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Messages - elektricroze

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Other Mods/Creations / Re: Background Music
« on: December 29, 2012, 03:58:50 pm »
Ooo foofy does it? I found some of the music here before, so I though I post it here. I just can't find the person who did them.

Other Mods/Creations / Background Music
« on: December 29, 2012, 03:50:31 pm »
Does anyone have background music? I changed it a few time's but I am getting a little bored with it. Music that change's with each place I got too please. Thank you~

Other Mods/Creations / Re: FeralHeart+ : Preview
« on: December 29, 2012, 03:45:13 pm »
<Runs around in a small box called Feral Heart> OMG Let me out I want to play in Feral Heart+
Come on already!

Sadly...That is basically true. <Cries for three seconds> But we have a lot of people who are able to create things and make add-ons to keep us temporarily content, till we get bored once more. One day though! Some one will save us from this darkened pit...Though Simba is doing a great job.

Screenshots / Re: Zsofika's Photography Week2 (Late)
« on: December 18, 2012, 10:07:10 pm »
Yep, their still going good and still going strong 8)
Keep up the goodz work!
Sorry 'bout you're computer; they can be a real bugger sometimes eh?
...... Unless of course YOU accidently broke it ::)

Thanks I really appreciate your support. I will for sure. Eh yea they can but I work on them so it just happens to be something easy. I got a part for it today finally. Had it to get it by mail. I will be working on my computer tonight, and I will be back in business in no time~ :D
Then it's back to taking those photos. I feel bad though not being on for those days. I hate being late or not available X(

Screenshots / Zsofika's Photography Week2 (Late)
« on: December 18, 2012, 11:24:58 am »
I would like to apologize for being late this week and not having many photos. Why is there not many photos? Because my computer broke...But I will be back soon within the next couple of days and then I will work hard to get more photos this week.

Please don't be tricked by others who are trying to mimic me work or advertise as if they were with me.
The only people who should be advertising are the people in my GROUP any others are NOT with me!

With that being said, here you go~

(Getting some Christmas Spirit in Feral Hearts!)

As some might be aware I have been doing Photography and they go up on the Feralheart Media- Screenshots. I do them Monday, Wendsday, Friday and Saturday. Though these days are still adjusting. I usually do them for two hours if I am not busy. But even though I am on for two hours or more, I can't always get everyone. So I am looking for at least three people!
Here is the rules for applying:

1. You must be available at least 3/4 of these days.
2. Must ask the info to each person; Nametag? Caption? (Nametags can be diabled in options)
3. Take more then one to get the perfect shot.
4. MUST E-mail me the photos and info to be edited. E-mail will be given upon joining.
5. If you are gonna leave to look in different area. Let me know.

On the first day you must be with me the whole time. {Training}
All pictures you take will be credited to you. It just wouldn't be fair to not be known for your amazing work!
You will be given more info upon joining or if asked.
(Colors must be bright; and name can/should be something Photo related with ZP(Must) at the end.
Reservation spots:
1 allynice96

Thank you Picture you soon!

Screenshots / Re: Zsofika's Photography Week1
« on: December 09, 2012, 08:59:18 pm »
I liked the first one too X) Like I said above in the other comment, I had fun doing these. :)
I don't know what days I am gonna do it again for week 2 though.

Screenshots / Re: Zsofika's Photography Week1
« on: December 09, 2012, 06:38:18 pm »
Well it could be anything really, some just want to have their pictures taken, and others want to show off their group. It was just something I wanted to start to do because, I was bored one night. I honestly think I am going to do it again. I had fun doing it.

Signatures? I was thinking about it, but not many people go after them it seems.

Screenshots / Zsofika's Photography Week1
« on: December 09, 2012, 04:24:52 pm »
Hello everyone, I recently did a thread on the Advertisement Board about how I am going to do Photography in Feral Hearts. Well it turned out to be a HUGE success! My goal was to get 10 pictures, I got 13. So here they are!
Reminder: Find me in game, or whisper me if you want to get a picture or you and a friend, or even your group!

Here we go!

Uploaded with

Hope you guys liked them! Look for Photography in FH, or whisper elektricroze if you want a picture! See your picture? Message to get a copy of it!

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: Photography{Update}
« on: December 09, 2012, 01:48:14 pm »
Since Zsofika's Photography took a decent hit last night on Saturday, December 08. The first post of the pictures will be near end of Saturday or beginning of Monday.
These will be posted on the Screenshot Forums!
Stay tuned to see yourself or your friends!

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