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Messages - pipperthenipper

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Finished Maps / Re: MoonRise Forest
« on: March 11, 2013, 12:49:48 am »
0_0 How did you do that!? I can't even do that with my fully functioning everything!

Forum Games / Re: Welcome to FeralHeart, How tough are 'ya?
« on: March 11, 2013, 12:40:03 am »
I'm so tough, Fluffy kittens no longer scare me.

Nicarrial is a land filled with abnormalties. Let's see. The river separates the four seasons. Out of the four seasons, Aestiva (Summer) is the place where we, the Alatum Lupos, call home. The other seasons are Hiems (Winter), Pascha (Spring), and Folia (Autumn). All of the wolves in Nicarrial are reborn from past regular wolves.  The StarComer watches over the stars and when he sees  a wolf that died in a horrid manner, he welcomes them to this land. But after he welcomes them, he does erase their memory, except for their name. However, when the StarComer loses focus for even a second, a star sneaker will find their path into the lands. Star sneakers are the wolves or other animals that are lost from earth and can't enter the star gates and aimlessly enter the stars in search for a new place to call home. "I am Sumatra, leader of these winged wolves. Do you have what it takes to become one of us or shall you get into our land as a loner?"

In-game username:
Type of animal (alatum lupos or star sneaker?):
Markings used:
Motivational Motto(Optional):
RP sample:

"Good bye for now for Light is leading me to my destiny"

(Our map is in progress and I will post pictures and a website when it is done)

You can be unrealistic, but do not do neon or intirely one color. It may blind people.

Hello! You have a winged and unrealistic pink and blue wolf? You can join! Have a realistic Warrior cat? You can join! This map I have is all fun and games! I will constantly make more and more maps with games and fun stuff to do but so far, we only have one map. It includes a maze, underwater and in the air courses, and a slide. Here is the download:

Download it here!

Here is the form to join:

Username (in-game):
Character Name:
Short Description of Character:

Here is a form to create maps!

Username (In-game):
Can you make a fun map?:

Well, I will be jumping on just right about now.

Sorry! You are accepted. I would reccomend going to the Riverclan-like territory, where you might run into the leader with the username bramblewing. I think that that clan would fit your cat well.

Discussion Board / Re: Strangest and/or Weirdest Dreams
« on: November 26, 2012, 03:12:03 am »
Just so everyone knows... every dream is created from what you were thinking earlier....

Discussion Board / Re: Embarrasing Moments. In the middle of class.
« on: November 26, 2012, 03:10:20 am »
I've been in lots' o' situations. Lol.

A year or two ago, during Science was that I sneezed during Science class where we were experimenting with bugs and lollipops. (Don't ask why. xD) So, as I sneezed, my head went down with the sneeze and just slammed into the lollipops in my station with my friend. When I picked my head up, lollipops were stuck to me face all around. Everyone started screaming with laughter. I mean, my teacher took a picture of me with the lollipops sticking there. TT^TT

Another was in Math Class where I started falling asleep, and then I guess the person next to me was trying to wake me up by shaking me, and then I collapsed onto the ground. At least that woke me up. >.> Everyone started laughing, except the teacher who didn't seem to find it funny at all.

The first one was funny. The second one happened to some person in first grade. Everyone was just staring at him then he woke up...

Game Discussion / Re: The Funniest/Stupidest Things People Have Said
« on: November 22, 2012, 02:17:05 am »
It is now time for Bonfire quotes!:
~ My carcass has expired
~Pewds don't believe the barrel!
~ The rock is alive!
~Rock poops out black and white unborn cub
~This is a little weird
(Well now, why would bonfire be wierd?)
~I wanna be Mr.Chain
~I don't have a tail! It's poop coming out of my butt.

Join us next time for more Bonfire quotes!

(((Notice! All quotes are written with correct grammar and extra punctuation. For real experience, go visit bonfire yourself)))

Ok, I will be completely free tomorrow. I will be keeping an eye on the forum. Please post when you get on so I can get on too.

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