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Messages - kululupuppy

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Game Discussion / Re: Memories ~
« on: January 15, 2015, 02:49:53 am »
I'm probably late to the party, but I'd still like to share. c:

I remember when I emerged into the refreshing world of FeralHeart after spending a long time playing WolfQuest. I ended up getting lost in South Pole within two minutes, and had no idea where the portal was. No one would help me because I couldn't properly communicate; since I was unable to figure out the difference between the FH chat box and WQ chat box. Luckily the WQ players who showed me FH found me and helped me out!

The first pack that I ever felt welcome in was called The Wolves of The Blade. It was very tight knit, unrealistic, and full of powerplaying; but none of us were experienced with roleplaying then. Our community was very close and we had a lot of fun developing our cliched plots! At the time, I was still stuck in WQ mode and took all of the relationships - enemies, mates, and friends - seriously. I didn't even know the difference between being out of character and in character!

So far, my best memories come from the last year of roleplaying with the Cannibal Canine Chaotics pack. I've met so many wonderful players in that pack and I've had a ton of great experiences with them! I could go on and on about them!

Game Discussion / Re: what kind of roleplays do you like?
« on: January 15, 2015, 12:36:05 am »
Moony and Hooli, your statements on wolfspeak are totally agreeable.
I always feel nervous when sharing that I'm not a fan of wolfspeak, since I've been in a situation where I had to nod out of a roleplay because I couldn't understand what they were saying. They sadly got incredibly offended. There are also a couple of wolfspeakers in the pack I'm currently in who are amazing players, but have that one roleplaying preference.
I forgot to add that I too enjoy groups where the players are mature enough to handle swearing and a slight sense of dark humor. Being able to tolerate one another maturely always makes the community within the group closer and more understanding of one another!

Introduction / Re: It's about time I got active on the forums.~
« on: January 15, 2015, 12:23:21 am »
Hhh, it's the sound effect of water splashing! xD

And I remember you, Creeyd! You should totally get a hold of Ki and rejoin!

Game Discussion / Re: what kind of roleplays do you like?
« on: January 14, 2015, 08:23:46 pm »
I'd have to agree with all of you on most of your points. I really like canine, mostly wolf, roleplays that are literate and semi-realistic (not defining character appearances, but character actions).
I don't mind large packs with 100+ members - in fact I love them - because most of those players are usually not all online at once. This allows the flow of the amount of players online to consistently change, allowing a large community to mingle and not die off so quickly. If a certain plot needs someone, yet they fall inactive, the role can easily be filled by someone familiar and trustworthy. It also gives more options to the roleplay plots.
For pack plots, I never like to have a giant plot that has to effect everyone. It ends up relying on too many players at once to be active, and if someone misses something important, they loose interest and fall inactive. From my experience, I prefer packs with "themes". This allows the members to pace themselves, but keep interested in what's going on. Themes don't often require everyone to be online at once and lets the members kind of choose what happens in the flow of the roleplay.
Here's just a preference of mine - packs that make the players prove their rank. Of course someone can join and say, "My character is an experienced fighter!". How do we know that? How many players have they actually fought in the roleplay, not who they said they fought in their history? Their character could very well be an experienced fighter, but they might not be an experienced fight roleplayer, which could cause problems in the future.

Here's a quick summary:
- Packs
- Literate
- Semi-realistic (defining character actions, not appearances)
- Large amount of players
- A set theme
- Smaller plots that the players create through the roleplay
- The need to prove one's rank

Those are just my opinions. Everyone has their own. ^^;
Remember that any kind of group can work out, no matter the type or plot, if the creator stays active and consistent with it. I'm sure your group will turn out to be awesome!

That'd be both crazy and terrible for me. The character that I would most likely be stuck as is a flamboyant, lazy, and sadistic cannibal.

On a dark note, I'd probably do very well for myself. cx

Game Discussion / Re: Have you ever been stalked by someone in-game?
« on: January 14, 2015, 07:56:17 pm »
Oo, this is a great topic! And I have the time to tell about my favorite stalker, Raynard (name changed to save his identity).

