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Messages - Arkayy

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Hopefully it can be resurrected somehow. I don't want this rp to die ;_;

Art Gallery / Re: Vesp drew things.
« on: August 21, 2014, 05:57:31 am »
<--- Has a bad obsession with tokyo ghoul. but its soo good!

You have real nice work vesp. ^^ Look forward to seeing more.


Torin Kazuki
Health: 12/20 Acquired several scars from being defiant with the scientists, the most prominent one near the base of his neck. Body is completely sore due to the liquid given to him.[/color]

He had not been asleep any longer than 20 minutes when he awoke hearing the terrified scream. His eyes squinted tiredly as he could make out a figure dart out of the lab room to where the others were, curling up in the corner. Torin blinked his eyes a bit, allowing them to focus as he somewhat recognized who it was, though didn't have a name to place with her. His eyes narrowed a bit of disgust at her state. He had stared around the room, seeing others that were also in a similar pained state, quite a few appearing younger then himself. He simply scoffed low in disgust, how can they think what they're doing is right? If the public found out we were being tested on like this... Especially people so young, they would be appalled... He shook his head murmuring quietly to himself, "I have to get out of here..." Even if anyone else around him heard, he figured they had the same mindset at this point. If anyone really wanted to stay in this hell, they'd be completely mad or brainwashed. He closed his eyes trying to recollect more eased thoughts though was failing to feel anything but anger to those in the laboratory. His hands clenched up tightly into fists and laid tensely on his side. But as he had felt so, the odd mineral structure began to cover where his hands were touching the couch, a large sheet of crystals covering a large portion of both sides without his notice. Even if he did notice, he wouldn't have paid too much heed to it.



She blinked at his response before rolling her eyes and sitting down, "You never know. They might have. My curiosity just got the better of me ok?" She glanced away in slight thought before answering, "I don't know. I've met some really vile and nasty gijinka before. Though you're definitely not one of them." Nikka took a small pause again before adding, "And I kinda assumed at first that you wouldn't share your food but hey, I'm not complaining." She grinned lightly at that before hearing him answer. "James huh? Well you can call me Nikka." The absol smiled faintly before laying down with her chin on her forepaws. This was the first time she really acquaintance with a shifter without it ending sourly and she was a bit glad about it.


The man had continue to ear, on the last loaf that he had purchased. He looked out seeing a shorter figure sulking around through the streets with a terrified expression, seeming to be terrified of those that were normal seeing her. A low sigh left his lips as he watched. Often, he really wasn't fond of helping others, but children, especially those who were gijinka like he was always seemed to defy that normal logic. Especially since he had struggled himself as a child and not one person bothered to help him understand what he was. His attention snapped back to the young umbreon shifter as he murmured low, "You look hungry kid." He allowed a pause, taking one last bite out of the bread loaf before extending it out towards her, "Here..." His hissing lisp still made him sound quite intimidating, though he tried to suppress it so the child would not be as frightened. Feng stared away from the young girl, waiting to see if she would take the offering.

Mentions: Ling-Mai

(TTuTT I'm so happy more people are joining. I honestly though only a few people would join and this rp would die out quickly. All accepted. I'll add the character to the list)


Nikka continued to watch his movements closely, keeping her head rather high so her blade was pointed away from him. "I'm guessing you want some of this?" the figure had spoke and she stamped her front feet in somewhat of an excited gesture before nodding. She anxiously observed as the shifter broke the piece of bread to offer her some. She graciously took it from him, savoring the food and flicking her tail in delight. As she was munching on the piece a comment perked her attention and made her look up after hearing, "You're like me aren't you?" At first, she didn't know how to respond to his comment. Though Nikka soon gave in and did a simple nodded before saying in a low quiet tone, "You could say that..." She finished the piece of bread, licking her lips to enjoy every last trace before she glanced up inquiring, "What gave it away? I thought I was doing a wonderful job of blending in." Even though Absols weren't exactly common on this island. Her thought swirled around a bit, brimming with curiosity as she asked, "So, got a name lion boy?"


He placed his profit back in his pocket before scanning around cautiously. Around him, he didn't see much out of the ordinary, though a figure that was not too far away covering half of her face with a fan. His eyes narrowed as he thought, Another gijinka... Painfully obvious one too. Heh, wonder how long she'll last out here. His eyes stayed locked on the shifter for a few moment later before he simply shook his head and progressed on through the city streets, losing his interest quickly.

Feng continued onwards deciding to stop by a bakery that wasn't too far by and used only a little portion of the money he had taken to purchase a bag of fresh baked goods. He then walked on into that of an alley and leaned against the dark wall, pulling out a loaf and beginning to what he had retrieved in the darkness. He preferred to stay in areas bare of sun light not just because of his pale complexion, but that's what his shifter form did in the wild. It reminded him too much of the comfort of his own den in the wilderness. And besides, he didn't like to draw much attention to himself in the first place. The man had already scarfed down a loaf by himself, appearing as though he was starving. Though compared to most gijinka, he was quite spoiled. His fingers picked out another large piece of bread to begin eating greedily as he stared out of the alley at the passerbys, his eyes having that odd red serpentine gleam to them.

(Accepted. Feel free to join in ^^)


The girl had gone from passerby to passerby, her eyes pleading for some sort of nourishment. As pathetic and weak as this may her appear, it was the only option she really had to obtain food and many of the others knew this as well. The only thing that was in the forest were those rare bunch of berries, but they would never suffice even a tad of hunger of creatures. Maybe infant pokemon, but not elder and larger creature as herself. And she personally preferred not to go hunting as many of the larger and more powerful beasts did. It would be practically suicide with low defense such as hers. Most of her target had there gazes averted or just completely refused to acknowledge her all together, even if they made eye contact for a short while. A low grunt of irritation left her jaws as she continued to trudge around in search of food.

