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Messages - Wolf}

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(Well, I'm feeling better thanks to medicine *Makes medicine new best friend* So I'm going to school today and sneaking in medicine for me. I'll try and post once I get home if I feel up to it.)

(I may not post for a bit guys, Im really sick.)

Amber looked at Noah as he offered him a hand. Though she didn't want it she grabbed his hand, trying to pull her-self up. "Lead the way." she muffled to Noah as she started to walk slowly, she needed to get to that cleric. And fast. Before Amber became paralyzed.

(Very sorry for the short post, but I'm needing to go to school right now. Plus I'm not feeling very good.)

Stories / |:|I Love You, But Do You?|:|
« on: January 23, 2013, 11:39:56 pm »

Dear Diary,
   It's me again, Avery. School just finished and my plan; Plan make him Love me. Failed majorly. He didn't even notice. Erick didn't notice. I'm in most of his classes, same grade, we like the same things, have the same friends. But he doesn't see me! It's like I'm invisible. I'm running out of plans to put into action. I asked my friend Lilly about it and she said some weird quote: 'Guys like what they see, Girls like what they hear.' I mean, I know that but different advise would be nice. I need him to notice me! I mean, we talk and stuff, but like for a minute. How do I expect to get anywhere with that?! Know what? I'm fed up with this! He never sees my hints that I like him! I practically stare at him all day! I mean who doesn't find that as crushing on someone?

  Ok so maybe I'm over reacting but could it hurt him to every once in a while have him say hi? Or maybe like keep our conversation going for more than 2 seconds!? I want to tell Erick my feelings for him but it's like a paradox. I love him but can't tell him. I can't tell him because I love him. I just want to say 3 words to him! 'I like you!' How hard is that?! I guess I'll just see how it goes tomorrow at school... Hopefully he notices me.
~ Avery

    Avery set down her diary and gave a small, but sad sigh. "How will I get him to notice me?" she asked her-self. Falling back onto her bed Avery flew her diary to her dresser then gazed up at her star covered ceiling. "Why can't he notice that I like him? I want to tell him But-" Avery stopped not wanting to continue her sentence. Was it that hard to tell Erick she liked him? It felt as if she was going to explode trying to hold this in. Would Lilly tell Erick she liked him? Avery couldn't do anything. She wanted Erick, but Erick didn't want her. Was there a way to change his mind? How could Avery do that? "Ugh! I'll never get Erick!" she spat out at her-self, flipping over and pushing her head into her pillow. "Why won't he notice me!?" she yelled, muffled under the feathered pillow in her face.

As Avery removed the pillow on her face she looked at her phone. A text had come in from Lilly. It read 'How's it going Avery?' Lilly wrote. Avery gave a scowl at the phone. "Not great! That's for sure!" she told the phone, tossing to the end of her bed with a loud , Thump! Her green eyes stared back at her ceiling. "What do I need to do?..." Avery asked aloud starting to does off into a light sleep. "I need to find a way..." she murmured, falling asleep.

*Note: Don't steal this story idea. This is kinda actually how I feel. The names have been changed but this is truly how I feel. So please no stealing. Thank you.

(I will post after I get back from school. And Amber will get revenge Kasta!)

(I'm waiting for someone to notice Amber staring to paralyze...)

(o.O I didn't know expers could paralyze you with a little black wisp.)

Amber realized that something had gone into her ear with she was busy dodging. As Noah came to help her she tried to ignore the thing that had just flown inside her. It was like being poked with needles. As Noah took care of the rest and left Amber with one exper left she charged it and sliced at it's head. Decapitating it. As she stopped to catch her breath and look at the scars those expers had given she realized that there was still that thing that flew into her. It felt as it thousands of needles were poking her. As Amber sat down away from the blood bath the poking still continued. She fought the odd feeling and tried to tend to her arm wound. Taking a small cloth she'd kept in her small bag, Amber wrapped it around her arm. The cloth, which was almost white, had nearly become red with Amber's blood. Amber remembered that her back had been cut too, but she couldn't tell where it was thanks to the poking going on. Amber tried to reach for her small bag but realized that something was wrong. She couldn't really move her arm to grab it. "What's going on?" Amber asked her-self, even trying to struggle out the words.

(Le short again -.-)

(I have time to post finally! :3 And Amber is gonna kill you for this >:3)

Amber gave a small grunt of happiness as the thing had been decapitated. She stayed there for a small moment as she saw more surrounding her. Drawing her daggers up she gave a growl at them, realizing there was too many for her to handle. Amber drew her gaze towards the person Noah was fighting, he must've been the one summoning these things. With a scowl Amber looked at the creatures. Indeed they were dangerous as she spun in slow circles, so none could surprise her even though there was only five of them, the expers could easily out power Amber. "Noah!" she called at him giving a since of saying 'Hurry up and help me!'

As an exper charged Amber, she acted quickly. Looking to do the same as the one she'd taken care of not long ago. Only this time another attacked. As they attacked Amber focused more on dodging the attacks rather than attacking. Soon one cut her lower right arm. "Agh!" she grunted aloud as she then took her daggers and attacked the exper. After decapitating it she looked around at them, there has still four left. And letting them hit her then decapitating was out of the question. And fighting all of them alone wasn't either.

Amber drew her eyes down to her cut arm, a small but deep gash was taken on the lower part of her forearm. If it wasn't treated soon it would get infected. She needed that arm. With her one weak arm, Amber took up the daggers again as the expers kept attacking, Amber dodging their attack, while focused on a certain one Amber cut at it's neck, but missed it as she sliced at it's shoulder.  One had come behind her, and gave a cut in her back. Giving Amber a small shock she spun around, almost throwing the daggers at the exper. "Noah!" she yelled again. She needed this guy to  hurry up if he wanted her to live. She focused her attention back on the exper as she readied her daggers while watching. Ready the attack Amber was about to but instead dodged an attack from another exper. Why couldn't these things go find someone else to try and kill?

(Le Short.)

Very Nice Application Tana but I think this Rp is dead. No one has posted in weeks. Also for names it would be Skyflower and Snakeshine.

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