, 2012, 03:25:34 am »
Hm, did you check your particles folder? I'm wondering if you have an extra one that doesn't belong. That used to make my game crash after I exported my map.

Forum Games / Re: First word to come to your mind
« on: February 07, 2012, 03:23:59 am »

Pretty sure that's from me not even thinking cabbits is a word. XD Litterally almost said "whut?" out loud LOL.

Windy, oh my goodness, it's been forever. Do you remember me? o^o

Also, lovely work here~ /Admirestareadmire
I don't recognize yer username at the moment (total memory fail lol I have the memory of a goldfish ;_;). o.O What name did I knows you by?

And thankies! Right now I'm actually in the process of revamping them all slightly. x.x LOL, found some minor mistakes and MUST FIX DEM lskdjfds cuz I will go insane otherwise. XD

EDIT: OMG yes I remember you! :'D I just looked up yer charries and yusssss Koooooooori *glomp* I haven't seen you since IT! So glads to see you!

Presets & Markings / Re: ~!My Presets!~
« on: February 07, 2012, 02:26:21 am »
The DBZ one made me laugh. XD That giant pink Marshmellow made people into cooooookies.

Game Discussion / Re: Weirdest Characters
« on: February 07, 2012, 02:22:54 am »
I was a piece of cheese once...the tale is best left untold lol.

Game Help / Re: Log-in problem?
« on: February 07, 2012, 02:20:37 am »
This is a common issue. Try creating a new password under your profile settings, and try again. It is case sensitive I think as well, so make sure you are typing it exactly as you would for the forum.

Forum Games / Re: First word to come to your mind
« on: February 07, 2012, 02:19:05 am »
Carrots! (I have no idea or reason, not sure how Being Human translated to carrots...LOL)

Game Discussion / Re: In-Game Interaction
« on: February 07, 2012, 02:14:14 am »
     I've made quite a few pals on here just by wandering around. Someone walks by, and I say "Like yer charrie!" People like to meet others I'd say in general...that's why they'd be on an MMO I'd hope. :P Sometimes it's just as easy as sayin' hi, or giving them a compliment on how they made their character look. Or even laughing at a joke you overheard. Usually having a topic or something to chat about gets the convo rolling. You'll also get to meet people through the friends you make, like a big web of friendnessness. XD
   So my suggestion to those finding it a bit difficult to make some friends is to just say hi to someone and ask what fun stuff is goin' on, or compliment the effort they made on their character. Downloading presets people made is a great way to recognize some people as well, and be able to talk to them about art if that's your interest. But now I'm just rambling LOL. Point is, just go say hello to people loafing around and see what becomes of it.

Game Discussion / Re: Mates and Such
« on: February 07, 2012, 02:06:29 am »
     Yeaaaah, one thing you have to get used to on this game is the matebeggers. To be honest, I never understood it. This isn't eHarmony after all...and I just find it darn weird to be honest. :X
   Yes, some people want a mate for their character, but it's quite awkward when a stranger just comes up and asks. When my old characters had a mate on IT, they were usually a friend I knew for a while and we just paired up our characters for comical nonsense. XD For a while, had my charrie Foxtrot in a love triangle kind of rp that was hilarious. But hitting on strangers...even if meant to just hit on the "character" you're playing as...can be kinda creepy to me. That's not some sort of rp I think should be an introduction to someone lol.

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