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Messages - FantasyDawn

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Amalia was going to drag the deer towards the cabin,but things don't always go the way you plan.A loud growl was heard from the bushes just a few steps away from her."Oh no..."she said,mostly to herself,hoping that it wasn't what she thought it was.But unfortunately,Amalia had to deal with wolves.Four of such animals got out of the bushes,slowily approaching the girl and her prey.They must've smell the blood.Amalia was only able to take down one,but whilst she would fire an arrow,wherether it would hit a wolf or not,another onee would attack her and she would not stand a chance.She had no choice but to run away,and so she did,hoping the dead deer will let the predators occupied.Luck has helped her again,because the wolves started biting on the animal,not minding her.She was running towards the cabin ,mentally cursing that she wasn't able to bring a great prey.On her way,she saw some people who seemed to be hostile towards eachother,one of them holding an axe.Out of curiosity,she approached them cautiously.What's going on here?she asked.

Forum Discussion / Re: Distracting Forum Signatures :D
« on: October 17, 2013, 06:50:43 am »
Did anyone said....Hetalia?!?

Forum Games / Re: Make up Exuses
« on: October 17, 2013, 06:28:03 am »
On a vacation trip to Germany,maybe he'll get some souvenirs for us while he's still there.


Why didn't you go to the moon?

Forum Games / Re: Make up Exuses
« on: October 16, 2013, 07:45:39 pm »
Because I was....drunk.


Why didn't you let me eat your cat?

     Amalia was walking around the freezing land,searching for food.It wasn't easy to find an animal,and even if you did,you had to hunt it down.In just a few days she has stayed here,the girl came to hate the weather.Always shivering,her clothing could no longer keep her warmth.Amalia stopped when she saw a deer wandering around,slowily advancing throught the thick snow.Amalia knew not to underestimate the prey,because fi the animal spotted her,it would just run away and she wouldn't be able to catch it.Stealthily,she made her way behind a fallen tree trunk.The girl wasn't unarmed of course.She placed an arrow in her bow and raised her weapon towards the deer.She could tell the deer was feeling the danger.The animal made a few more steps,thats when Amalia released the arrow,hiting the deer's neck.Panic and injured,the deer started running forward,leaving blood behind.The girl ran from her spot and followed the blood untill she caught up with the animal,now laying in the snow,barely breathing.Amalia felt guilt fro killing the innocent creature but she has been starving for a few days now.She dragged an arrow from her quiver and stabbed the deer,ending its life."Es tut mir leid."she apologised.

      The 13 year old girl was siting at her desk in the bedroom,looking blankily at the music box in her hands.Her mother gave it to her,probably as a goodbye sign,since Dariya thought that her parent knew all the time that she'll die soon yet always kept a smile on her face,assuring the girl that everything was allright.When it came to listening to the music box,Dariya had to make sure that woman was not around.Once,she went into the living room,inserted the key that opened the music box,and started listening to the calm song.She was doing absolutely nothing wrong when her step-mother rushed into the room and snatched the music box from her.She threatened,that if she ever hears this song in her presence,she will take the object from her and  never see it again.This is why she's been careful since then.Everything her stepmother will take away from the girl,she will never give it back,and since the music box is the only thing left from her mother,she couldn't afford losing it.Dariya always wondered what bothered the woman so much about the music box.
       But all her thoughts vanished when her gaze met the calendar attached to the wall.Her birthday will come soon.How much joy she felt when this day was approaching swiftly!All the presents she would receive!But now,this day is no longer someting special.Just a regular one,considering her step-mother would always,more like on purpose ,forget about it,as for her father,he was never home for his daughter's birthday.Following this,Dariya no onger wanted to celebrate,she would just pass by,unnoticed,just like she always does.A harsh voice could be heard yelling for her downstairs.It was undoubtly her step-mother,and since she didn't like waiting at all,Dariya rushed in the hallway,where the woman was.
       "Finally,you're here!the woman spoke as her gaze met Dariya's."I'm going out,so you better not mess around,because fi you do,it'll be me the one you'll have to deal with!The girl hated her more than anything else,but she always had to hide her feelings.The woman put on her coat and before she stepped outside,she assigned Dariya to dust the living room while she's away,then shut the door behind her,Now,she was home alone.It didn't mattered to her,as long as the woman was far away from her.Dariya went into the living room to start her duty but much to her suprise,there was no dust.So why did her step-mother told her to dust the living room?Maybe to keep her busy so she wouldn't "make trouble".She layed on the couch and slowily drift to sleep as her eyelids shut.     

