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Messages - silverwolf120

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'Come on Zeus we have to train soon might as well start when Christine wants to.'Shasta said.

                                                                 10:00 Am
 When Christine finished her break fast she walked over to her dogs 'You guys ready to train?'Christine asked them. Shasta wagged her tail Fleck partly wagged her own tail.

:D same here XD

Shasta giggled a bit and lay down to wait for Christine. ' come you always get so anxious for big events?' Fleck asked her. Shasta shrugged 'I dunno?'Shasta replied.

Christine giggled and started making her breakfast. Shasta sat down. Fleck glanced at her.

'Oh fine you know I can't say no to the puppy face.'Christine said pouring more Kibble in Zeus' bowl. 'Happy?'Christine asked patting Zeus on the head.

(Ok.) Fleck finished her food and sat down and wagged her tail. Shasta kept eating she didn't eat her's as quickly. When Shasta finished she ran into the kitchen and pawed Christine's pant leg. 'Shasta wait please we'll train in a bit I have to eat too silly girl.'Christine said patting Shasta on the head. Shasta ran back too where the others were. Christine looked down to Zeus 'You already ate silly.'She told him as she patted him on the head.

Fleck went right to eating. Christine giggled 'You guys are the best dogs.'She said then she went into the Kitchen to make herself some breakfast. 'Now are you glad I woke you up early?'Shasta asked Fleck. Fleck nodded and continued eating. Shasta began to eat also.

'I'll take that as a yes.'Christine said walking off to get the food. She came back and filled all of there bowls. 'now while you guy's eat Im going to go eat.'Christine said.

Christine walked out of her bedroom and over to the dog's 'You guys hungry?'She asked

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