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Messages - Kaharu

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Member Bio & Journals / Kaharu's bio
« on: July 15, 2012, 11:23:18 am »
I should really be more active on the forums than I was before...and so I thought writing a bio about myself is a good place to start haha.


I'm known as Kaharu on the internets, and I'm 15. I'm just a girl who draws bad drawings on the computer and plays video games instead of studying and doing homework. ;P. I'm very shy in real life, so I can be rather awkward in social situations - especially with my odd sense of humour.I am such a derp when it comes to social interaction. XD I also think too much about things so I get confused very easily.
I enjoy FeralHeart because you are able to roleplay as someone completely different to yourself, and as an animal. Because I tend to 'escape reality' too many times, I find the real world rather painful because I can't simply equip wings and fly away from my problems.

I go to a Catholic Highschool, although it's not as fancy as it sounds. It's a 'cheap' school which sells over-priced food at the canteen. The students there are alright I suppose, but I feel like an outcast because of how I behave, my appearance and I guess anything who I am. Luckily I have really great friends who accept me, and I accept them. We all share some sort of interest in art, whether it be drawing or playing an instrument. Even though we've only known each other for just over a year, we're a very close group.

One of my first online games where I had interacted with other players would have been Spore, back only in 2011. It was there where I had met a lot of my best online friends from various countries. After my hard drive had crashed and my Spore game was lost - I then started up a deviantART account and I started drawing my stupid animals. Fortunately I have nearly all of my friends from Spore on deviantART, which makes the site less painful to visit. I would list their names, but it's not fair without their permission.


I should stop here before I start giving away too much information to people I don't know heh.

For starters, the game would have some serious lag issues. The server is already struggling as it is, and if attacking and health-bars were to be introduced, the game would possibly have to limit the amount of online players to a very few people to decrease lag for other players.

Unlike Impressive Title, FeralHeart has removed the whole concept of dropping items from prey because the game developers intended to make the game more friendly and encourage the players to roleplay, as stated on the home page on the FeralHeart website.

Also it would take at least a good number of months to program everything ingame, as you had said. Even though the whole concept of fighting and health-bars like many other games is very good, programming it into a game such as FeralHeart would be near-impossible.

Game Polls / Re: Paw pads
« on: April 26, 2012, 07:06:02 am »
Derp, old topic.

Well, I don't even know why the paw pads were even brown in the first place, where lions generally have grey paw pads? Well, I guess not in The Lion King, but still, it's a little annoying for all players realistic and non-realistic.

I would have to say that having customizable paw pads would be the way to go.

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