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Messages - moonshimmer100

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Game Discussion / Re: These Butts are Made for Swinging
« on: February 20, 2013, 11:03:04 pm »
i think buttswing is fine until people use it for immature and innapropriate things i hate it when somebody thinks its funny to buttswing in your face i like the action headswing better

Game Discussion / Re: What was the saddest Roleplay you've ever joined?
« on: February 17, 2013, 07:55:15 am »
i was a liger named Crinkle and i joined a liger pride and my friend had a crush on the leader then the leader got a mate and my friend dramaticaly freaked out saying things like "i don't belong here anymore", "nobody cares about me!" and "nobody will ever love me i just want to die!" then the leader got upset and left his mate and became her mate then his old mate got sad and said things like "this always happens to me!", "i just want a mate but everybody always leaves me!" and "why am i never good enough?" then my friend got in a fight with the leader (her mate) and they broke up then they hated eachother and everyone felt sorry for my friend then the leade got a new mate and the whole pride got angry and freaked out on him for it then his new mate got sad because everybody hated her so she left him and then everybody kept arguing and the pride fell apart

Discussion Board / Re: What is your pet currently doing?
« on: February 17, 2013, 07:46:41 am »
my cat is attacking the wall and meowing at it

Discussion Board / Re: How would you feel if you were Bullied?
« on: February 17, 2013, 07:44:40 am »
i would be very sad if i were bullied i am very sensitive and i let things get to me a lot well i have had people make fun of my voice saying i sound wierd once a girl said that i sound like sid the sloth from ice age which was highly exaggerated i have a speach problem but a very minor one i guess people just look for these things to complain about after that i ever talk much i'm really quiet and now people complain about that and say i'm too quiet and i should talk more and when i do talk they glare at me to shut up.. so idk if i were consistently bullied i would get very depressed it would affect me a lot

Game Discussion / Re: A guide to wolfspeak and why you shouldn't use it
« on: February 17, 2013, 07:24:35 am »
I hate when people do that, pretty much every rp i join now they talk like that it drives me insane and it takes me a long time to figure out what they're saying.

Game Discussion / Re: The Craziest thing YOU have done!
« on: February 17, 2013, 07:20:00 am »
i havn't done very crazy things i think the most crazy thing i ever did on Feral Heart was make a feline cookie and run around south pole laying in front of people.. that's pretty much all i can remember

Forum Discussion / Re: Just a simple Question.
« on: February 17, 2013, 07:06:07 am »
you can make adoption centers in bonfire? (if that's what you are asking) it helps some people to get into a rp

Introduction / Re: Hello!
« on: February 17, 2013, 07:03:48 am »
welcome back

Game Help / Re: i have a question about rules
« on: February 16, 2013, 08:30:05 pm »
ok thank you! i was just confused because he kept making it sound like there was a loop hole for the sort of thing he said

Game Help / i have a question about rules
« on: February 16, 2013, 10:15:29 am »
ok i'm new to using the forum so i'm sorry if i'm not posting this correctly... but in the game today i was with my pride nd then this person came up and started insulting us and then started saying something about a female part and i asked them to stop and he said "why it's part of anatomy you're to young to understand" and i said "can you not say that word on this game? i'm pretty sure it's against the rules.." then he said "no, cussing is against the rules mentioning human anatomy is not" and now i am confused is he allowed to do that? i was pretty disturbed and i found it hard to believe that it isn't against the rules i'm sorry if my question sounds dumb

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