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Messages - deemsss1234

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Request a Preset/Marking / Re: Taking preset request.
« on: July 28, 2014, 11:28:30 am »
I actually just meant one preset, but I'll take yours too. I think I might be able to finish this one rather quickly. She only has the star under her eye on one side, right? And do you want me to use a realistic fur texture? Or do you want her to be more cartoon-ish? I can use the FH texture too, even tho I prefer to use a custom one(Just to make the preset a bit special, I guess. X3) and I lost the FH one at the moment. XD

Request a Preset/Marking / Re: Taking preset request.
« on: July 28, 2014, 10:55:42 am »

Sorry, I thought nobody responded on this yet! If nobody already made you this preset, I will do it. Do you want any markings to glow or anything? And the scars on her body, want me to make them different on both sides? And you want the green eye on the left or right side? And do you want the fur texture to be very realistic? Or not extremely realistic?
I will try to make this preset as fast as I can. Sorry for the late response.

I saw your request really soon, yet I have the feeling we barely are online at the same time. ;p I think you accepted my friend request? It's too bad I haven't seen you online yet but I'm sure you can join soon. I wasn't online for 2 days either, because I had some problems at home. ;p But I guess I will see ya soon. ^^

Game Discussion / Re: Unrealistic Characters VS The Truth?
« on: July 20, 2014, 12:07:13 pm »
First off, I hate the fact that when someone is unrealistic, many IMMEDIATELY think they are illit too. I hate it. :I

The part about 'realistic' groups I most hate, is that most aren't even realistic. =-=
Come on, lions do NOT have any marking at all, females don't have mane, wolves don't have markings nor mane either. Yet you will get accepted in a 'realistic' group when your char has realistic COLOURS.
I hate that fact so much. And of course, there are realistic groups that truly are realistic, and don't allow mane on female lions/wolves, don't allow markings or weird eye colours. But most are 'realistic' when the char has colours that animals could possibly have.(Brown wolf with black stripes on his paws and bright blue eyes? Totally real.)
And about illiterates, well they can be a little annoying at first... But you can always help those people to become better at RPing and all. I admit that I don't accept people who are extremely illiterate tho, but imo most people on FH are literate enough for most groups. Well, for my group. ;p

When I came on FH, I was kind of literate already since I leant RPing on wolfquest. Together with spelling harder English words since you HAD to spell everything right there.
But I never was realistic. I just CAN'T make realistic chars. My main char is a little pink lion with blue mane, srsly. And I hate it that people just always think: "Unrealistic lion, she must be illiterate too."
It just makes me so angry. But the group I have(All species accepting extremely unrealistic group) has so many great LITERATE and UNREALISTIC people in it. I have some people which are a bit more illiterate, but I help them and nobody is bothered by them at all. :3
(I know it is a little bit long ago this topic started, but I just HAD to give my opinion on this. :I)

Discussion Board / Re: Google Translate "Sings"
« on: July 18, 2014, 10:57:26 pm »
When I saw this topic, I found it genius. XD I did not put this song through all languages, but after 4 it already got messed up. XD I translated 'Heartbreak girl' from 5 Seconds of summer. (The lyrics are bad but I love the song. XD)
I used this lyrics:
And here is the result:

You did not call me,
It's like a broken record
They say it hurts, the heart did your
You will get over him.
you cry
I end up with a lie,
Everything you do, "Dementia is just a circle.

The call finally came to an end,
And 'thanks to a friend, "said
We circles again

I want this song
He finds the truth
Prevent damage to a woman's heart.
Direct light is held
I'm here. Note that if Yu
This can save a woman's heart?

I bite my tongue, but I know
Now you can stay with me
But we will ask you to stop what you say
But it's not finished yet, so do not be sad
He was honest and would not be without you and spoils you are good and bad.

When the call finally ends
"I'll call you tomorrow 10", the
Again and again we are caught in the friend zone,


What I say
Then at the end of the day you can be adhered to the password prompt
Sometimes so close to the confession you are,
And it's in your head
You belong to me, instead of

[Chorus 2x]

I really don't know how it ended up so freaking messed up. :I

Finished Maps / Re: Birch Lake Campsite
« on: July 09, 2014, 07:19:47 pm »
This map looks wonderful. The whole camping theme is a great idea, and it worked out wonderfully. And like many others said, great map for RPs. ;3

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