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Messages - KissAndStab

Pages: 1 ... 37 38 [39]
Tao! I got a question. ;o How do you get presets ingame and put the link up on Medafire so people can download it then see your preset?

Right! Sorry ;3

The mane would be Side mane.
And maybe blue, Green or Red streaks. You can pick, which ever looks best.

Lol no, just do Wolf tail. Hm, Do you think you can do a mane with streaks in it as well?

Oh my goodness! I ment to say that Sumi is a 25% Boxer and 75% Pit bull, how could I mistake that. O.3

Oh I forgot, can you try to make her tail look like a boxers?

Yay, Thanks Tao.

The link to the picture is-

Alright and there are some stuff that I would like for you to add that aren't in the picture.
Her left eye would be a Light blue, and her Right either a Sapphire or Turqoise.

-- Here is a link to what color I would like the Left eye-

If you can, may you put a few scars and gashes on the right side of her tummy.
A scar across her NOSE.
And if possible a cast/bandage on her left paw. Just on her paw, not her leg.

Do you mind if I request one? ;) Mine also is based on a real photo of a dog. O.o

Hm, I just cant go in the map until my character is completed. ;P

Thank you, Infernal. I will do so. ;D

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