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Messages - Frozenflame

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Game Discussion / Re: Things I am aware of
« on: April 22, 2012, 07:48:36 pm »
Thank you, that's what I was forgetting! xD   I knew it had something to do with Dreams... Thank you Brittany!

Introduction / Re: .......Hello! :D
« on: April 22, 2012, 07:45:38 pm »
Woah, three replies in a very short amount of time. :o  Thank you, all! And thanks for the tip on where to find neon people, Necromancy.   Oh, I forgot to add two things to my Intro.  -editing time-

Game Discussion / Things I am aware of
« on: April 22, 2012, 07:43:11 pm »
The title pretty much explains itself, I felt like listing all of the places I am aware of and have been to. Feel free to comment if I don't know a certain place! [No, users maps don't count. xD ]

Places I know and have been to:
Lonely Cave
Ficho Tunnel
Bonfire Island
South Pole
Last Cave
Flourite Plains
Cape of Distant Worlds
Ascension Island
Sky's Rim
Temple of Dreams

Wow...that list seemed longer in my head. xD

Introduction / .......Hello! :D
« on: April 22, 2012, 07:38:13 pm »
Hello, players of FeralHeart! :D   This is a bit overdue [A week or so, maybe?] but I wanted to let people know I exist. xD   So...about me... I'm usually shy, I have an obsession with cool colors [Green, blue, and purple. ;) ] as well as neon-ish colors. Uh... I started Thursday, April 12th, 2012. [Yes, that means my 2nd day playing was Friday the 13th. xD]  So...uh...yeah! :D  Enjoy my rather bland introduction!

EDIT:  Oh, two things I just remembered: I joined because my friend wouldn't stop talking about this website [Her in-game username is Draceonica... No idea what her forum name is.]
And my in-game username is FrozenFlame. [I usually play as a wolf named Calliope, a lioness named Feather, or a female hyena cub named Fallen]  ;)

Game Discussion / Re: Really?
« on: April 22, 2012, 07:34:10 pm »
CloudFish, I know. I just wanted people to know about it. xD  And I didn't mean to whine, sorry. :o   I'm just worried someone will randomly walk up to one of my characters and ask them to join. That's happened to me before [Though it was a regular roleplay I was slightly interested in.]  I just wanted the users of FH to be aware of this...weirdness. xD And KnifeKnut, it is in my opinion too. ;D

Game Discussion / Really?
« on: April 22, 2012, 07:16:05 pm »
Alright, I was in Flourite Plains, just talking to someone, and in the chatbox, as I was waiting for a reply from the person I was chatting with, suddenly there's someone advertising for an RP someone made. That's not that uncommon, I would have just ignored it, but then I noticed it was an add for a Power Playing RP. Seriously? Who would make something like that? And how could that possibly be any fun?  

Alright, I think I'm done ranting about this. That was a very short rant. xD  I just wanted your opinions on this, really, and to those who are bound to ask, no, unfortunately, I didn't think of taking a screenshot until the message was long gone. x.x

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