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Messages - WarriorMoo

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Gender: Female
Age: Young Adult
Species: Bengal Tiger




Lead Knight


Gender: Female
Age: Adult
Species: Timber Wolf


Lead Shaman


Gender: Female
Age: Young Adult
Species: Likano Lion


Lead Nurse




Lead Officer




Gender: Feminine
Age: Semi-adult
Species: "Different"

[size=9]ALLIES AND ENEMIES[/size]
[size=9]This is a list of Erntemond's allies and enemies;
those who we share a bond with
and those who swear to break our bonds.[/size]









The Ernte Woods

Download it here!

Erntemond is German for "Harvest Moon"

A wood where the wind dances at dawn
Where the dragon sleeps in blue, and wakes in crimson,
Where the glowing orb of the moon is glazed in red,
and the constant beating of the drum echoes in the night.

-None So Far-

"Oh, hello there!"
"I'm Nina, the clan's leader and fonder. Great to meet you! You see, A long long time ago, my great great uncle Lucario formed a clan called Emeraldclan, which you might have heard of today. He then handed it down to another before dying. I've now mustered all my courage, because I wanted to bring back his blood into a clan. So I've created Erntemond to bring back my family's line."

"So I found a strange, but peaceful wood sitting by a beautiful lake, and it had the most fascinating moon I've ever seen! It looked just like the harvest moon, but it stayed the same each night. I decided to take the unclaimed land for my own and created a clan named "Erntemond"

Three strikes = Three warnings = Your out!
(After breaking any three of these rules and recieving three warnings, you will be kicked out of the clan)

This is a good/benevolent clan. That means no evil-doing characters, which would be kicked out of the clan roleplay wise.

Absolutely NO Godmodding/Autohitting

Godmodding ruins the fun for characters and roleplayers alike. It makes the roleplay unfair and less exciting. It might be fun for you, but definately not for others. This is one of the most important rules in gameplaying. Autohitting occurs when your character immediately attacks, not attempts to attack, another character. This is prohibited as it also ruins the fun in roleplays.

Keep your posts descriptive!

As a member of the clan, it is recommended that you are an experienced roleplayer. We like descriptive, long, interesting posts, not dull, short, and get-it-over-with posts. Keep the roleplay interesting; allow people to crank your thinking gears and help them to keep their thinking gears going to. We all like a thorough, happy roleplay :D

Keep swearing and gore to a minimum, and no mature content/subjects!

Swearing is something not fully prohibited. It expresses a character's personality. A little gore does keep the roleplay descriptive, too, but please, no stomach-churning action or a bucketload of swearing, for the sake of more sensative people, and our appetites. Thanks. Also, no mature content! <- Enough said here!


Allowed Species
Big Cats (Cheetahs, Lions, Tigers, Servals, Etc)
Hyenas and Aardwolves
Undomesticated Dogs (Dingos, African Wild Dogs)
Certain Hybrids (Dog/Wolf, etc.)
Certain Mythical Beasts (Gryphons, Chimeras, home-made species)

Note: If you have a character you want to apply that is your own species, make sure to show me their species description page first!

No Crazy Super Powers!

Please, if your character's gonna have a super power, no crazy ones! Keep the abilities to a few telepathical skills, no lazer-from-the-eyes or shooting beams from the mouth! Maybe a bit stronger or faster than others? But no super speed or superstrength! Leave that for the marvel characters!

You EARN your rank!

As you know, it's obvious that currently there is no beta, or second in command! Don't fret about trying to get that rank first; you've got to earn it! You start out with your average rank, and whoever has grown worthy enough to gain the responsibility of a high rank gets it!

Respect Your Superiors!

That's right! You need to respect the higher ranks for their jobs and authority! This means a few big things; no attacking other clans alone or in groups without the leader's orders, attacking each other, or disrespecting your superiors!


The clan's leader. Is responsible for deciding orders, appointing the beta and high ranks, and holding meetings. They have the highest authority of the clan and thus also have the greatest responsibilities. After an Alpha retires, dies, or steps down from their rank, the beta is usually appointed the new alpha


Second in command, the Beta holds responsibility for calling the clan to meetings, leading attacks, and giving certain orders. They are also responsible for taking care of the clan if the Alpha is absent or injured. This rank is an honorable, yet large duty as only those who are worthy of this rank recieve it. After the alpha retires from their rank, the beta is given the duty as the new Alpha.

Lead Rank

Lead "_"s are the most skilled and experienced of a specific rank. These leads come from a variety of ranks; shamans, knights, nurses, and officers. It is from these ranks that the beta is appointed from. Usually a lead earns their rank from hard work, experience, skill, loyalty, and respect for their jobs in the clan. Once the beta becomes the new alpha, a lead is chosen from one of the ranks as the new beta.


