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Messages - Primrose

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Leaving / Re: Leaving FH
« on: October 30, 2018, 03:32:56 am »
Even though we don't know one another, I'm sad to see you go. I wish you the best of luck. Take care of yourself! ♥

Forum Games / Re: Slap Your Keyboard :D
« on: October 30, 2018, 03:31:01 am »

Hippos urinate just really slow.

oh my.

Introduction / Re: Hello from DylanCheetah
« on: October 30, 2018, 03:27:47 am »
Welcome to Feral-Heart! ♥

Forum Games / Re: You're Banned! (Game)
« on: October 30, 2018, 12:17:56 am »
I ban you for making such lovely, soft, and cute art. ♥ 

I've never role-played as a canine before, but reading about this and seeing the screenshots of the map.. I am completely blown away! I am most definitely interested in this role-play. c:

Ask Me / Re: Ask Prim~
« on: October 29, 2018, 11:17:54 pm »
How did you come up with your username? (It's very nice tho)
What is your favorite food and drink?
Have you ever travelled overseas?

♥ Honestly, I didn't put much thinking in to my username. At the time, I was obsessed with Watership Down and while watching the more kid-friendly version, I saw this female rabbit character. I thought she was a lovely character and soon learned that her name in the series was, in fact, Primrose. Ever since then, I have been stuck on the name and decided to use it as my username on FH.
♥ My favorite food? This is a really tough question just because I LOVE food, but if i had to pick just would be a crispy chicken salad with fries. A close second would be a KFC Famous Bowl. My favorite drink is water, but I do drink green tea frequently. c:
♥ I have never traveled overseas, but my boyfriend was stationed overseas because he is in the army reserves.

Tea or coffee?
What's your favorite type of cheese?
Do you like squirrels?

♥ Green tea all the way! c;
♥ My favorite cheese is mozzarella, but a close second is provolone.
♥ I love squirrels! I think they're so cute! I had a chinchilla once and chinchillas remind me of squirrels. I also use the Warrior cat name, Squirreltail a LOT. c:

Sand or snow?
Favorite season?
Do you prefer fruits or veggies?
What is your favorite color?
Do you like flowers?
Stripes or polka-dots?
Do you like The Lion King? (I noticed you draw in that style! :) It's really lovely.)
What's your favorite holiday?
What is your favorite thing to do on Feral-Heart?
Are you a fan of THG (The Hunger Games)? I wondered because your username always makes me think of Prim from that series, & it's funny because my sister used to jokingly call me "Prim" & I would call her "Catnip."
Do you play any other games?

♥ Do I have to choose between sand and snow? I actually like them both. I like snow because it is pretty, but I have a hard time regulating my body temperature to stay warm, so I guess I'll go with sand.
♥ My favorite season is Spring. I love it because the days start to get longer and everything comes back to life. It's a very calm and serene season for me because it isn't too cold or too hot, even though I do prefer warmth. Every season is beautiful in its own way, but for some reason, Spring really sticks out to me. Maybe because it reminds me that you can have a new beginning like everything else around you. c:
♥ I love fruits and veggies! But I don't have too much of a sweet tooth anymore, so I'm going to have to say veggies. Especially steamed veggies. YUM! Or beets in vinegar! ♥ We call them pickled beets where I live.
♥ My favorite color is a bright turquoise. I have a lot of turquoise in my house. My kitchen especially! c:
♥ Surprisingly, I used to dislike flowers, but that was when I was younger. Around the age of 18, I REALLY got in to flowers. I love floral clothing patterns and would love to start a garden this coming Spring. My favorite flower is blue azalea, but personally I love all azalea flowers.
♥ Polka-dots all of the way! Stripes are nice, but to me, polka-dots are classic and cute.
♥ I LOVE The Lion King! It is my favorite movie! And eeep! Thank you so much for the compliment! I'm trying really hard to mimic the style. c:
♥ I absolutely LOVE Thanksgiving. I love the food and being able see a lot of family members that I usually don't see on a regular basis. I love Christmas too, but now that I'm older, I appreciate the time that I spend with others rather than receiving gifts. You can give gifts throughout the year, but getting the family together throughout the year is more complicated when it isn't a Holiday. At least that's how it is with my family.
♥ My favorite thing to do on Feral-Heart is sit in The Grounds and observe my surroundings. I love looking for different character designs, chatting with friends, making new friends, and just reminiscing on the good 'ole days. I used to role-play Warrior cats pretty frequently, but now that I have my own apartment, I'm constantly being pulled from the computer to take care of other matters. Maybe one day life will settle down enough for me to role-play again? Life finally settled down enough for me to get back on the computer again, so I don't see why I couldn't join a WC RP again one day. c:
♥ Actually, my name came from me watching the kid-friendly series of Watership Down on YouTube. One of the rabbit characters really intrigued me and her name was, in fact, Primrose. Back in the day, I was asked that question a lot and became quite the topic of discussion when someone would see my username. I've only ever watched The Hunger Games maybe a handful of times, but it doesn't mean I'm not a fan. I didn't read the book because I was deep in to the Warriors series and refused to read anything else at the time. Now that I'm older and more open to new things, I'll have to give The Hunger Games series a go. c:
♥ I do play other games. c: In fact, I've taken a liking to The Isle, even though my computer's specs aren't necessarily fitting for the game. LOL. In time, I plan on building a gaming computer so that I can play it on better settings without lag. I play Wolf Quest from time to time, The Sims 3, Zoo Tycoon 2, Primal Carnage: Extinction, and so much more! I also play on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. I tend to lean more towards simulation games, action/adventure, and role-playing. I love Skyrim and my boyfriend has recently made me interested in the Fallout series. c:

Ask Me / Re: Ask GalaxyScout
« on: October 29, 2018, 06:27:42 pm »
Do you enjoy drawing or making art?

Ask Me / Ask Prim~
« on: October 29, 2018, 06:23:01 pm »
Hello, guys! I see most of you doing this, so I thought I'd jump on the bandwagon. c: Ask me anything, so long as it is appropriate. ♥

Introduction / Re: I'm Back! Did You Miss Me?
« on: October 29, 2018, 06:20:09 pm »
Welcome back! I do recognize the username. I'm thinking we were in a few Warrior cat RPs together? c:

Forum Games / Re: Post Your Mood With A GIF
« on: October 29, 2018, 04:27:54 pm »

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