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Messages - ShadowMT13

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Game Help / Re: Inviting people to my group I make?
« on: September 02, 2017, 04:35:54 am »
Okay thank you!

Game Help / Inviting people to my group I make?
« on: September 01, 2017, 08:34:27 pm »
Hey again, I am unsure about something, I have tried on my own to figure it out but I can't seem to understand it or find where to do it at. So how do I invite people to my groups I make in-game?

Forum Games / Re: Unpopular Opinions
« on: September 01, 2017, 07:07:51 pm »
Crap, I have a list of this stuff (-w-)" am I only allowed one?

Request Maps / Re: Forest-Based Map
« on: September 01, 2017, 01:06:33 am »
Never mind I had it switched to only members and admins could send me stuff, I switched it try now.

Request Maps / Re: Forest-Based Map
« on: September 01, 2017, 01:04:17 am »
Hmm that is weird, can you tell me what you want here?

Game Help / Re: What is up with these people's names.
« on: August 31, 2017, 09:14:13 pm »
Don't be afraid to ask, I'm pretty sure all of us were confused at one point at what the tags mean.

It's basically just an easier way to say what rank you are in a roleplay group. Not much else to say really. A lot of groups do it but I've seen it die out a bit in the past few months.
I'm going to use an example you provided, "EWxW"
The EW is most likely initials of the group name, and then the W can stand for Warrior or some other ranking.
The rank tags can most likely be seen in the groups bio or their website (if they have one)
Hopefully this answers your quesiton, it's a bit difficult to explain I hope I helped!
It does to some degree so thank you, but I am not afraid to ask I just don't feel like getting into an argument with some jerks again, that is all.

Game Help / Re: Is there any rules against this?
« on: August 31, 2017, 09:11:47 pm »
The mods can't really do anything about it if it's with the default markings, and/or mass/legendary markings, but if it's a preset, then I suggest speaking to a mod about it.

Can anyone get banned from "stealing" my characters looks?
It does depend on the situation but in most cases it's a no. If seen needed we can take action against users causing trouble but as far as characters goes made within the game using the original set of markings and tools provided in character creation to make your character, no design or look can be claimed by "you" as a user neither can it belong to you and you only. We've said this many times before and will repeat it in this thread as well. All tools and markings provided in the game is there to be used by everyone, even though there's plenty of space for creativity and unique characters there's only so many ways one can make a fox or a zebra. Certain combinations of markings will be more popular than others and we need to take this into consideration. We also need to take into consideration if there's more on the line like "Impersonation" or a user trying to take someone else's identity or claim someones work as "theirs".

Sorry I guess I should of been more specific, she did not steal my looks or anything she just made her name and everything same as mine to piss me off, nothing else, she did not steal anything, she just purposely did something to piss me off.

Game Help / Is there any rules against this?
« on: August 31, 2017, 07:11:23 pm »
Hey someone copied me only changing their gender...Is there any rules about this? She did it to only piss me off so, can anything be done before it turns into a problem? Her name is CookiezNom...

Game Help / What is up with these people's names.
« on: August 31, 2017, 06:50:50 pm »
I am sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, but I figured this would be the most likely place a question like this would go. So I am on day 4 I believe of being part of feral heart and it is pretty fun, though there are quite a bit of people on there who are kind of jerks, but that is not what this question is about so let me explain. I have noticed people seem to have coding after their names things such as UCxRB, EWxW, EWxH, and so on, What is the purpose of these letter codes? Is it a roleplay thing, I know some people will put F or M after their name and maybe even a race or a rank, to tell more about their character and to show the gender of their character with F and M, but what is the point of these other codes/abbreviations? I did not want to ask them, their self seeing as no one ever seems to talk to me and the last time I did ask a question that probably only a newbie would asked I was kind of shunned and teased by those people I asked.

So can anyone please explain this to me? Please and thanks.

Game Help / Re: My Feral Heart client is not working.
« on: August 31, 2017, 06:07:11 pm »
Do you have duplicate particles?
Go into C:/Feralheart/Media/Particles and delete the files that end in _0 or _1.

Did you try switching your rendering subsystem?

Okay thank you I did what you told me to, and it started up properly, thanks for the help! The problem seem to of been the duplicated particles.

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