Warriors to the Erntemond Clan, they are responsible for defending the clan in wars, rescuing captive members, and carrying out dangerous orders for the clan's benefit. They are the skilled fighters of the clan and are one of the easiest ranks to earn.


The clan's healers and skilled medicine-holders, they are experienced in practicing ways to heal wounds and injuries, and have great knowledge in botany and other plants. They are one of the respected ranks of the clan, but are the hardest to earn as it takes years of practice.


The Cub-watchers and assistants to shamans, Nurses are babysitters to offspring and young members of the clan, aswell as supervising the birth of a litter to make sure that nothing goes wrong. They have the strongest hides to handle even the roudiest of young to keep them safe and in line.


Patrollers to the territory borders, Officers defend the clan territory from enemies. They are also responsible for keeping an eye on suspicious characters and to alert the clan of intruders. They are greatly respected for their jobs and valiant work to keep the clan territory safe.


The most unsafe and respected of the ranks, there is only one messanger at a time, who is responsible for carrying out news between Erntemond and other clans, and recieving words, either for or against the clan's benefit. Because of their bravery, they are the highest respected of the casual ranks, but are not appointed to any higher ranks in their lifetime.


A minor rank given to younger members in training. They are also aquired a mentor of any rank to train them for that specific rank. Once they complete their training, they are given the rank that they have been training for.



Code: [Select]
-150x150 Photo here-

-Name Here-
[size=7pt]-Ingame Username Here-[/size]
[b]Rank:[/b] Please choose from one of the casual ranks, or put none if you are a cub
[b]Roleplay Sample:[/b]
Note: Be sure to pute your application in code so that it will be easier for my to add it! Thanks!

Awesome work, Nala :3 Keep it up!

Game Discussion / Re: Rant about idiots thread
« on: April 21, 2011, 11:53:56 pm »
Rant time!!
Here we go!
*Meditates, breathes in, clasps hands together*
Let's begin.

Territory Claimers.

Can I say this? Okay; one of the things that bothers me the most is to claim territory on a map that is designated as a completely public map, (This including the four maps within the game.) that is absolutely destined to be traversed through thousands of times, by thousands of people. So, that being said, it definately would not make sense to claim territory in that area if you do not have the permission, support, and approval of staff, and/or the mapmaker.
Unfortenately, there are plenty out there who do not know this or refuse to acknowledge this. I've seen it several times; these people literally start pesturing you and shout to get your butt outta their territory, however they don't notice that several people are going to trudge through it anyway, or basically notice that it is an UNCLAIMABLE map.
Please, save yourself the trouble; make a map for your pride/clan/pack/whatever. There's a mapmaking tool to save you all the hectic coding, too. This rant points directly to RUDE territorial claimers who shout at ya, and don't give ya a chance to explain or give a crap to listen. For those who are territorial claimers who are polite and will allow you to explain, thanks, but for the sake of lecturing and enjoyable gameplay, don't claim territory on a public map.

Dear Simba

I respectfully ask, in your permission, when the time comes, to apply for an original character in the pride of Kiwa Kiwanja; Zira's pride.
If you accept this request, I will happily post the information of my character Sauda (Whose name mean's "Dark Beauty" In swahili.) to review and use when the time is right in the Lion King Roleplay.

WarriorMoo :3


Quite interesting, I might ask to join.

Game Discussion / Re: IT people
« on: March 05, 2011, 08:40:18 pm »
Late July of 2008, Either the 30th or 31st, but I didn't get on until early August, when I finally figured out how to fix that popular error.

Forum Games / Re: *~*~ Rate the Avatar ~*~*
« on: February 07, 2011, 11:25:07 pm »


Alright guys, let's not turn this rant against anyone.
We have our own opinions, and our own solutions.

Jazz; you're taking it a little too far. Just because Teal has different ways for handling things doesn't mean you go full force on them.
Now, not exactly pointing to Teal, but just a let know, we all have our own ways of solving things.

I personally am in favor of the dimensions, and really, I figure they'll come back at one point. The game has been online for only 5 days now.
Thankfully, both computers I use for the game don't suffer with lag, however.
Really, what annoys me is the amount of people that come in and out.
Yes, you do have the option of blocking out people's posts, and I guess in my computer's state, I don't mind if there's thousands of people. But the reason I ask for dimensions is that it helps for those who do have lag aswell as be able to just sit and relax with friends every once in a while.

Another thing.

I ask either for dimensions, or something to block out messages of people entering and exiting.
When you are in a roleplay or something, so many people enter and exit the map that you don't even have time to read another's post, or even get to scroll back up or down because of how many posts there are.

As for custom maps, my opinion is that it'd be really sad to have to make an entire map just to talk or roleplay with your friends privately. But that's just my opinion.

Forum Games / Re: *~*~ Rate the Avatar ~*~*
« on: January 10, 2011, 01:26:54 am »
9/10 Anime is full of win :P

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