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Messages - hysteriaa

Pages: 1 ... 30 31 [32] 33 34
Forum Games / Re: ^,<,V
« on: December 19, 2011, 01:37:55 am »
^ everythingz up

< Christmas shopping DAY 2. And... bought... 50 pack of pixy stixz... thats literally all I bought at VONS.... the cash register ladyeh kept staring at me & my friends xxxD

v Would you rather eat 50 pixy stixz in a day, or 500 pixy sticks in a month?!?!?!?!?
 (Obviously I have an obsession)

Forum Games / Re: Yum, or Yuck?
« on: December 19, 2011, 01:34:51 am »
neva tried it, but it sounds yum worthy

German strawberry short cake

Forum Games / Re: *~*~ Rate the Signature ~*~*
« on: December 19, 2011, 01:33:01 am »
5/10 iz kinda cute but hard to see + kinda looks like a rip off from nyan cat xD

@sukira I didn't draw it, its an animed wolf xD

Forum Games / Re: Yum, or Yuck?
« on: December 18, 2011, 02:33:35 am »

If you dont kno what those are, [I KILL U], they are sticks filled with flavored sugar!!!

Forum Games / Re: ^,<,V
« on: December 18, 2011, 02:30:01 am »
^ Don't even know what that is xD

< Finally went Christmas shopping & on my journey tasted a Pixy Stix, my new unhealthy addiction. Yes, I bought a whole pack of them.... 20 of those heavenly sugar ... It was a great deal dunt judge meh! xD

v loves PIXY STIX 0.0

Forum Games / Re: ^,<,V
« on: December 17, 2011, 01:19:20 am »
^ Yes I can control other people in rps (True fact)

< Is watching "Super Hero Therapy" hilariouz xD
 I <3 the 'keyofawesome'
Robin, Are You Gay? Super Therapy Session #2!

v hmm... likes the video up there ?

Forum Games / Re: *~*~ Rate the Signature ~*~*
« on: December 17, 2011, 01:15:32 am »
2/10 I dunt get it xD

Forum Games / Re: *~*~ Rate the Avatar ~*~*
« on: December 16, 2011, 05:09:03 am »
2.5/10 ehhhhhh

Game Help / Re: Feral heart (NOT FH+) keeps crashing
« on: December 16, 2011, 12:33:11 am »
Well Actually I 'kinda' fixed my problem

A couple hours ago I redownloaded it, and I put each one of my old objects in the new folder like... 100 at a time (I have 1,135 meshes & material files xD), and i went into FH each time to make sure it wouldnt crash, maybe it was becuz I put too much in too quickly? Thats all I can guess, but it works now :) Hopefully it will stay working -.-

Discussion Board / Literate, Semi-Literate, & Non-Literate
« on: December 15, 2011, 09:24:35 pm »
So, I dont know if its just me, but literate rps are taking over. xD. Yeah I can rp literate, but Its just TOO much to write huge sentences all the time, seriously dude I'm not an author what do you expect? I like rping descriptive, but not like "Her paw was swallowed by the wet, collapsing earth while progressing towards the figure in the shadows of the alley, edged with morning mist, blah blah, blah blah, descriptive, yes I'm still typing, yes I wrote a best seller book" For a sentence where my char is just walking, I say something like "She approached the mute figure standing in the dark corner of the alley" or not even that descriptive, all you need to get across is that your character is approaching a blurry figure in the dark of night. Your not writing a book dude, this is coming from your head & you are talking to a person who will respond back, you dont need to take 10 minutes to reply back that you are walking towards him xD.

Anyway that's my opinion, but most rps I cant even get into if I wrote something as descriptive as that. Then I ask "Well give me a sample of what you want me to write like" then they give something SO similar to mine I'm not even kidding its like they stole it from me. Like WHYY DUDE??? WHY??? YOU PLAYIN WIT MEH?? xD

Most of the rps with awesome maps are literate, why??
It's weird cuz I get into most literate rps, but other ones are just so weird that even if you are a tiny bit off, they kick ya out, you know?

vote for your favorite way to rp up there ^
& Tell meh what you tink of the rp style you voted for down dere v
And haz a Merry Christmas!

P.S. I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just stating my opinion of strict literate Rps cuz I dont think its fair for them to set up those kind of rules for people who aren't obsessed with amazing descriptions for every sentence xD.

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