thanks for accepting me,cant wait to start aswell :D


First and Last Name:Dariya Abranov
Nickname(s) and/or Alias:Sunflower
Age:13(will turn 14 soon)
Personality:Dariya is an obedient girl,who does everything one tells her to do,even if she doesn't want to.Being a mute,she has never spoken to someone in her life,and although she has other ways of "communicating" to people,she just shies away and avoids eye contact.She prefers keeping her feelings inside of her then rather expressing herself,so she can let other people know what bothers her.Dariya is fascinated by books,reading being one of her hobbies,although it took her a long time to learn reading.She has talent in drawing,but she only does that when nobody's around because she feels uncomfortable with other people's presence.Her insecurity makes Dariya incapable of taking care of herself,this is why she always wants to rely on someone that can understand her.
Music Box:
Background:Dariya is not happy at all with her past.She remembers her mother.Like an angel,she would always be on her side,comforting her and making her not feel any different from the other children.At night,when the girl was going to bed,her mother would always tell her bedtime stories and remember her that she loves her more than anything else.But all these happy moments ceased to exist when she died.Dariya remembers all the pain she has suffered through when the only person that truly loved her was gone.Her father,who was mostly away from home on bussiness trips to other countries married another woman whom Dariya thought she'll be a nice mother just like her real one.Much to her dismay,this one was ruthless and all these years they've been living toghether,she never warmed up to the girl one bit.She would boss her around,usually mocking her about her inabbility to speak and if she was her real child she would have sent her long ago to the orphanage.This would always make Daiya break into tears and run into her bedroom whilst her step-mother wouldd play card games and smoke alot.When her father would come home to only leave shortly after his arrival,Dariya wanted so bad to reveal him how much was the woman hurting her but seeing that he was indeed happy with his new wife,the girl decided not to tell him anything and continue suffering just for her father's happiness.Now,the only thing she has left from her mother is the music box she gave her a month before her death and whenever she feels sad,she listens to it.
Other:-The girl is a mute and thus she can't talk.Because of this,she has no friends.
    -Her nickname "Sunflower" was given to her by her mother because of her undying love for warm places
    -Only she has the key that opens the music box
Tears on your face

so this is my application,if there's something wrong with it,please tell me so i can modify it becase i feel like i rushed it))



      The new room Arika was going to sleep in was lovely,in fact,the whole house was welcoming.It was big,seeing how,besides Diana,there were three other people living here.After setting herself in,Arika went downstairs,to not only meet Diana but also a young girl,who seemed to be 9 years old.Undoubtly,it was one of her cousins."This is Lee,the youngest of my cousins.Lee,this is Arika,a good friend of mine from the Northern Water Tribe.She's going to live with us"Diana spoke."It's a pleasure to meet you."Arika said,shaking hands with the girl,but Lee said nothing,just nodding her head.Her big blue eyes pretty much answered instead of her that she was glad to meet Arika aswell."Oh,and I forgot to say,she can't talk.Poor girl."Diana said with sadness.Arika felt sorry for Lee,because she knew it was hard for a mute to hang around people and express herself.
       "Well,I'll be going outside to buy some groceries,I'll be back in a few hours."Diana then took some bags and proceeded to go outside."Mind if I come aswell?"Arika asked,hoping to get some fresh air and get to know the town."Well,sure,if you want to.Diana smiled.The waterbender followed the girl outside the house,but not before she grabbed her water pouch.You never know when you're going to need it.After walking for a few minutes,the girls reached the marketplace.Her friend was buying all sorts of vegetables and fruit while Arika was helping her carry the bags.During their shopping,the waterbender heard a few people talking about some bandits,causing trouble not only around this town but also around the entire kingdom.The girl never had to deal with bandits,but she knew that during her stay here,she'll have to be extremely cautious.
         After buying all they needed,the girls took a break near a fountain whose water was as smooth as glass."I love coming here.It's so peaceful,and there are barely any people here,which means,less noise.""Yes indeed,but,less people mean more chances of getting in trouble with people like bandits.[colro=white]Arika said but Diana only laughed."Oh come on,Arika!You didn't let all those rumours get in your head,did you?We're perfectly safe from bandits,so let go of all your worries!""I hope you're right."Arika answered silently.


"After all we've been through,we just give up now?No.I'll go to the very end if I have to."[/b]
Character Name:Amalia Herrmann
Personality:The type of person you can always rely on,Amalia is generous and she'll always try to help.Usually,she can be seen as a girl that gets easily distracted by everything,her curiosity usually getting her into trouble,and of course,her childish behaviour is easily noticed.However,when things get tough,Amelia goes on her serious side,determined to reach her goal and never give up.She stands by her own beliefs and will prove to be strong for herself and for others.Even if she made mistakes in her life,she regrets none of them and being an optimist,she does her best to right the wrongs she has done.
Strengths (At least two):
Weaknesses (At least two):
History:An orphan found on the streets of Berlin who was found by a nice,loving family,Amalia was raised well by her adoptive parents,who,in just a matter of years,started thinking of her as their true daughter.Her real parents died in a car crash when she was just six,and the only living relative that could take her in was her aunt,a ruthless woman that didn't like her one bit.This is why she decided she'd send Amalia to the orphanage.The poor girl was afraid of that place and didn't wanted to go there,so,the night before the moment she'll go to the orphanage,she ran away,not caring wherever she'll end up.With a new chance for a better life now given to her,she's glad the choice she made when she was a child.Amalia has always been an obedient girl,and her adoptive parents were happy of her improvement in school.But as she grew up,she began thinking that her place isn't among the people whom she lived with and considered leaving them was a good start for a new life.This is why she signed up for the game show that has been constantly advertised and when she found out she was chosen to go to Siberia,she left without saying goodbye,excited for the trip to Russia.If only she realised earlier her mistake....
Other:Get us outta here!

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