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Messages - SophyTheLioness

Pages: 1 ... 33 34 [35] 36 37 ... 39
Art Gallery / Re: Just going to dump my doodles here
« on: June 19, 2016, 04:48:19 am »
Oml your coloring is handsome

if your coloring was a person i'd flirt with it


Screenshots / Re: Map Screenies
« on: June 19, 2016, 04:46:26 am »

Videos / Re: WIP feral heart run cycle!
« on: June 19, 2016, 04:30:03 am »
This looks incredible!

Videos / I did a video with my pack, lol.
« on: June 19, 2016, 04:25:37 am »

God why did i even make that

Introduction / Re: I'm back from hiatus
« on: June 19, 2016, 04:14:42 am »
Yay! Welcome back!

Praise / A sincere 'Thank You'.
« on: June 19, 2016, 03:54:03 am »
I've never posted on this board before.. So i beg everyone to excuse any errors i might have writing, since i am spanish.

First of all, i want to thank the whole staff of FeralHeart for helping grow what is the actual Feral Heart community. Getting more deep into this;
Since the day KovuLKD left the game, it would of have been reasonable that the staff would just drop the game and leave, since they were not being paid and keeping the server online would take money, but they kept "paddling" towards their goal. Think about it; people gave their effort and time to help a "dead" game rise.
And here we are.
More than 4 years alive, whitout help, ah, this looks like a strong tree, doesn't it? It lasted more than most online games i've known on my LIFE.
It is.
And overall, the community, because there are no leaders whitout followers, newest the oldest, everyone drops their bit into the pile of sand, it's nowadays we have a pyramid, everyone helps in the chain, TLK roleplayers, Warrior Cats, lions, wolves, horses, experienced users, new users, philosophers, artists, and many more types of persons that contribute to our grand, big society. I myself didn't expect that many acceptance about the update, we needed something crispy once again.
I also have to thank the staff again for this awesome recent update. Every map has their very own details and mysterious places, a magnificent example is Cherika Valley, which i assume is smaller than Fluorite Plains, and looks a lot bigger, i mean, have you seen ALL those dens and caves? Not a single one is the same, haha!, i expect more updates to come soon, but overall, thank you so much, everyone. The game needed a fresh start, change is not bad, at least not that much, heh.
There's not much left to say, other than a big

Thank You ?

For everyone that has played FeralHeart and enjoyed it at least one bit. Many of you might disagree that the whole community contributes to the daily growth of the game, but, let's think about it:
Yourselves, saying that, are also contributing! FeralHeart lets people express, giving new opinions, ideas, suggestions, complaints, and such, allowing the FH society develop in what we are now.

Plus Edit:

We forged many friendships on this game, we lost, we gained, we fought, we cried, we loved, we laughed, a lot. But that is what makes us all special, the lack of selfishness we all share, how easy it is to come up to someone... "Hey! Want to be my friend?", the courage of debating our opinions, the pros and cons of different topics, the laughter produced by the jokes of a fellow player. We, as a single, can't be taken down, even if someday, someday, the game dissapears, i can bet my two hands FH will stand up, we shall prevail to show the rest what makes a working union. We came back from Impressive Title, and now we shall defend what is now ours, we shall protect what is left from the gift that has been given to us to take care of it.

The memories that will stay with us forever will always be there for us, and we'll smile, we'll smile to a bright future, our limit is endless.
Thanks for reading!

Ask Me / Re: Ask Venus
« on: June 19, 2016, 03:37:44 am »
1. Have you had any pets before?:)

2. What's your favorite month?

Introduction / Re: Suddenly hit with NOSTALGIA
« on: June 19, 2016, 03:35:04 am »
Heya! Welcome back to FH bud!! I never met you before, but i'm sure you're a good user!

Forum Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Manual 1.15
« on: June 19, 2016, 03:32:02 am »
This is a good idea, there should also be translations for the manuals! If there are translations for the rules, manual translations would be useful as well! (Spanish here!)

Game Discussion / Re: Where will the TLK rpers rp now?
« on: June 19, 2016, 03:28:38 am »
I don't know where we could place TLK roleplayers... But i hope they get a good place to go! :)

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