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Messages - RainbowTea

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((haha XD

@OreoHeroz: You know that wolf roleplay we were working on? I finished the drawing of Crowmist and Autumn Breeze! :3))

Simon Kelis

Simon slightly smiled as the boy reached down and scratched the dog's ear for her. He could sense a strong bond between the two, and he didn't want to disturb it, but he was beginning to fear he was. He slightly stepped away from the dog to allow the boy his space. "My name is Simon," he responded. Hesitation quivered within him before he continued, "If you don't mind my asking, what is yours?" His eyes rested on the dog. "And the dog's?"

Art Gallery / Re: Hacker's Art.
« on: August 28, 2013, 02:07:02 pm »
Computer art is very hard to master - I suck at it - and you are so talented! Don't put yourself down. :3 You're doing very well, and I hope to see more of your art, floof! <3

Pity twinged in Sage's heart, but before she had time to offer a sympathetic phrase towards the badger, the storm interrupted their conversation. Annoyance prickled in her pelt - the weather had quite a reputation for exploding during the worse times. She glanced at the pup, wondering if it really could walk or not. Deciding not to take any chances, she murmured an apology before gently closing her mouth over its scruff, picking it up and quickly walking towards the house that the badger had pointed out. Gently setting the canine on its feet once she felt the firm, wooden boards of the porch underneath her paws, she slightly tilted her head inquiringly at the badger, who was touching the door uncertainly.

"Here," Sage blurted out, dashing forward and leaping up confidently to catch the doorknob with her mouth. She reached it and twisted it sharply, but it wouldn't budge. Confusion rippled through her, and she yanked at it harder, but it refused to open. She dropped back onto her paws and shot a glance at the badger. A part of her hoped the creature would know what was going on, but seeing that she was unable to open the door a few seconds ago, Sage assumed the badger wouldn't know much about the stubborn doorknob now. "I think we'll have to find another way in," she sighed, racing off the porch and running around the house while scanning for any signs of another entrance. She finally spotted another door similar to the one in the front, and she easily opened it.

Her nails clicked against the tiled floor, and Sage stopped as she recognized a familiar, white block with food scents flooding out of it. Resisting the temptation to see if she could open it again, she went to the front door and stared up at it, wondering what was wrong with it. "There's a back door around the house!" she barked to the badger, scratching at the door. "I left it open."

A calm fell over Sage upon hearing that there were no more badgers around, and she suddenly grew shy again. She pulled her claws out of the earth, small clumps of dirt wedged into her paws as her fur immediately fell back and relaxed. She blinked at the striped creature, one of her ears flattening against her head in shame. "I'm sorry," she apologized. "I always act like this whenever I get nervous." The canine bent down and ran her tongue over her thin front leg to comfort herself before raising her head and sheepishly adding, "It's something I was born with, I guess."

Sage sat down and stared at the badger to burn its image into her mind. Not all badgers had been as friendly as this one, she realized, which was probably why she had flown into a panic upon assuming she had offended it. She worriedly thought about the long scar embedded on her flank - the one she had received from a hostile badger after she had accidentally stumbled upon it - but it was hidden underneath her soft pelt, so she never really thought about it until now. She blinked at the thought of Xachi's sad tone quivering in her words when she had told Sage that there were no more of her kind with her at the moment.

"You sound sad," Sage remarked. "Have you ever met your own kind?"   

Now that the badger was closer, Sage realized it was larger than it had appeared to be when it was desperately straining to escape the icy water's touch. A slight twinge of fear echoed in her heart, and she warily took a step back to place some distance between her and the ferocious-appearing creature. Her ear twitched rapidly, betraying her nervousness. "A-Are there more of you?" she shakily whined, shooting the question back at the badger without answering her. She suddenly realized her impoliteness and the possibility of having offended the badger, and the very thought sent a panic spiking into her. "No!" she yelped. "There's no one else!" Her eyes widened as her claws sank into the wet earth, her fur bristling. "Oh, please do forgive my bad manners," she begged. "I hope you do! I truly hope you do!"

Her tail tucked in between her legs, and shivers ran up her spine. She needed to get a hold of herself before she spun out of control and completely switched personalities. She took a deep breath to calm herself, but it did nothing for her fear. Speechless and afraid, she stared at the badger and waited for her chance to bite it if it attempted to hurt her.

((Okay, thanks. :3))

Sage decided the farmhouse was too much for her. She preferred not to be alone with a creature not of her kind, especially since it was a cat. Not caring how much noise she made, she made a mad dash for the door, hastily leaping up and catching the doorknob in her mouth before twisting it roughly and squeezing out the exit. Her feet moved faster till she was running at top speed, flying past the silent houses as the wind blew in her fur and tossed back her ears. A dash of adrenaline sped through her veins, and she almost closed her eyes as the thrill of traveling so fast rushed in her heart. She was going so fast, she thought she would trip, and she almost did, barely missing a sign when she veered a little too far to the right. She immediately slowed down, going at a steady jog and ignoring her rapidly beating heart.

Presently, Sage came across quite an interesting scene. A badger was clawing its way up onto the shore while a pup stood nearby and watched. She wondered if they both were fine - their pelts were plastered to their bodies, and shivers were running up their spines. Curiosity flickered across her eyes, and she cautiously trotted over to them, watching for any unexpected movements aimed towards her.

"Hello," Sage greeted them carefully. "Are you okay?"

Forum Games / Re: Slap Your Keyboard :D
« on: August 28, 2013, 12:39:57 pm »

Hungry kangaroos got delicious, strawberry, jello ... kake?

Simon Kelis

As the figure approached, Simon saw that it was a boy, only younger than him by a year or two. A smile twinkled in his eyes at the boy's response. "You guess?" he asked, and a chuckle slipped into his words. He shot an affectionate glance at the dog as she lifted her hind leg to rapidly scratch at the back of her ear. "Well," he said, "she's a pleasant dog, more well-mannered than a lot of the dogs I've met." Curiosity flickered on his face. The dog almost looked depressed, and he reached out to stroke her soft chin in hopes that it would slightly lift her spirits. Her fur was cool to the touch, and it felt good against his fingers. "How'd you two meet, if you don't mind my asking?"

((Eep. Do you guys mind if I make my character join you all? Because she's forever alone in the farmhouse XD))

Introduction / Re: A not-so-new person has arrived!
« on: August 28, 2013, 02:35:56 am »
Welcome back! :3

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