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Messages - Jackalfur

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The Zangoose blinked before waving a forepaw armed with long, thick black claws, the smug look returning to her face. This Pokemon is a little strange~... Meh, not like I have room to talk. More than one Pokemon had commented on her devious personality as "strange", but she had no idea what they were talking about, being her rather clueless self. "The pleasure's all mine~" she chirped, nearly yelping in surprise as a drifting bubble snuck up on her and popped right when it landed on the top of her head, but instead Polarus looked up at where the bubble would have been if it hadn't disappeared from sight.

Taking her gaze away from the slowly-darkening sky, she looked back at the Mewtwo who was known as Vassily, raising a pair of claws to hide a snicker of amusement-- but ended up failing and showing her laughter anyway --as he apologized again. "Kekekeke~ You don't have to apologize!" the bipedal mongoose commented with that trademark smirk on her face yet again, then paused as the purple humanoid Pokemon spoke again, a look of confusion overcoming her visage.
"Uuuuh..." Ship... wrecked...? Polarus felt a twinge of disbelief at this-- there weren't any ships here, as far as she knew... But of course, she, being herself, just shrugged it off. "...Oh! The forest? It's right over there," she continued, gesturing with her fluffy white tail toward the edge of the woods that hung over the beach. "But it might be a little difficult to find your way from there if you're new to this place. An easier path would be over to the trail that leads to the crossways, buuuut-- if you're heading to the forest, I suggest just going straight into the woods~."

((My Internet connection derped out right as I pressed post ;w; Good thing I copied it before I did...))

The Zangoose stifled a snicker at the humanoid Psychic-Type as he turned to look at her. This new Pokemon caught her interest and curiosity-- well, everything caught the mongoose's interest --but somehow this was different.
Polarus's ears twitched as the Mewtwo spoke. He seemed to be polite, unlike the slightly smaller red-and-white Pokemon, but she couldn't question anything. She was more intent on learning about this stranger rather than to inquire his personality and traits right away.
She snickered as the two-legged Pokemon apologized if asking for an introduction before sharing his had struck the Zangoose as rude. "Rude? Nah~" she replied after the Mewtwo introduced himself as Vassily, a natural smirk showing on her face. "My name's Polarus."

((Sorry if this seems short, I'm just gonna do Polarus for now 'xD))

((I think that'd be a good idea~ x3 Seeing as if we discuss it on here it would probably lead to spamming up the page... Cx
Typing from my derpy iPod so I'm sorry if I misspell something 'xD))

((asdfghjkl *glomp* Yay~~ ;w;

I'm in the same boat as you with the plot trouble-- so far I can't really think up anything that would serve as an interesting plot, or even a plot at all... 'xD Start brainstorming, brain! (/eAe)/
And mkay~ I think I remember seeing something that said the anime was cut off at one point... I can't remember-- But I shall do... both~! >8D *triumphant background music*))

Holy miltanks, is this thread old! I forgot all about it... 'xD
But yeah, I know they aren't really all domestic after reading the first book x3 I have to agree with you-- so far it seems like a great series, and I'm sure it will be~ owo

((Mkay~ ^^ I can wait to post until after Pikachufan does, if you want me too~
I am now obsessed with Pandora Hearts :'3 I'm only on episode five, though-- I want to make a roleplay of it, but I don't have any ideas for a plot... *headdeskofshame*))

Art Gallery / Re: I'm an ARTIST? Ohmai!
« on: January 06, 2013, 07:49:03 pm »
*le gasp* Don't faint! oAo *poke*
Thanks for the compliment, though! ^^ I appreciate it.
Note to self - Update this soon... ;w;

((Blacki~ *lehappyglomp* Welcome back to the rp! >w<))

((Terribly sorry I took so long, I haven't had a lot of time to post in the last few days oAo
Thank you for accepting Kiwi and Tea~! C: It sounds like I'm listing a food... xD))

The Windveiled Pokemon strolled casually through Treasure Town, a small smile visible on her visage. She loved watching the other inhabitants of this town, just observing their movements and motives. It was all interesting to her-- especially when it came to the Guild, despite she could never muster enough courage to speak up about her dream to someday become an Explorer. The Whimsicott doubted she never even would.
With a slightly disappointed sigh, Kiwi shifted her mismatched gaze of amber and olive up to the slowly-darkening sky. The sunset was probably a breath-taking sight down by the ocean, but at the moment she didn't feel the need to watch the scenery-- she guessed the 'light-show' the sun and the bubbles the Krabby at the shore made was almost over already.

The sheep-like Pokemon had been lost in thought when something-- or better yet, someone bumped into her, and instantly Kiwi recoiled with a yelp of terror. "Uwah!"

Tea looked down at the shape of a Whimsicott that she had run into on accident while she was busy trying to transport a few Pokemon Eggs to the daycare. "Oh! I'm sorry for bumping into you," she apologized, closing her leafy arms in around the bundle of eggs she'd been carrying. "Are you alright?" the Leavanny added, staring at the terrified Pokemon with concerned, beady red eyes, then blinked as Kiwi just shook her head nervously, tears of anxiety welling up in her eyes. "N-no, I'm fine... I'm so sorry! It w-was my fault."
"No, I'm sure it wasn't your fault. I wasn't looking where I was going." The humanoid Pokemon tried to reassure the shy townsperson-- or, if you preferred, towns-Pokemon --with a bright smile on her round face. "Now, cheer up! There's gonna be another big day tomorrow, I know it~! So no need to be sad."

Kiwi blinked through her tears and finally got rid of them with a brief shake of her head, feeling a little better. "You're right," she agreed quietly, putting on a shy smile, though had to step back a little as the Leavanny acted as if she were to hop three feet in the air. "Perfect! Now that's the spirit!" Tea chirped, almost literally balancing the unhatched eggs in her arms now. "...Oh, look at the time! I've gotta get these to the daycare before it gets too dark." she gasped, turning to the Whimsicott before proceeding to skip off. "Have a good evening~!"

Kiwi watched the happy-go-lucky Pokemon hop off, blinking in confusion. "Bye...?"

The Zangoose sniffed along the shore a few moments longer, then plopped down onto the warm sand with a sigh of complaint. "I come down to the beach to look for anything that seems valuable, and I find nothing." she yawned, just staring at the water as it came crashing gently onto the sand, but then perked up as she heard muffled talking and eventually got to her feet to see a humanoid shape from across the beach. She had to narrow her eyes a little before she finally made out what it was. How did I not notice that Pokemon standing there before? Twitching a long, tapered ear, Polarus quietly crawled over on her four paws to the Mewtwo out of nothing but pure curiosity. "Hey! Hi!" she called in her usual smug voice, not too loud, but not too quiet either.

((I hope this was okay; I didn't have a lot of ideas for Polarus so I was like "I'm just gonna wing it" 'xD))

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