When a large roleplay I had contributed to ended, I found myself searching for a new group that shined like the old one. Well, long story short, that didn't happen and I got bored of searching. Just like any bored player on FeralHeart, I began messing around in Bonfire Island with nothing to do. I figured I'd take a break from everything and play on a strictly OOC character, mostly staying at the Mate Center and Adoption Center. It wasn't long before I met and became familiar with the long-term center drifters.
One afternoon of playing, I found myself at the Mate Center as usual. A very small and obnoxious neon character ended up butting its way between a friend and I, sitting on my character. I was called to the middle shortly after and they followed. I proceeded to laugh, believing they were troll character.
I didn't think they were taking it seriously. I sure wasn't! Looking back on it, I still laugh at how crazy his little neon character looked beside my large, mostly realistic one.
Being stupid and thinking it would be funny, I picked him.
He didn't type anything in reply as we walked away from the Mate Center circle. Not even a typical friend request was sent. I tried chatting with him, explaining that he could go back and troll the other players at the Mate Center, but the poor guy didn't do anything. He just sat on my character. This was around the time that I truly looked at his character name, Raynard.
Well, luckily a friend summoned me through whisper. I jumped at the opportunity and poofed to my home to meet them. We started doing some casual roleplay like old times. Until Raynard showed up.
His character was much larger this time, but still just as neon as before. I tried talking to him again. He replied with a meek, "hi im raynard".
Then he proceeded to follow me around the public maps for at least a week. I began to believe he was a friend of mine messing with me on a different account. No one confessed no matter how many times I interrogated them. He vanished after that week.

A month later, when I had fallen into a Truth or Dare themed group of different players, Raynard came back - just as neon and silent as always. However, this time he had a bigger vocabulary and actually used it, sometimes saying the words "hello", "like", "u", and "i", along with a few other simple sayings. He once again took a liking to my character, a different one than when I had first met him, and began following me around everywhere. There were times when my friends and I would send him off to other players, only watching him latch on to them for a few minutes before getting their hint to leave. It was then that I realized he couldn't have been any of my past friends. Most of them no longer played FeralHeart at this point or even cared to log on.
Once again, he only hung around for a week.
I made sure to friend him at this time, too.

A few months later, Raynard showed up again. By this point, I had deeply gotten into the Cannibal Canine Chaotics pack, and it was slightly annoying when his character ran around us while in the middle of roleplaying. However, the pack came to adore him, and we allowed him to hang out with us. He spoke more than the last time, acquiring the word "love" for the first time. He also started typing smiley faces (mostly ":)" and :( ). Raynard even retained his hobby of constantly sitting on my character, sometimes sitting on a close friend of mine when I was up.
Probably the sweetest and silliest thing that we managed to get him to say was, "i love u :)".

I've seen Raynard online a few times since then, but he never responds to my whispers and doesn't stay online long. It's been at least a few months since I've seen him now, so I check my friends list once in awhile for his username to pop up. He's long due for another week of stalking!

Introduction / Re: It's about time I got active on the forums.~
« on: January 14, 2015, 07:00:37 pm »
Thanks a bunch, lovelies! C:
Now I guess I'll jump right into the deep of everything! *Sploosh*

Introduction / It's about time I got active on the forums.~
« on: January 14, 2015, 05:41:10 am »

It's me, kululupuppy! However, you can refer to me as Llama or Lament. I've been playing FeralHeart since March of 2012, but haven't been active on the forums that much... Actually, I haven't been active on the forums at all. I've only posted two times, the first asking for help, and the second replying to a friend's thread.
I've joined and created many fun and entertaining roleplays, as well as met many unique players! If you hang out in Bonfire, Ficho Tunnel, or near the N den of Flourite Plains, you may recognize the character that I've mainly used over the last year, Lament. She's the creator and past leader of the *.:Cannibal Canine Chaotics:.* pack.
If you're interested in saying hi or getting together in the game for some casual roleplay, I'm your player! Hopefully I can get more active on the forum and contribute a bit. c:

Ask Me / Re: ??? z????? & ??? ??????? (Doodles)
« on: August 10, 2014, 11:40:03 pm »
I never log in on here. Ever. But this is just too fab to miss.

Lanie, tell me everything you think of on the topic of the CCC's ships. o.o

Thanks for all of your help, FeralKitten and MicroFloof. I just wanted to state that the server was online because each time, I checked the site to see, but thanks for the suggestion! I'll pay closer attention when I redownload it this time like you two said and hope to god it works X3 If worst comes to worst I'll contact one of the staff. Thanks!

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