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Messages - aviannerd

Pages: 1 ... 30 31 [32] 33
Name: Sharpnel
Gender: Unknown
Breed:Mutt, mix's unknown
Pack: Loner, sometimes a pound dog
Rank: Loner, sometimes pound dog
Discription: A badly scarred doberman-like mutt
Personality:Secretive, protective and not afraid to kill
Mate: No one will get close enough to them
Pups:None. Maybe they were forced to before they escaped whereever that horrible place they were from was.
Bio: Was badly abused in a lab as a test-dummy for medication, weapons, and how much pain a dog can take. Has no tounge
Username:kjbloomrandall In-Game:Sharpnel V1    Form: I don't know what this means.
Rp Sample:The filthy mut scrounged through the junkpile, hoping to come upon something to eat or something that would cover their face so dogs would'ent run away from them. They found a paper bag and managed to poke a hole in it with their snout and also used it to poke to eyes for it to seeand struggled it onto their head while hoping it would work.
Anything else: Other things you should know
First glance: A hideous killing machine who cannot do anything other than hurt.
In depth: A loving dog who will protect any one who earns their trust and wants only to be accepted by others and is sad because they run away from them.
Things people don't realize about them: They cry themself to sleep and avoid anything reflective because they remind them of how they used to be a pretty dog but is now a monster.

Yes. I always show up and never get to rp. -sighs-

This is an rp that has dogs with horrible past's and many scars. Grafic presets are allowed and cussing, violence and everything are also allowed. Go wild, and this is PG-13 even though I'm to young to mak this thread, do you really think I care? So far these are the types of creatures allowed:

Rats:These smelly creature can get in almost everywhere and are good food, exept some have diseases and will kill you.

Dogs: They come in all shapes and sizes (Don't be a blue square or I'll kick you) and will not hesitate to kill things

Cats:These sly cratures may or may not be working with humans, dogs, or other creatures.

Birds:Their flying food

Humans:animal catchers, bakers, butchers, anythins will work. We will need some sciencetists to exeperement on animals they catch.

Thats it.

Sign up sheet

Anything else:

Everything is optional but highly encoaraged. You may be mutated or have odd growths such as horns. Wings are accepted, neons are not.
Name:Known as Rip, real name unknown
History: All people know is the dog came from a lab
Likes: Unknown
Dislikes:Just about everything
Mate:They scare dogs away because their hideus
Anything else: Will not hesitate to kill anything

You may make a pack or join one or just be a loner. No god-modding or power-playing.

Can I start up a street dog rp in it?

Game Discussion / Re: Weirdest Characters
« on: July 22, 2012, 12:42:21 pm »
I saw cheese

I hate non-active important people. I wish they would change and get on more.

Can I get a cerberous preset? Preferably with a badly messed up face?

Hey. Scratch my first order. I need something like cerberous. Maybe like copper4me's, maybe one already made. I just want a cerberous quickly.Maybe within the week? I need a .zip file. Thanks, but take you're time.

Ok, thanks... Wai-wait RP ON HOLD!?!? -crys- "Why cruel world? Why do you do this to me?" I just got drama points. Yeah! And that city blocks it? I've had that for a while.

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