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Messages - KnifeKnut

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"Maybe we'll put you down," Taossul threatened, taking his hand out of his pocket. "You better not threaten friends of mine. I don't take kindly to it." He stepped forward to stand beside the wolf, remaining in human form for the time being. "Go away and we won't have to hurt you."

Taossul shot a quick glare at Yume and turned to face the man. "Um, yeah, she is." He noticed, for the first time, that the wolf had her teeth clenched around a link of meat. Little thief, he thought. "I'm, uh, very sorry, sir. Were those yours?" he asked, indicating the food. "If so, I'd be glad to pay for them," he offered, reaching for a small handful of coins in his pocket. He hoped he had enough to keep them both from getting killed. The guy did seem very angry.

(Lady Kevesse and your noble can be acquainted if you want. And don't worry, I'm sure someone will get hurt soon)

Taossul had expected a lot of things to happen while he was in this city, but getting run over by a wolf definitely hadn't been one of them. Usually he wasn't getting run over by anything. Caught by surprise, he was knocked over by the force of the wolf's movement. "What the heck?" he demanded, rather angrily, as he stood and turned around. "A wolf? No way! In a little bit of a hurry, huh?" How had he just gotten run over in an alley in a human city by a wolf? "Who are you?" he asked, curious. He hadn't seen another wolf in a long time.

Taossul wandered through the streets with no real destination in mind. The smell of flowers was faint sometimes, but it was always here. It was the only thing that kept him in this place; if it wasn't for that one thing, the scent of the flower, he would have been gone long ago. Nothing else in this city held anything for a wolf. Besides, everyone was starving out on the streets. Even though he could hunt whatever small creatures scurried into the darkest corners of the city, he was still hungry sometimes. Living on his own wasn't easy. For a moment his thoughts strayed to his family, and how excited his father would have been to be here. At least one of them had truly believed in the stories of Paradise. Until his first sniff of the flower scent, Taossul hadn't been so sure that it could exist. Wiping away a small tear from his eye, Taossul looked for anything to get his mind off of what he'd lost. A statue of a noble cast its shadow over him, and he glared at it with hatred. Humans were everywhere around here, and they'd all been trying to kill him since his family was exposed. He needed to get out of here! A faint wisp of scent, of the flower, calmed him, and he stood in the alley breathing it in deeply.

I've watched Wolf's Rain several times, Azara. :)


Name: Taossul

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Personality: Taossul's temperament is calm, cool, collected, matter-of-fact, and steadfast. He thinks things over carefully before accepting them as fact, but is sometimes reckless and bold. Occasionally he tends to be short of patience with wolves that whine or can't keep their mouths shut when they're wounded. Intelligent, smart, reliable, brave, loyal, and protective, he's always ready to protect someone, whether he knows them or not. Becoming friends is a fast process, but becoming good friends is a slower, more cautious road to travel. Although he is kind and funny, he is still a warrior that will stand up for himself against anyone. When skeptical, he has a tendency to ask all sorts of questions. Death is an option favorable in any fight, but he generally keeps cool under fire. Impatience and recklessness are two of his faults, and he sometimes has a hard time respecting those who have a single idea on their mind.

History: Taossul was born in a quiet town, where people didn't know his family were wolves for the first seventeen years of his life. However, when a noble fled to the area seeking refuge, he somehow recognized them for what they were, and revealed them to the villagers. At first, due to their close connections with many people, they were simple driven from their home with nothing. Eventually, though, the noble angered the villagers enough that they ambushed Taossul's family at night, killing all of them except for Taossul and his younger brother. When he died several years later, Taossul made it his mission to track down the noble that had destroyed his family. He did manage to eventually kill the noble, but has been chased by the noble's family's soldiers since then, ordered to bring him back alive.

I'm interested in joining! Is there a certain type of character that you would like me to play?

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