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Messages - wolflinklove

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It seems like the Feral Heart Files seem to be Corrupted. Though, I can't be 100% sure since there is many problems that you have Explained and such. It's hard to put my finger on the exact problem though it does seem like the Files have been Corrupted, causing the game to no longer work. Is there a possibility you could put up a Picture of the "Feral Heart doesn't work anymore" before you get to Log in or does it close out the game before you can do anything about it? Try checking over the Files and such to see if you have all Original files from the game when it was re-Downloaded. Hope it helped a little bit.

Other Mods/Creations / Re: RELEASED!!!- Ringo and Delay's Item Pack!
« on: August 03, 2014, 05:41:22 pm »
Hmmm, could anyone help me? I am using mac, and followed all the directions in the ReadME, but they aren't showing up, is there anyway to fix this?
I may not be helpin' out too much since I'm not great with Macs. But, there should be a .cgf File in the Folder. Copy that and replace that with the original .cgf file in the Main Feral Heart Folder.

Leaving / Re: Goin' on a Trip f'er a few days.
« on: August 03, 2014, 01:44:38 am »
Yep, though, I'll be stuck at some sorta Boot Camp for the time bein' so I'm gonna be bored outta my mind since I'm a bit of a Gamer. But, thanks anyways, hope my mother won't be too snappy(Since it's just me and her) f'er the time bein'.

Leaving / Goin' on a Trip f'er a few days.
« on: August 02, 2014, 02:04:26 pm »
Well, as the title says, I'll be gone through the 11th-23rd(I believe that's the correct Date). Gettin' dragged to a place with the family. Well, I still got a few more Weeks so I'll be stickin' around 'til the date hits.

Meshes / Re: Updated!! Feline AND Canine Claw Meshes, for YOU!
« on: August 01, 2014, 03:28:53 pm »
Please help me! I dont know how to unzip the file, I have installed the 7zip thing, but I dont know how to actually unzip the file, becayse everytime I click on the Claws file, it just installs something.
Simple fix, Don't try to open it through right click. Just normally double click on the File, It should open normally. Atleast, that's what I do. If it doesn't work, feel free to PM me a Screen Shot of what's happenin'.

Game Help / Re: Characters walk strangely
« on: August 01, 2014, 03:24:00 pm »
Ah! All ya need to do is press Right "Ctrl". The Right Control button is so you can turn yer charrie without really standin' about. Hope it helped! I press that button all the time. x3

Species / Re: Unknown Species
« on: July 22, 2014, 03:11:45 am »
Thanks. I'm actually startin' a Group fer this in-Game if any of ya wish to join and make a Charrie fer it. ^-^ I hope to make this group a big hit hopefully! :D

Species / Re: Unknown Species
« on: July 21, 2014, 11:14:49 pm »
Why thanks. I don't generally make too many Species but I do my best to try and think of a good name fer them when I do have an Idea. ^-^

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / The Skull Crushers
« on: July 21, 2014, 10:16:40 pm »
The Skull Crushers

We are a bit of a Ruthless pack of an odd species. Every member of this very Pack wears a skull and Necklace of small bones in symbol that they belong to this very pack. We can be a bit blood thirsty but is a closely knit group who treats everyone like Family. Even though we are just starting out to etch our very name into the road of History, we are bound to get a Reputation quickly though.

We do not take to Outsiders kindly though. Many fear us since many think we feast on the very flesh and souls of other wolves. A tad harsh to say about us. Though, some may be true but I won't be givin' all Group information out to people that are just browsin' about tryin' to figure out what type of Pack their joinin'. Many don't know us yet but this very leader will change that all...
"In the darkness of the night, listen for the jingling noise of bones. That's the single noise you need to know right before you get killed... We are the Darkness that sets in the Woods. Soon, Right before your life flashes before your eyes, you may know who or what belongs to the very noise of the bones..." - Takani
Theme Song of the Pack -

Species / Unknown Species
« on: July 21, 2014, 09:59:41 pm »
Alright, lets get down to business. Sorry fer no pictures.  :-\
Pup Stage:
As a Pup, this Species will have small stubs of horns coming in but will not fully grow until they are Fully Grown. They Vary from jet black all the way up to light brown. Their eyes as Pups will be either black or Brown.
Teenager Stage:
This is where Markings start to show now. Their pelt will be either Jet black or light gray to dark gray. Their eye colors will be either Black,Redish-Brownish, or Dark brown with a gray tint. Horns will start to form to either curl,Straighten out, or slightly curl up.
Adult Stage:
This is where every thing shall be the same as the Teenager, that or their horns will start to curl or straighten out a bit more. It all depends on DNA basically.
Age Length:
It's most common for this Species to live up to about 24 Years of age. So... That's 1-24. It's a bit rare to see most reach up to 27 Years but it's happened every now and then.
Thanks fer Readin'! Also, don't forget to Vote! I need to know what to call this Species so I can start a Group in-game!

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