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Messages - Kittycatty

Pages: 1 ... 30 31 [32]
Game Help / Re: Ok, 3 words; Gimp 2.8, Feralheart maps, Help!!!
« on: July 08, 2012, 03:05:31 pm »
Ok, so I tried adding ".png" but it just said an erroor occured. It said in the instructions or whatever that you can't save it as any file thats not given.... So I'll just have to get Gimp 2.6 Oh  well....
BUT- I will certainly use the tutorial link you gave. Thanks!
Oh, PS. do you know how to add a movie/picture for your profile? Or the image bellow the text?
Thanks for your help! :D

Game Help / Ok, 3 words; Gimp 2.8, Feralheart maps, Help!!!
« on: July 08, 2012, 09:37:02 am »
;DHi Guys! Ok, so I was watching this vid today on how to make Feralheart terrain maps (video link is below) and the girl in the vid used Gimp 2.6. But, I had recently (actually just yesterday) got Gimp 2.8. The map making was a little different, different tools, etc... But, After I finally finished my map, the girl said it must be a .png file, but when i went into file options, .png wasn't there. I even looked through the online Gimp help book or whatever but it didn't really help :P
I looked through the comments at the bottom of the video, and some people had the same questions (about gimp 2.8) but none of those comments had been answered. Oh, and by the way, Once I DO finally get .png or whatever, and put in media-->terrains, how do I open it in the Feralheart map maker? I have LOADS of other questions about Feralheart maps, but thats for later. i think the reason it didn't work in Feralheart is because it wasn't png. Do I need to get Gimp 2.6 for it to work? It was really complicated for me to get gimp in the first place, (don't ask why ;)) and I don't really want to re-do my map. (I attached it to the post but I'm not sure if it worked) Now I did do Greyscale, and 513x513 size I just need help with how to open it and with the .png stuff. Please help!!! :o :o :o

here is the video link---->

Game Help / Re: Screenshot help!!!! D:
« on: July 07, 2012, 08:16:47 am »
Thanks! I finally got it to work! :D :D :D

Game Help / Re: Screenshot help!!!! D:
« on: July 07, 2012, 07:30:41 am »
Thanks! I will try that and see if it works. My keys aren't blue, but i do have FN Key and PRT SC under home. :D I will try it now.....

Game Help / Re: Screenshot help!!!! D:
« on: July 06, 2012, 07:25:09 pm »
Please respond! (to my note above)

Game Help / Screenshot help!!!! D:
« on: July 06, 2012, 07:24:01 pm »
 :) Hey guys, I'm having some Feralheart trouble. I recently got FH+ (feralheartplus) and I was trying to take some screen shots. I pressed the 'prt sc' button in the top right corner of my laptop keyboard, but the screen didn't pause or anything. And when I looked in My Feralheart plus--->screenshots, there wasn't anything there but 'read me'. I tryed it on normal FH too, but the samething happened. Nothing in the FH screenshot folder OR the FH+ folder (screenshots) PLease help! :-\

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