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Messages - ShadowPhoenix515

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Oh i almost forgot to explain the caves. The caves are made of sandstone. Sandstone and clay is everywhere up here. In the rock you can see how the rock has worn over the millions of years. Fossils are very rare in the stone because the rock is just that old! The cliffs change every year because the sand wears away and the rock falls off and is lost in the deep water of the lake. In the winter they are called the ice caves, and in the summer they are called the sea caves.

Art Gallery / Re: Drawings and Pictures i took of stuff.
« on: April 24, 2014, 10:28:52 pm »
More ice caves pictures. The first one is sideways

Ceiling shot

Blue ice. In this one i was in a really tight space. The ice caves can be kinda tight, scary, and awesome!

Another ceiling shot

Sort of ceiling. This is a big crack i  the ground where rocks have falled over time.

Side shot of a HUGE icicle. If you look to the right side you can see frozen Lake Superior.

Picture of the cliffs over the caves.

Another cliffs picture. If you look near the bottom you can see where the caves start and the cliff stops.

Picture of cliffs(yes there is a random person walking by lol)

Cliff shot. Look at the tree!

Cliff shot. Just thought this one was cool.

SO, there are some more ice caves pictures. I have tons more but i would have to put them online onto DA or something to put them here. There are tons of different ice caves up here on Lake Superior. They only happen every so often. Last time there were ice caves here was 5 years ago! The ice caves are becoming more and more rare as the climate changes. (please leave out any Global Warming stuff because i do not care to see it) So i am very happy that i got to go out and see them with my FFA chapter. I hope you guys enjoy these because i know i enjoyed taking them!

Art Gallery / Re: Drawings and Pictures i took of stuff.
« on: April 24, 2014, 12:08:20 pm »
Ill put some more up later :)

Here are some drawings and pictures that i took/drew. This is my little art gallery. There

Dragon drawing. I drew it on paper and decided that i liked it so i took a picture and traced it with my drawing app on my tablet: Sketchbook Pro by AutoDesk.---I really suggest this app for drawing on the go btw its awesome :3

Picture of my dog yawning. titled: Samoyed Rawr

Picture of the ice caves that happen every other year or so a few miles from where i live

Picture of a Tan Rabbit (tan is a breed of rabbit i raise)

Another ice caves pic. If you look hard enough you can see some hoar moss. It is pretty :)

Another rabbit. Her name is shredder. (If you care to know why just ask)

A painting i did of an English Angora rabbit on a left over floor tile.

Thats the end of my little art show :3 if youd like to see more just let me know. I love to share my stuff.

Stories / Im going to write, but I need your opinions.
« on: April 23, 2014, 02:57:19 am »
Im going to write a story, here I go.

Here I am, a 15 year old farm girl(if thats what you'd like to call me)writing this. I have no experiance with writing and Im pretty sure I just spelled experiance wrong twice. Now the story. What would you read? A dark romance with fallen angels and demon animals in a messed up forest filled with dark hideous secrets? Or, a story where a wolf or some sort of canine, or feline character, is the main character. Input is very appreciated.

*sigh* this probably belongs somewhere else but I felt it was appropriate to go here. If it is not in the correct place could you just move it to the correct place and not tell me about it? Im not trying to go by as a snotty rude, person here but ive gotten alot of people telling me somthing dosent belong somewhere. I only need to be told once. Thank you very much for understanding and thank you person who moves this post if it needs to be moved.

Game Discussion / Re: Would you rather...
« on: April 21, 2014, 12:27:19 am »
I posted this poll because i wanted to know peoples opinion on presets. I personally am not all that great at making my own presets. Ive started out by making copies of characters of game or tv show characters. Here are a few ive done

Link Wolf(Legend of Zelda, Twilight Princess)

Ulquiorra (Bleach)

Member Bio & Journals / Re: Fox Philosopher's Bio [Updated]
« on: April 20, 2014, 11:31:05 pm »
I like cherry licorice. I hate black licorice.....btw i cant spell licorice...or at least i think i cant. it looks weird.

Game Discussion / Re: Would you rather...
« on: April 20, 2014, 11:29:45 pm »
Hey your drawing is pretty sweet, Khota.

Finished Maps / Re: Pine Islands & Mystic Islands Map!
« on: April 20, 2014, 11:03:59 pm »
Ill go take some, I didnt think about it lol.

Hi everyone! Ive made a couple maps within a few days and i wanted to share them with you guys. One is called Pine Island and the other one is called Mystic Island. They are mostly just to run around on or RP on. I want to start an RP group on either Pine Island or Mystic Island. The links are to download the maps, they go to my DA page. Id love if you would leave feedback either on here or my DA page.

Mystic Island:

Pine Island:

Screensots for both maps[all screenshots are labeled]:
Thanks for reading! X3

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