As time passed, she saw the perfect opportunity. A family of three seemed to be having a picnic not too far off from her location and she anxiously headed that way. The child who seemed to be a girl no older than the age of five had peered over at the pokemon from the sandwich she was watching and smiled pointing, "Look momma! A pokemon!" The man seemed inattentive to the comment as the mother sighed, "We have enough pets at home dear." "Aww, can I at least go pet it?" The child hadn't bothered to wait for permission and walked over curiously still with the remains of her food in her hand. The absol gave her a curious glance though continued to approach slowly, holding her head low in submission, out more of a tilt so her blade was pointed away from the girl as she widened her ruby eyes.

The girl stroke the top of her head smiling, "Wow your so pretty. I've never seen a pokemon like you before. Here, you want some?" The absol blinked and stomped her foot, trying to contain her excitement as the small girl held out a bite of her sandwich for her. Though before it could be grasped between her teeth, she felt a hard smack upside her head and watched as the little girl's wrist was clutched and dragged away, "Sweetie, you aren't supposed to go near those things. They're bad luck." Nikka blinked, recovering from the slap before glaring at the mother who had done so. Her blade on the side of her head glistened as her anger tensed, looking ready to send a wave of Psycho Cuts her way, though managed to bottle up her anger and simply sighed, turning and quickly darting off. She felt both disappointment and bitter resentment of the counter and it pestered her mind to the point she gave up trying to get food from the humans around here.

"Bad luck she says... If anything humans are bad luck," She scoffed still debating the comment the woman had spat hatefully at her earlier. But she could understand where the idea has surfaced from. It was a common misconception among humans that her species were bad luck due to them appearing before some sort of disaster hit the area. Though really, absols are able to sense the coming disasters and venture down from there homes to warn humans and trainers. Though due to its lack of English, it is often seen as the one cursing the area instead of trying to prevent it.

Her paws pounded against the ground in a slight angered manner. Her head only lifted when she could see several people in the area, stopping to gawk at a figure that was perched up upon a rock(James), seeming to eating a piece of fresh barked goods. Nikka's eyes flared in slight jealousy before traversing on ahead to see if she couldn't get at least a nibble. Though as she drew closer, she could tell why those were stopping and staring. To her, it was obvious that he too was a shifter like her and she could tell from the unnatural features that he had such as ears and a tail. This made her a bit more envious though she had to admit, he was quite courageous for taking that form so laxly in public. The absol neared the rock and sat down, staring up at him expectingly, assuming he would know what she wanted.


As usual, the young man was in the city with a rather bored expression, walking through a sea of people. He placed up his hood to his sleeveless jacket as he walked along. Many double glanced at him, not necessarily because they knew what he was, since there was no apparent feature but his red fangs and serpentine eyes that revealed themselves when he was angered, but his appearance in general was just quite odd. One glance at the dark man was enough to tell someone that he wasn't one to be messed with solely by gut feeling.

His eyes scanned around at the people in front of him until his  gaze dropped a bit lower and a slight mischievous smirk crossed his mug. He purposely caused himself to collision with one of the men who was ahead of him, just so his arm could slither forward discreetly and snatch the wall he has seen from the edge of his pocket. So he wouldn't cause any suspicion within the victim, his eyes narrowed as she shoved the man appearing to be angered, "Watch where you're going you leg-tangled oaf!" The end of his sentence has an odd accent that sounded similar to a serpent's hiss as he asserted himself forward. The man watched him and scoffed, "My lord, kids are rude these days..."

Feng had continued on ahead through the crowd, opening up the wallet and snickering greedily to himself as he counted out the money that was inside, "Yes this should keep me covered for a week or so... I despise these idiots though at least there easy to prey upon and fool."


Full Image Here

(All her info is on the reference I made for her actually xD)

Name: Voracious Delicacy (Vorra for Short)
Age: Human Years Old (Ages slower than humans)
Gender: Female
Personality: - lazy - Irritable - Greedy - Sensitive - Somewhat caring - Protective - Temperamental
Species: Unknown (Known as the Manifestation of The Deadly Sin of Gluttony)
Extra: N/A

Name: Insidious Nefarious (Insidious for short)
Age: 4 Years Old
Gender: Male
Personality: - Cunning - Sly - Stealthy - Cautious - Inquisitive - Curious - Untrustworthy - Sinister - Reckless - Diabolical - Trouble Maker
Species: Poison wolf elemental
Extra: N/A

(Both accepted ^^ Feel free to start)


The shifter was in the heart of the city exploring around. It had been a long while since she dared to venture into such a place, especially one so dangerous for her kind. Though she didn't seem at all worried about the outcome, simply walking on and looking through all the shop windows. She murmured, "Wouldn't it be nice to actually have some money like these people. I would die to have this sort of luxury." Nikka shook her head smiling a bit before pausing, seeing a food stand near the park were several people were seated and chuckled lightly, "Well, maybe I can at least mooch off of them?" The shifter smirked a bit, sinking into an alleyway so she could change forms before sneaking out in her pokemon form as an absol, heading towards the group of people that were seated to beg for food.

(Both are accepted ^^ You may start whenever you feel like. I'll post soon.)

Game Discussion / Re: Do you like horse characters?
« on: August 07, 2014, 09:36:58 pm »
Eh, I don't hate them, but I don't really care for them. It's fh we're talking about here. There's dragon, dinosaur and other creatures as well besides just horses. If they want there imagination to run wild, so be it. I have no problem with it. Just keep me out of it x3

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