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Messages - Frostpaw860

Pages: 1 ... 38 39 [40] 41 42
Oh Shade, to get pictures go to: http://wwwBannedImageSite
browse for your picture you want then
put in the code thingy. After you did that copy and paste the words under IMG codes for Fourms & Message boards :3

Tur dah :3

Name: Mila
Age in human years: 15
Species: 50% Angel  50% Demon wolf
Pack: The fallen
Rank: Messanger
Personality:(doesn't have to be in sentences):Clever,confused,angry/kind, and a little crazy.
Past/History:Mila was upset with her father one day, she decided to kill him to keep him from harming her sister. But she made one mistake, she killed her sister instead of her father by accident. In that action she was then on, one of the Fallen. She soon disred to seek revenge on her father and The Saved. Later she killed her father, now she wants to destroy The Saved ones, for never understanding her pain. She wears a white light to remind herself of her sister.
What would you do if someone cared about your character/how to get your character to care for someone: She would test them to see if the "Truely" care about her...if not, she would ignore them or kill them. If they did she wouldn't harm them in any way and fight for them, also she would tell them her deepest secrets.
Picture (can be a link): (Describe the character if you don't have a picture):

And in-game crappy version :3

Other: Theme song:
Army of Me [Sucker Punch Remix]- Bjork (feat. Skunk Anansie)

My updated version,plus I couldn't find much that was close to my old one for in game.

OH! Never mind, I found out that their was a new patch :P Uhm..Also, can I edit my char picture O.o

Wait, is the flourite spot working for you? O.o

Lol it okay xD Uhm..The Saved only have one person I think o_o

I downloaded it,but sadly today...the flourite place isn't working >:/ Also I know what will cheer you up, Khai...your first karma ^^

same here... once i get my precious laptop back  :'(
Aww that stinks :c Well if you do see me, my character is going to be ugly O_O Someone I think, is making my character. :P

Sweet! I'll download it right away. :D

Discussion Board / Re: Favorite Movies? :o
« on: July 05, 2011, 01:07:41 am »
xD Sooo many movies, werid that their mostly Disney movies O_O

Characters / Re: Avoine's creations (Updatet 2.7)
« on: July 04, 2011, 08:09:52 pm »
Cool characters, cant wait to see more x3 like Nyan cat said, i usually delete one of my characters everyday :P

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