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Messages - amythealpha

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5] 6 7 ... 84
Forum Games / Re: Slap Your Keyboard :D
« on: December 18, 2016, 09:22:53 pm »

Just yellow tigers, great.

Forum Games / Re: True Or False
« on: December 18, 2016, 09:22:29 pm »

The next poster has played Fruit Ninja

Forum Games / Re: Random Info About You
« on: December 18, 2016, 09:22:02 pm »
I watched Nightmare Before Christmas yesterday :D

Forum Games / Re: How will the person above die?
« on: December 18, 2016, 09:21:32 pm »
The person above will die because the detail in that post made me do a frighten

Introduction / Re: hello!!
« on: December 18, 2016, 09:20:53 pm »
Yessss I was Tinystar! *huggles* Yaaaay! I forget who you played as though (again, my memory is absolute garbage atm, I remember the characters but not the usernames right away ;;) tbh I miss Tinystar's character, she was one of the best FH characters I had, but it's hard to remember some things about her since it's been so long.

Also, I /might/ consider joining if you make a clan... but I'm inactive as it is, and I always have things to do and excuses so I won't be too active ;;
yay!! i miss conb :((
i forgot who i was too actually??  gah its hard to remember its been so long
i'm pretty bad at making clans , i'm trying to find one at the moment
and awhh :(

I was looking through my FH screenshots, and I found ya! You were Sunsong! You were one of the first characters I met in the RP, remember when we took a bunch of group photos when first joining? I think we joined around the same time or something, I know I joined sometime after you did but probably not too long after. You also played Silentpaw. Pretty sure you became Silentwind or something like that. Anyways, Tinystar and her were cousins, if I remember correctly. I think Tinystar also mentored her but I could be wrong? Either way, good times c'x
omg ya!! i remember all of that now omg memories gah?? and ya i remember tinystar mentoring her
could you send me the group photos? i can msg you my google hangouts or gmail

also thank u so much kikiorylandia!

Yaaasss alright, message me at [email protected] and I'll send you the pictures (some of the pictures were lost though ;A; but I'll send what I can)

I won't be able to send it for a while 'cause I'm busy today ;;


Thanks for this! I added some of my presets if you don't mind. My main fursona's preset, a preset for my favorite OC, and a bunch of free-to-use presets I've made.

Characters / Fursona/OC Help Needed! ((and Ask Me sort of))
« on: December 18, 2016, 08:49:21 pm »
Alright, well, hello there! I hope this is the right place to put this ^^" I need help with my fursona.

((NOTE: If you're in a rush and need to skip over this, or just don't care, skip to the next 'IMPORTANT NOTE'))

For those who don't know, a fursona is basically an animal version of yourself. Fursonas can be very different, and the character is sometimes basically exactly you, or someone you want to be, ect. and they can be any animal, even a made-up one (As long as it's not something like a Pokemon, then it's not really a fursona, it's an OC)

I need help with my fursona! You see, my fursona's name is HummingKitten. Well, that's her screen-name, her real name is Princess Agrah (obviously not my real name c'x) I used to have a design for her, but I'm re-designing her almost completely 'cause I hate her design.

Here's a gallery of (REALLY OLD ART 'CAUSE I NEVER DRAW HER ANYMORE) her old design:

Princess Agrah is approx. 2 years old, or a young teenager (younger than me atm until I can get a good story for her, then I'll age her up a bit) in her species' years. She's in the feline family, though is a made-up species called a Machkasur. She does not live on Earth; she lives on a fan-made planet called Heike. This planet is split into two realms, and she lives in the first realm. This realm is called Folami.
Princess Agrah has a small mane/tuff of fur on her head, neck and a bit of her back, which is normal for her species. She has lynx-like ears and overgrown claws. She's a little short for her species, but not a dwarf by any means. Her fur is quite fluffy, and she's a tiny bit overweight. Her tail is like a lion tail, but instead of a tuff of fur at the end, it's a bunch of feathers, making her tail look like kind of like a mermaid's tail or heart-shaped. She has wings (color unknown atm). She also has rather long teeth, which is normal for a poison Machkasur like her. Actually, she's a poison and flying Machkasur, but there's several types of Machkasur. She also has a pretty darn big overbite, which isn't normal for her species, so her fangs are often slightly exposed which she's oddly quite sensitive about. She almost always looks tired, and though she's quite optimistic, her neutral expression resembles a frown, so she will often look like she's in a bad mood, even though she's quite happy.
Even though they live underground, many of them can fly and/or glow, and/or have space-like markings. Because of this, they often fly in formations to make themselves look like a UFO, when really they're just flying carefully to trick whoever they see. To make a glowing effect, they choose Machkasurs with glowing markings to fly in a specific place, and to make a blinking effect, a dark-colored Machkasur will fly beneath them, hiding their light for a moment, then they'll go back, then cover them again. They can be neutral colors, pastel colors, ect. Having a dark-colored one, or one mostly black/white/grey isn't too common, but not insanely rare either. A cub born with neon colors will often be killed, since stealth, for them, is practically impossible.
Most Machkasurs, especially higher ranks, have symbols to represent themselves. These symbols they're often born with, or get when they're about a year old. They'll carve that symbol in places important to them. If they're born with the symbol, their paw-pads will resemble that symbol, and they'll almost always have a marking to match if that's the case. If they're not born with it, their paw-pads will be normal, and the marking with be carved into them in a ceremony.

Glowing markings/eyes?
Space-like markings/wings?

Oversized cat ears-Lynx ears

Special Marking
Markings in general
Pelt colors
Eye color
Wing color
Paw-pad color (skin color)
Tongue color (It might be blue but idk)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Asking questions helps me (and possibly you) get ideas for my fursona's design, or at the very least quirks of the character. ASK ANY QUESTION YOU WANT, NO MATTER HOW WEIRD IT IS. It helps both of us, even if you have no clue how it'll help. I'll find a way ;3 and if not, well, asking questions is fun anyways, so ask away!

Huge thanks to anyone willing to help me!

Introduction / Re: hello!!
« on: December 14, 2016, 04:28:00 am »
Yessss I was Tinystar! *huggles* Yaaaay! I forget who you played as though (again, my memory is absolute garbage atm, I remember the characters but not the usernames right away ;;) tbh I miss Tinystar's character, she was one of the best FH characters I had, but it's hard to remember some things about her since it's been so long.

Also, I /might/ consider joining if you make a clan... but I'm inactive as it is, and I always have things to do and excuses so I won't be too active ;;
yay!! i miss conb :((
i forgot who i was too actually??  gah its hard to remember its been so long
i'm pretty bad at making clans , i'm trying to find one at the moment
and awhh :(

I was looking through my FH screenshots, and I found ya! You were Sunsong! You were one of the first characters I met in the RP, remember when we took a bunch of group photos when first joining? I think we joined around the same time or something, I know I joined sometime after you did but probably not too long after. You also played Silentpaw. Pretty sure you became Silentwind or something like that. Anyways, Tinystar and her were cousins, if I remember correctly. I think Tinystar also mentored her but I could be wrong? Either way, good times c'x


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