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Messages - Kyugima

Pages: 1 ... 318 319 [320] 321 322 ... 326
Media / Re: Adoptables
« on: February 02, 2011, 05:32:51 am »
Mines in my siggy! the others died though, and I can't figure out how to get rid of them

edit: Figured out I can get more XD

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: Umnedni Pride Role Play
« on: February 02, 2011, 01:12:30 am »
  Baba nodded his head as Runo spoke, knowing that his words were sensible. Baba was an outsider, and Runo had every right to not trust him. He grinned at the male.
  "Thank you. "
  Baba got to his feet, stretching as he moved towards the water. He hadn't had anything to drink yet desite the water being the reason he had shown up. He lapped at the water before turning to inspect the damage from the hyena's but to his hind leg. It wasn't much, but it would be a little painful for a while. He was lucky, considering what a hyena's jaws could do to bone.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: Umnedni Pride Role Play
« on: February 01, 2011, 05:07:18 am »
(Why did Runo snap at Baba? Baba helped Muren (That's his name right? I didn't say it in my post because I couldn't remember who was who so I just wrote young male) by distracting Hyenas that were chasing him and drawing them to himself. Although, I think you might have missed that part of my post because it went unnoticed...)
  Baba had watched the conflist in silence. He had no right to interfere in something that didn't involve the solitary male. He kept his distance, not wanting to get caught up in it. Of course, Baba thought it was a bit unneccesary, the lengths they were going to after a simple sarcastic comment, but that was his opinion.
  Baba watched as Korvo and his pride started to leave, a little surprised when they came back to apologise. At least there was some sense afterwards.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: Umnedni Pride Role Play
« on: January 31, 2011, 11:50:24 am »
  Baba knew how to handle hyena's, he'd had his share of fights over a carcass or a good sleeping spot. And then there were the ones that just liked to cause trouble, like the large group that had decided to pick a fight now. Baba used his size and weight to his advantage, jaws and claws snapping and lashing out at any Hyena that got too close for comfort.
  Baba spotted the young male run from the fight, heading off in another direction, unfortuantly attracting the attention of a few hyena's as he fled. Baba chased after. He couldn't waste time, the others were back with the majority, and Baba knew they would need all the help he could get. He simply drew their attention away with a few attacks, drawing them back to the fray by snapping at any that would try to follow the young male instead of react to his baiting. When finally he had the hyena's that had been following the young male chasing after him he threw himself into the fight, big body barging through as he snapped and growled, chasing a few away from the injured Korvo.
  Baba had been distracted with is front as three of the hyena's baited him, snarling as he felt the fangs of one of the hyena's sink into his hind legs. He spun, jaws reaching out as he pulled the hyena from his leg, turning to the ones in front of him, reminding himself to watch his rear.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: Umnedni Pride Role Play
« on: January 30, 2011, 11:06:28 pm »
Baba tried to answer her questions as well as he could, but sometimes he didn';t have time to answer before she moved on to the next question.
"No, I don't have a pride. I'm a wanderer, I travel all over the place, so I don't settle down and stay in one place too much. Sometimes I'll find a pride that'll let me hang around for a day or so, but a lot react pretty bad to me wandering into their territory."

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: Umnedni Pride Role Play
« on: January 30, 2011, 04:47:15 am »
  Baba kept his distance from the other lions. It was obvious to him the male was being a bit more than just a little upset about the idea of the two of them being in the territory, despite the other male, Korvo, actually knowing one of them. And if he was cating like this to someone one of his family knew, then there wasn't going to be a good reaction when it came to him.
  But of course, Baba wasn't just going to keep his distance forever. He took steps towards them, sitting himself down not far from them.
  "I know I have no right to anything from this land, but I would like to stay for the night, in return for perhaps helping with a hunt. My size makes it easier to get bigger kills, and I am in need of a place to rest for the night."

Game Discussion / Re: Fursona?
« on: January 30, 2011, 01:59:27 am »
My Furson is my lovely lady Kyugima, although she really can't be considered a fursona.
Kyugima is a fox with golden fur, and has red socks, tail tip, ear tips and muzzle. Her eyes are either red blue or purple all depending on my mood.
Kyugima represents all my obsessions. Magic, demons, and foxes! She is often depicted as a demon fox (depending on what she is in it's either a Kitsune or a demon of my own creation.) She has a human form that represents my dream self. She is self confident, loud and unafraid of anything. She has guts and strength and soul.
The fox part represents my more fun side, which i don't often show due to my severe shyness.

Introduction / Re: Hi :D
« on: January 29, 2011, 04:46:35 pm »
It's Kyugima for wolf quest, and it's either LadyVulpine or Kyugima for endless forest. I haven't done much posting on the forums for either, but I'm pretty active in the games when i can, when my internet decides to let them connect.

Introduction / Re: Hi :D
« on: January 29, 2011, 04:37:57 pm »
Hi Zeeze!
I hope you enjoy your time on the FH forums until the server is back up, and then I hope to see you in game!
I also play WQ and endless forest!

Forum Games / Re: Would you rather?
« on: January 29, 2011, 04:23:24 pm »
jade, because liv reminds me of livers XD

Would you rather eat dog food or kiss the grinch XD

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