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Messages - Aclediptus

Pages: 1 ... 360 361 [362] 363 364 365
>A reference sheet/illustration, can be linked
>Character's name, gender, and description Flamevixen shes a phoenix/wolf and can control fire
>Type (profile, full body, etc.)Fullbody
>Posing and/or expression maybe her doing something with fire? like..holding some glowing fire in her paws looking awed by it
+Background (optional) transparent
+Resolution (optional)
+Effects (If needed) if you can..she can have some glowing ambers flying around (its fine you cant c:)
+Accessories (If present)
Although I have not finished the first batch, I'll try and remember that. I've just have to color ArcticGalaxy's ArcticGalaxy, then I'll start working on Flamevixen. Progress has been slow, but at least I'm safe when it comes to my homework, hope y'all don't mind.

Even if I don't RP too much, I think using emotes makes a conversation more lively, it gives a character a lot more expression rather than the stiff faces of a mesh (like mines, irl) And I'll say it should work the same with roleplaying. I have at least a set of four emotes for each of my characters, most importantly rest, if I were to AFK.
I'll say, it takes a lot of fiddling to get the right emote, which may be why they would call it noobish to do so? I guess they'd rather avoid the hassle of constantly fluking their character's expressions. It might, as the previous have mentioned, be their own choice.

I definitely use the actions, really sets up the difference between a sitting mesh from a character. Then again, what do I know? I'm no experienced roleplayer. It only takes X/Z and an occasional LShift to use, nothing too complicated even if you're writing the lore of Warhammer 40k and can be easily used in between.
But yeah, it's more upon a person's liking on whether to use one-third the features of the game or not.

Forum Games / Re: Rate the Avatar
« on: May 18, 2016, 10:51:13 am »
(Good enough, I wouldn't rate my own scribbles)

Tiny, unreadable text, crown looks off, but a good picture no less.

Discussion Board / Re: Favorite Comedian?
« on: May 18, 2016, 09:06:17 am »
I'll have to go with the magician/comedian Tommy Cooper, he's amazing.
If musical performers such as Sparks, Jonathan Richman and Frank Zappa were also considered comedians, I'd add them too.

Forum Games / Re: Rate the Signature
« on: May 18, 2016, 08:08:22 am »
Still wish I could read Hieroglyphs.


Forum Games / Re: Random Info About You
« on: May 18, 2016, 07:57:16 am »
Hyperventilation syndrome occurs whenever I get too stressed or anxious :u

Forum Games / Re: Never ending story :D
« on: May 18, 2016, 07:51:17 am »
The desert of unfinished vacuum cleaners,

He looks absolutely smashing! I love all the details you put in to his look, and the tea- oh m'goodness! He loves his tea. I especially love the raptor feather! He would definitely use those as quills. The goggles look amazing- actually the way I'd imagine them in real life.

So good. So perfect. Much hamburger sizeness. Thank ye so much. <3 <3

And many thanks f'er reading m'novel! I'm glad ye enjoyed it. ^v^
Eeee! Glad to hear that the goggles, tea, and quill works out fine for you. (Even though raptors are mainly food and raptor feathers as bedding for Yugure's inhabitants, whoops.) I figured he likes tea because he could easily grow his own. :P

Aye! You're welcome, glad to hear that the image's style and background works out for ya! She's quite a nice character herself, I'll say.

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