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Messages - RainbowTea

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((Awwh, bye!))

Simon Kelis

The dog willingly smelled the flower, but she appeared to be distracted. Simon squeezed his eyes shut as the dog's tongue ran over his face, wetting his cheeks and causing another smile to flicker on his face. He felt the dog press her paw against his arm, her claws slightly scratching him, and he opened his eyes to see her staring at him. He could've sworn he caught a flash of concern and desperateness running through her eyes, but he inwardly shook his head at himself. Look at you, he silently laughed at himself. Reading a dog's emotions.

Simon stared back into the unblinking eyes of the canine. "What is it?" he asked her, a frown slightly tugging his eyebrows downwards. "You look at me as if you expect me to know something, but I don't." Did he? Confusion rippled through him, and a slight pain blossomed behind his right eyebrow, throbbing like it always did whenever he started to get stressed. He glanced up to see a figure standing a short distance off, watching them both, and he raised a hand to greet it.

"Is this your dog?" he called.

((@OreoHeroz: Sure, that's fine! :3 So Simon was Falkor's original owner?))

Simon Kelis

The last few notes ended abruptly, shattered by a dog's bark echoing in the air. Simon blinked. He hadn't seen a dog for such a long time. He reached into the back of his mind for a dusty memory laced with cobwebs, but the pages were yellowed and the images were distorted. Shaking his head and shoving his thoughts away, he formed his lips and began his song again, but the dog's barks started up again, sounding closer.

Simon stopped in the middle of his steps as a golden dog trotted up to him, her fur shining in the leftover traces of sunlight. A smile broke out onto his face as he reached down to pat the beautiful creature on her head. "Good evening," he politely greeted her, believing she would be able to understand him. Strangely, she appeared familiar to him, but he decided it was only his imagination attempting to lead him into a twisted trick. "Would you care to smell this flower?"

Without waiting for a reply, Simon bent down and held the flower underneath the dog's nose.

Simon Kelis

The sounds of his heavy boots hitting the cobblestones filled Simon's ears as he lightly stroked the soft petals of a pale, yellow flower. He had bought it for no reason, mostly because he was tired of the jingling sound of coins in his small bag, and he also liked the color of nature's creation. It would light up his room a little, but he knew it would soon wilt and be tossed in the garbage like so many other flowers. He paid no attention to the darkness falling around him like a heavy blanket as he walked down the deserted streets towards his house. His living quarters were small, but there was only one of him to care for.

Simon began to softly whistle, drawing out the notes in the tranquil night and listening to them as they slowly drifted away. He dipped his nose into the petals, and a ghost smile flickered on his lips at the sweet scent, warming his eyes. He only wished he had someone to share this moment with, but for now, he was happy enough.

((May I please join? If not, that's fine ^^))

"Simon Kelis, at your service."
Simon Kelis

"Excuse me, but is this an interrogation?"

"... Female. Obviously."


"Oh, well ..."
Simon is a pleasant guy, and he is easy to talk to. He'll gladly offer to carry your belongings or accompany you if you need him to. He doesn't mind helping others, and he is very friendly and trustworthy. He sometimes can be too nice, however. He also keeps his past and pain locked up inside of him, speaking of it to no one. He doesn't easy trust people, but he is still nice to them. He sometimes gets angry easily and can be violent or hurtful when he does. Sometimes, he is rude though.
"Honestly, I don't think I'm very interesting."
Simon grew up in a decent environment with his younger brother where his parents educated him and taught both of them good manners. While Simon became polite, his younger brother never took those lessons very well. They all lived happily until Simon's parents passed away from unknown causes when Simon was fifteen. His younger brother mysteriously disappeared shortly after that. Shortly after that, he was involved in an accident that resulted in the loss of many of his memories, although he knows who he is and who his brother is. Some memories are blurry in his mind, and he has trouble remembering. Ever since then, Simon has been on his own. When he heard about the girl being taken to the dragon to sing him lullabies, it reminded him of the pain of losing his younger brother, and he wanted to help find her too.

"I think you've shared enough about me."
I believe I have.

o.o I always thought I was the only one who did this! Since I can wiggle my ears and move them on their own (yes, I can do that. Don't judge me :P), I usually move them back when I'm upset or angry.

A thump in the house jerked Sage out of the past. Her muscles froze, and she stood still, her ears perked up and straining to catch any other sounds. She heard a wooden board creak, and dread lodged itself into the pit of her stomach. Maybe going outside was a better idea. Her heart skipped a beat as she silently slipped towards the stairs that led to the upper rooms, her soft paws making no sound on the carpet. Sniffing the air, she immediately distinguished the scent of a cat. Her nose twitched.

Cat? she thought, not sure whether to be disgusted or not. Maybe it was trying to find shelter from the storm like me. She stared up the stairs, but she couldn't catch a glimpse of it. She wondered whether she should go up or not, but she decided it would be best to leave it alone. She turned away, ignoring the sliver of interest piercing into her.  

Forum Games / Re: Slap Your Keyboard :D
« on: August 27, 2013, 07:44:57 pm »

Gorillas hurled awesome Icebreakers down slides. .-.

Sage's ears perked up, and she suddenly realized silence had filled the air. She sat still for a few minutes, licking the remain flavor of meat from her mouth and waiting for the howls of the wind to kick up again. Nothing happened. Curiosity struck her, and she scrambled up onto her paws, trotting towards the front door in hopes of opening it. A shut door met her face, and she recalled nosing it shut before the hurricane could carry her off. Leaping up, she caught the round knob with her mouth and twisted it. The door swung open, and she stuck her head through, gaping at the sight.

Dead trees littered the stretch of grass before her, their twisted branches intertwining with each other. There were many other items that didn't belong in nature, and Sage couldn't bear to look any longer. Everything was ruined. A part of her longed to go back outside, and as much as she wanted to do so, she knew that the storm would start up again. She had no idea where she would go or how much time she had. She went back inside and nudged the door shut. As the click sounded in her ears, she couldn't help but feel trapped with her memories in the empty, silent farmhouse.

Sage shot a glare up at the large, white block as annoyance prickled in her pelt. She had been clawing and gnawing at it for a while, but it wouldn't budge. Her sharp nose was filled with the delicious scents wafting out of the block, and it reminded her of the hunger that gnawed at her empty stomach. A growl tickled her throat, but she stifled it and took a deep breath. How did the humans open this? She tried to remember, but her memories were fuzzy, not that she had many.

Unleashing a groan, Sage butted the block with her head in frustration, staying there for a minute with her forehead pressed against the cold metal. It was a pleasant feeling, but a sudden wave of dizziness ordered her to get back to work. She pulled herself away and immediately noticed a white, curved bump that looked like it was made for gripping. Deciding she had nothing to lose, she closed her jaws around it and yanked as hard as she could. Something gave way, and she released the bump to see what had happened. Surprise fluttered in her when she saw that half of the block had turned into a door, but she recovered and quickly nosed the door all the way open before she missed her chance.

Her teeth were sore from the bump, but her eyes rested upon the food piled in the block. It was worth it, she told herself before tugging at an icy slab of meat. 

Member Bio & Journals / Re: Mai Bio - It's dumb
« on: August 26, 2013, 10:32:44 pm »
Aye, your bio is not dumb at all! I find it very interesting. c:

I like music, playing the piano, drawing, and writing too. I also love cinnamon! ^o^

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